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Timaeus and Nullasalus on Falk


Sometimes our commenters’ excellent insights need their own OP.  This is one of those times.  In the thread to the “naked, normal Darwinism” post Timaeus writes this regarding BioLogos’ Darrel Falk’s response to Bill Dembski’s BioLogos post:

Falk concluded his column with the words:

“Darwin’s views on teleology, human exceptionalism, and miracles were not compatible with Christianity. Quite simply, this is why I do not consider my views to be Darwinian and why I am not a Darwinist.”

What Falk is trying to do here — and what all TEs try to do — is to divide Darwinian evolution into a scientific part and a philosophical part, and call the philosophical part “Darwinism.” The standard TE move is then to say that random mutation plus natural selection is “good science” whereas the personal philosophical predilections of Darwin are “bad philosophy.” So neo-Darwinian biology — the biology which Falk and Venema absorbed at their alma mater’s breast — remains entirely valid, while the evil “Darwinism” is repudiated as a non-Christian philosophy.

This position would be valid if, as most TEs suppose (but entirely in contradiction with the facts), the philosophy of “Darwinism” were an arbitrary personal addition made by Darwin after his constructive scientific research was done. But in fact, what Falk is calling “Darwinism” is not some optional add-on to the “scientific theory, but a set of assumptions which is essential to making even the narrowly “scientific” part of the theory work.

The denial of teleology is central to the whole theory; it’s tied up with Darwin’s very notion of “science” itself. He makes that clear in his thematic discussions of the nature of “science” in the *Origin*, in his letter to Asa Gray, and elsewhere. The only teleology Darwin can allow is a set of intelligently-planned general laws of the universe, e.g., gravity, set out by God, which facilitate or make possible the existence of life; but the march of life itself, for Darwin, is a series of contingencies — accidents — in which variation and selection improvise their dance, a dance which has no compulsory steps, and no structure, and which never finishes. Nothing in life is “for” any purpose or end; everything occurs as an accidental deviation from the genetic average, or as an opportunistic use of that deviation in the competition for survival (a competition which itself is based on no evolutionary teleology, but just a blind, mechanical rush to feed and reproduce oneself).

So Darwinian science — just the science part — is not, as Falk erroneously supposes, neutral on teleology. The lack of teleology is the motor of the whole theory. That Falk (along with most TEs) cannot understand this just further confers my long-held opinion that people with Ph.D.s in science, though clever in their fields, are not necessarily good thinkers overall, since they cannot reason out the implications of the theories they work with every day. Scientists need more philosophy in their training.

On human exceptionalism: the lack of human exceptionalism is not simply a private sentiment tossed out by Darwin after his scientific work on man was done; it is at the heart of the argument of *The Descent of Man*. The premise is that even the “highest” things (ethics, spirituality, art, etc.) can be derived by tiny degrees from the “lowest” things, and all the modern rubbish about evolutionary ethics, evolutionary origins of religion, etc., which fills modern journals and books, is simply the detailed outworking of Darwin’s fundamental premises, as given in *The Origin of Species* and extended in *The Descent of Man*. If you accept that the instincts of the beaver and the bee can be explained mechanistically and non-teleologically, you can accept that man’s highest and noblest characteristics arose in the same way. There is no need to suppose any magic moment at which God added his “image” or a human “soul” to some hominid; the hominid will already be fully human, without any special blessing or gift of God, simply by the action of Darwinian mechanisms.

As for miracles, though in theory Falk and his gang admit that there may have been supernatural actions in the creation of life and species and man, in practice they pooh-pooh the idea, and search diligently for wholly naturalistic explanations. In other words, in practice, they do exactly what Darwin did, and what Darwin demanded that all natural scientists do. Regarding the Biblical miracles, the case is different; Darwin *did* reject Biblical miracles, whereas Falk does not. But Biblical miracles, as Falk points out, postdate the origin of life, species, and man. So the difference between Darwin and Falk on Biblical miracles has zero cash value in the way that science is done. It’s a difference which makes no difference. Falk may think Jesus walked on water, and Darwin may have denied it; but they both have exactly the same naturalistic account of how man got here.

Thus, Falk’s denial of “Darwinism” is worthless. Falk accepts neo-Darwinian science, which is basically Darwin’s science with the errors purged and the insights of Mendel and population genetics added. He believes that mutations that have no goal, and are not in any way planned or engineered with a specific outcome in mind, are capable of producing new, well-orchestrated body plans. He believes that man was created in that way. And when asked — repeatedly — by people on BioLogos — including TEs like Jon Garvey — to state whether God exercised any governance over the evolutionary process, he has ducked the question, as has his biological colleague, Dennis Venema.

