From the Washington Post:
But now comes Planck, a European satellite, with its own dust map. The paper, signed by a very long list of authors, was submitted over the weekend to the physics pre-print site.
It is not good news for the BICEP2 team.
The Planck satellite has detected galactic dust, or more precisely the effects of galactic dust, at levels that could potentially explain away the entirety of the alleged cosmological signal reported by BICEP2 scientists at their big March 17 news conference at Harvard. More.
A couple of BICEP2 facts to keep out of the memory hole:
1. In Nature, it was claimed to strengthen the case for a multiverse.
2. Physicist Rob Sheldon, often featured here, identified quickly that the effect was probably created by dust.
If nothing else, this episode shows how much some need to believe we live in a multiverse.
To understand why, see: Big Bang exterminator wanted, will train
Copernicus, you are not going to believe who is using your name. Or how.
The multiverse: Where everything turns out to be true, except philosophy and religion
In search of a road to reality
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