Cvan information really be destroyed? Some odd finds in physics give rise to a memory principle:
The memory principle might even solve the black-hole information paradox that Hawking discovered in the 1970s. In the usual analysis, black holes are pathologically forgetful. The only record they keep of the matter that falls in is its mass, spin, and electric charge. Over time, black holes gradually slough off particles—in the form of Hawking radiation—eventually shrinking away completely. The finer details of their swallowed contents are lost and presumed destroyed. The paradox arises because such thorough amnesia is not ever supposed to happen in physics. But in 2016, working with Hawking and Cambridge theorist Malcolm Perry, Strominger suggested that the vacuum of general relativity may provide a memory matrix that preserves this information in the universe, beyond the black hole’s demise. A black hole forms in an empty region of spacetime; after it evaporates, that region is empty once more. But it is a different empty.George Nusser, “How the Universe Remembers Information” at Nautilus
Not really being able to integrate information with matter and energy surely means it is hard to say whether information could really be destroyed.
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See also: What does “nothing” mean in physics? (Hugh Ross)
Paul Davies: Incorporating information into science as a physical quantity