If Falk *really* differed from Darwin regarding origins, he would not duck the question. He would say: “Yes, I believe that God exercised his divine governance of nature (not merely his divine sustinence of nature, but his divine governance) in order to keep the evolutionary process on track and make sure that man and all the other desired outcomes were in fact produced.” But you will never hear Falk say that. And the reason you will never hear Falk say that is that he accepts not just the “science” of Darwinism but the philosophy as well. He accepts the anti-teleology which lies as the very heart of the “purely scientific” part of the theory. He does not, of course, fully realize that in accepting the “science” part he is accepting the “philosophy” part. He is not well enough trained in philosophical thinking to see the connection. He has spent his life in the Church and in the lab, not in the library reading Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant, etc. But he has absorbed unconsciously the anti-teleological philosophy which makes Darwinian evolution work. He is thus a “Darwinian” in the philosophical as well as the scientific sense.

He is not a “Darwinian” regarding his personal opinions about the Bible and Christian faith. But those opinions are irrelevant. All that Darwin needs, in order to persuade biologists to adopt an unwittingly un-Christian position, is to convince them that there is no teleology in nature, that randomness, drift, natural selection and other such undirected processes can produce miracles of organization. Once that belief is adopted, one is a Darwinian, no matter how loudly one swears that Jesus rose from the dead or that God answers prayer. Falk is a Darwinian. He is just unwilling to look seriously at the connection between the “purely scientific” claims of Darwinism and their philosophical underpinnings.

Nullasalus writes in response to StephenB’s comment:

As someone who has pounded on Falk and Biologos in the past, I’d urge a little more caution here.

I mean, if Falk is saying – and I haven’t read his whole piece yet – that he rejects Darwinism and believes that humanity’s arrival was intended and preordained even if by an evolutionary process, saying what amounts to “Well this is absurd, because Falk is a Darwinist and he rejects all teleology” just won’t fly.

At that point, you need to start pulling quotes of Falk either saying this or strongly implying it.

Timaeus responds to Nullasalus:

Good point. If Falk is willing to say that humanity’s arrival was preordained *and* that God took all necessary steps to make sure that the evolutionary process attained that preordained goal, then it would be wrong to argue that Falk is philosophically Darwinian.

Yet every time Falk is given an opportunity to clarify his position on whether God *did* anything to make sure that man actually arrived on the scene, he resorts to equivocation, obscurity, waffling, etc. Why does he do this?

The most natural explanation is that his loyalties are split down the middle. What he learned from Ayala etc. as a biologist teaches him that mutations and selection have no ends in mind, and that the evolutionary process is not directed toward anything. What he believes as a Christian is that man was meant to be here. His problem is that most human beings — those who are not BioLogos-TEs — are unwilling to think and live schizophrenically on questions of such importance. They want to know how something can be true in science (there was no plan in evolution) and false in theology (evolution produced the results God intended). So they ask Falk and his friends for clarification. And in return they get weasel words.

It’s really hard for me to feel sorry for Falk for the heat he is taking on this. He has invited it. All he has to say, to turn off the heat, is that he believes that God guided/steered evolution, or front-loaded/preprogrammed it, and he’s off the hook. But he won’t say anything like that. And I think it’s his loyalty to his school-days neo-Darwinism that prevents him from saying that. He doesn’t want to break ranks with the secular scientists he is trying to impress. He wants to keep their good-will. And to do that, he has to affirm an uncompromised anti-teleological naturalism in origins.

That’s my inference. It may be false. I don’t insist on it. But Falk could easily blow my inference away by openly stating what he thinks about the relationship between the evolutionary process and the divine plan. The ball’s really in his court. If he chooses not to swing his racket as the ball bounces past him, he loses the point. Those are the rules of the game.

