It is the common, uninformed and apparently biased expression of many anti-ID advocates that “science” makes all sorts of discoveries and advances, while Intelligent Design makes none. This is claimed as if science and ID are two entirely different things.
Although not under the specific label of “Intelligent Design”, the inventors of modern science believed in an orderly universe created for a purpose by an intelligent, rational creator. Science is a methodology that relies upon several metaphysical assumptions that reflect the views of those who created it, even though the are unspoken, unrecognized by many, and often even denied. Johann Kepler considered the scientific process the act of “thinking God’s thoughts after him” by uncovering both the systems of the physical universe and the apparent non-physical rules that governed those systems (mathematics, natural laws, universal constants, etc.)
It is puzzling that now many scientists insist that science is a materialistic, atheistic endeavor, and that it always has been, when it has only been the case for the past 50 years or so that an atheistic/materialist perspective has become vogue in the scientific community (at least in the west). They insist that the old giants of science like Newton and Kepler kept their religious beliefs separate from their scientific studies, when nothing could be further from the truth. Their religious beliefs infused and motivated their scientific studies. Indeed, fundamentally religious or spiritual metaphysical beliefs are required for doing proper scientific research; one must fundamentally hold that the universe is orderly as if that order was under the direction of a single will and not multiple competing wills, chaos or chance; that unseen laws govern physical behaviors universally; that force values are constant through time and space; that humans have some sort of correlating capacity to correctly observe and understand that order and those values; that truth exists and can be catalogued and understood (as facts); that humans have some sort of top down power of the physiology of their bodies and chemical makeup of their brain in order to supplant erroneous ideas of the physical world with ones corrected via observation and experiment; that logic and mathematics are metaphysical arbiters of true and false conclusions and calculations, etc.
None of that fundamental framework for science can be rationally extracted from an atheistic/materialist ideological foundation, which is why science didn’t start flourishing until ancient Grecian logic was infused with the monotheistic metaphysics of Europe and the Middle East during the Enlightenment. Those basic assumptions that modern, successful (productive) science requires are aspects of a monotheistic, rational Intelligent Design worldview and are indeed precluded by the atheistic/materialist worldview and are largely unproductive under the polytheistic and animistic views of the East. Not only can you not get from atheism/materialism to a successful scientific methodology via any rational avenue; that worldview doesn’t even allow for such a methodology because science requires assumptions that contradict the A/M perspective and its logical entailments.
That doesn’t mean that A/M scientists cannot do science, but they must do so using methodologies that logically require ID assumptions in order to be held as even potentially valid. They might be unaware of this or deny it, but the historical and logical fact remains that scientific methodology as we know it today was entirely built by IDists and operates under the assumption that the ID perspective is true and that A/M is false, and that every scientific theory and experiment is generated by the intelligent design of humans who consider ID to be both valid and the proper means by which to understand the universe.
Think of it; unless ID is actually a real thing that is fundamentally different from chance interactions under physics and chemistry; unless we have supernatural power over our brain physiology that generates thoughts, unless we agree that ID is fundamentally valid and somehow corresponds with the reality of the universe, why would we assume that our intelligently-designed experiments and rationally-examined methodology towards conclusions could produce anything other than happenstance, chemically-driven interactions in our brain along with whatever sensations of thought they happen to produce? Why should we consider mathematics and logic, which undergird the validity of scientific theories and discoveries, to be anything other than chance fluctuations in brain chemistry that may vary from time to time, and may or may not have anything at all to do with the real world?
Science is, and always has been, the methodology of intelligent design examining what is presumed to be designed by intelligence for intelligent comprehension. Atheistic materialism has no valid scientific methodology because its premises don’t allow for such correspondences and capacities.
EDITED TO ADD: TL;DR: Atheistic materialists ask, “What has ID produced?” The response should be: “What hasn’t it produced?” Humans employing intelligent design, operating via ID principles through a methodology that was invented by IDists and operates entirely via ID assumptions, and produces what can only be verified and evaluated via ID mechanisms and logic which assumes an ID core, have generated virtually everything beyond the brute capacity to simply exist as animals. The proper question is, what has atheistic materialism produced? Virtually nothing other than an irrational, self-defeating, nihilistic delusion.