Thank you for answering directly with YES to two of the questions above. "Of course, what I believe personally is irrelevant; the issue here is whether Darrel Falk’s account of biological origins is consistent with the view of divine governance given in traditional Christian theology." - Timaeus As a dialogue partner, what you personally believe *is* relevant - you are engaged in the conversation. Falk writes very little about 'biological origins' - this is the chosen topic of 'intelligent design' science/philosophy/theology. Forcing Falk to discuss your terms and pass judgments on them for you is bad style. Falk can't 'scientifically' prove how evolution/intelligent design is guided/governed and he isn't attempting to do so; that is IDs goal, plan, hypothesis. "my understanding of Creation would pass muster with any of the great mainstream Christian traditions. That’s more than can be said of the views of a good number of famous TEs." - Timaeus As far as I understood from previous conversations, Timaeus, you do not believe in a real, historical Adam and Eve, which is what BioLogos was initially promoting (though it seems they've backed away from this focus), also similar to some TEs/ECs(e.g. Lamoureux and Venema) and imo, this is not 'orthodox' "in historical Christian theology." I raised this issue once when you were away; people expressed their suprise and curiosity to hear your answer. Will you give your position on real, historical A&E? 'Darwinian' (evolution) = (a paradigm of) natural science, 'Darwinism' = ideology (stretching beyond the boundaries of natural science). Muddying the waters, as Timaues does by confusing and/or conflating them, is not improving communicative competence on this thread. "if you’re going to claim Falk really is a Darwinist and evolution is without purpose, you can’t just say as much when he says otherwise." - nullasalus Thanks for your groggy justice-seeking; on this point we are agreed. 'Christian Darwinist' is a pitiful attack term; so is MN.Gregory
May 8, 2012
10:54 PM
In answer to the questions posed to me above: "Does Timaeus himself actually believe that "humanity's arrival was preordained" YES. "*and* that God took all necessary steps to make sure that the evolutionary process attained that preordained goal"?" YES. But to be more theologically cautious, I would replace "the evolutionary process" with "the evolutionary process (or whatever other creative process might have been employed)," so as not to dictate to God what mode of creation he was required to use. Of course, what I believe personally is irrelevant; the issue here is whether Darrel Falk's account of biological origins is consistent with the view of divine governance given in traditional Christian theology. I could be the biggest heretic in the world, and that wouldn't make Darrel Falk any more orthodox. But as it turns out, my understanding of Creation would pass muster with any of the great mainstream Christian traditions. That's more than can be said of the views of a good number of famous TEs.Timaeus
May 8, 2012
08:49 PM
Neil, I have never seen that given as the definition of MN. Do you have a reference? I have to write a followup post, but frankly, I think the last time I tried to get a definition of MN from one of its own advocates was pretty telling. You get as far as 'science should be restricted to natural causes'. And when any inference to design is lodged, one of the first objections out of the gate is 'you're appealing to the supernatural - invalid'. If you try to ask what a natural cause is, you're basically told "that which isn't supernatural'. If you ask what a supernatural cause is, you're told "ones that aren't natural of course". And if you press further, people bolt.nullasalus
May 8, 2012
08:30 PM
---Neil: "I have never seen that given as the definition of MN. Do you have a reference?" It's not a definition; it is the consequence of a definition. Methodological naturalism, defined, is an arbitrary rule which dictates that the scientist must study nature as if nature is all there is [Robert Pennock, Eugenie Scott, Paul Kurtz etc]. From there, it follows that any evidence that could be interpreted as coming from somewhere other than nature, such as the plans of an intelligent designer, must be disallowed in principle.StephenB
May 8, 2012
07:54 PM
StephenB: Neil, If evolutionary biologists were neutral on the existence of a design or plan, they would not have invented their arbitrary rule of “methodological naturalism, which declares that all evidence that might point to desin is inadmissible.
I have never seen that given as the definition of MN. Do you have a reference?Neil Rickert
May 8, 2012
06:18 PM
--nallasuls: "So if you’re going to claim Falk really is a Darwinist and evolution is without purpose, you can’t just say as much when he says otherwise. You have to pull quotes from him in the past saying this. At least, for the benefit of anyone who isn’t familiar with his past, you have to do this to bolster your claim." In a way, I am exactly wrong and exactly right at the same time. Everything depends on which element of Falk one wants to take seriously. So, rather than chase after the wind, I can perhaps approach the subject in a more oblique way. In his book, "Coming To Peace With Science" (I have only read excerpts) Falk tells us that "God creates by continually intervening in nature," secretly, and in a way that is undetectable. That would be consistent with the idea that the Darwinian process, which is by definition, purposeless, only appears to be that way. Yet Falk also says (in other places) that God designed the universe with "the freedom to make itself. Which is it? Does God tinker endlessly with the process or does he wind it up and then leave his hands off. Surely, you can appreciate the intellectual schizophrenia involved in trying to reconcile these two approaches. But wait, the fun is just beginning. Falk also tells us, in the same book I alluded to, that "science is the only authority on origins." At the same time, as we have already indicated, God is supposed to have designed the universe in such a way that science cannot uncover its secrets because they are, in fact, hidden. Remember, the Christian approach to science is that God sustains (keeps into existence) his rational laws so that we can understand and investigate them in a rational way. Following Romans 1:20, Psalm 19 etc), God speaks through nature and his language is comprehensible. In order to save Darwin's theory, and to keep God involved, Falk is willing to discard the rational standards for science and reduce them to a futile exercise, even while declaring that it is the only standard by which we can draw conclusions about origins. With his scenario of God's continuous supernatural intervention, you can forget about any rational understanding of the universe and it nature. No wonder Falk never articulates his position on the relationship between evolution and God's intentions. Indeed, he has not "come to peace with science," he has obliterated it by making it hostile to scientific investigation and rational understanding.StephenB
May 8, 2012
05:27 PM
Here are two questions that get to the heart of the matter. Did God know what Adam looked like? Did Adam look as God planned? TE's have a tough time with this.buffalo
May 8, 2012
04:50 PM
---Neil: "When scientists say that mutation is random, they mean only that there is no observable direction. When they say that there is no plan, they mean only that there is no observable plan. Whether there is a hidden underlying creator’s plan is not anything that could be observable by science. Many scientists, self included, will doubt that there is such a hidden plan. But that should be seen as personal opinion that is outside of the science." Neil, If evolutionary biologists were neutral on the existence of a design or plan, they would not have invented their arbitrary rule of "methodological naturalism, which declares that all evidence that might point to desin is inadmissible. For the most part (94%) they are committed to a purposeless, mindless process. On the other hand, they have little regard for the science, since they either ignore or distort all the evidence that invalidates their theory. Random variations + natural selection cannot, as they claim, drive a macro- evolutionary process. Obviously, their ideology trumps the science.StephenB
May 8, 2012
03:48 PM
Hey all. I'm groggy and out of it right now due to some medical stuff, so I'll keep this short right now. I was not, emphatically not, insisting that Falk really does believe that evolution is guided. Just look at my past post/comment history about him and BioLogos both. There's a reason I think Stephen Barr (among others) has been vastly better on this issue than Falk, and Biologos generally. My problem was that in the article that was quoted, Falk said explicitly that he's not a Darwinist, and he denied - say he did it in a weaselly way if you want - that evolution was purposeless and unguided. So if you're going to claim Falk really is a Darwinist and evolution is without purpose, you can't just say as much when he says otherwise. You have to pull quotes from him in the past saying this. At least, for the benefit of anyone who isn't familiar with his past, you have to do this to bolster your claim.nullasalus
May 8, 2012
03:43 PM
Also, you seem to be aware of how nonsensical it is to deny front loading and then claim that God can, nevertheless, get the exact outcome he wants with an accident- producing process–as if what God knows can compensate for what God fails to do.
I'll go one further. It's not that omniscience would fail to make up for a lack of omnipotence. It's that omniscience without omnipotence is incoherent. It's a non-position, not an actual possibility. If God knows what the result is going to be when he does something, and he wants that result and so does it, then the result is front-loaded by definition and not the result of an accident-producing process at all. It could only be an accident-producing process if God didn't know what the result would be when he does something.Deuce
May 8, 2012
03:21 PM
---"Deuce @5, 9, good comments, all. Also, you seem to be aware of how nonsensical it is to deny front loading and then claim that God can, nevertheless, get the exact outcome he wants with an accident- producing process--as if what God knows can compensate for what God fails to do.StephenB
May 8, 2012
02:47 PM
When scientists say that mutation is random, they mean only that there is no observable direction.
Which scientists and which branch of science? Scientists aren't a monolithic entity who all have an agreed upon definition of "random" somewhere. You need to look at context. In the case of, say, quantum mechanics I agree with you. When scientists speak of "randomness" in QM, it's only necessary to take them as meaning that we don't see a direction. In that case, "random" is meant subjectively, not as an ontological claim about events in the universe being undirected by God. But when you're trying to say that mutations involved in the development of lifeforms including humans are random, the subjective definition doesn't make sense. *Of course* we can't see a direction to mutations that happened before we even existed. We weren't even there to see them, so obviously we couldn't see any direction to them. If that's all "random" meant, it would be entirely superfluous, and would explain absolutely nothing. You might try to say that the *results* (ie living things and their various organs) look random, but that's obviously false. Living things *look* purposeful and intended. The whole point of Darwin's theory was to account for *why* things look purposeful and intended without recourse to purpose or intent. To that end, it's imperative that the randomness be objective and ontological. If the mutations were actually intended, then the explanation for the appearance of purpose and intent is... actual purpose and intent. The entire explanatory force of Darwinism, as a historical account of life and its apparent purposefulness, rides on the randomness of the mutations being an objective fact. The salient distinction between this and uses of the word "random" in other areas of science is that in Darwinism, the randomness plays an explanatory role rather than a merely descriptive one like in QM.Deuce
May 8, 2012
02:00 PM
Barry, thank you for that terse, and I believe, accurate summary of the Barr-inspired TE approach. It is, I think, a derivative of Robert Russell's famous notion that evolution is purposeless from a scientific standpoint and purposeful from a Theological standpoint. My response to both positions would be the same: What we do or do not "perceive" to be the case through observation is irrelevant to what can and cannot be as a metaphysical reality. One can play around with (or distort the meaning of) the word "random" all day long, but it will not change anything. Granting evolution for the sake of argument, the process is either end-directed or it is not. A choice must be made between those two. Our perceptions, either formally expressed in science or informally expressed in language are, in that context, irrelevant. To be more precise, out perceptions or scientific inferences are powerless to invalidate the law of non-contradiction, which rules out a third way. Evidence does not inform the rules of right reason; the rules of right reason inform evidence.StephenB
May 8, 2012
02:00 PM
When scientists say that mutation is random, they mean only that there is no observable direction.
No, it means that they do not have a clue.Joe
May 8, 2012
01:34 PM
Falk has said that God created the universe to give it the “freedom” to “make itself.” That is as precise as he will allow himself to be, so that is the one we have to go with. If that statement means anything, it means that, with respect to the end result of evolution, and in keeping with a Darwinian account, God is allowing randomness to call the shots, that is, the result has NOT been pre-ordained, caused, or intended.
The thing is, the statement *doesn't* mean anything. It could be interpreted to mean just about anything anybody might want to project on to it, which is undoubtedly why Falk said it. You could take it to mean that God front-loaded the universe with very precise ends or laws, such that our existence was inevitable, but left the universe the "freedom" to work out that destiny via secondary causes. It could mean that God is "allowing randomness to call the shots" as you say, and that Falk is calling mindless randomness "freedom". It could mean that God actually made the universe a rational agent with free will and allowed it actual freedom to do what it wanted. Falk doesn't say, because he's being deliberately slippery. He's basically answering the question "Did God ordain humans?" with "Well, he did or he didn't." He's made what appears to be a statement, but is actually content-free blather. Now, I agree with you that Falk's actual position is that randomness calls the shots, and that he was making a statement that could be interpreted that way if you conflate freedom with blind, mechanistic randomness. But, at the same time, he wanted to leave the statement open to other interpretations so that he couldn't be nailed down as saying outright that man is entirely the product of a blind, mechanistic, material process that didn't have him in mind, even though the two statements mean the exact same thing if "freedom" is interpreted to mean randomness or lack of purposeful direction. At least, I *think* that's what he's doing. It's also quite likely that Falk is trying to avoid dealing with difficult issues by confusing *himself* with his equivocations and evasive language, and that he himself is not sure what he means by "freedom" and doesn't want to think about it.
Falk (Giberson, Collins) cannot reasonably say that their indeterminate, accident-producing, Darwinian process is all under “God’s providence” because, as they put it, God “knows” what the results of this random process will be–as if God’s omniscience could compensate for what God’s omnipotence failed to provide, namely, an end-directed process, which is the very opposite of Darwin’s accident producing process.
And omniscience without omnipotence really doesn't make sense anyhow. If God knew that the universe he was going to create would have humans when he created it, and he chose to create that universe instead of any number of other universes he could have possibly created where there wouldn't be humans, then what you have is front-loading, period. There are humans because he chose there to be, because he deliberately acted to make things so that it was inevitable. If the TEs want to make an end-run around omnipotence to shore up Darwin, they need to deny omniscience as well, and say that God *didn't* know that humans would come into existence when he made the universe, but just got lucky.Deuce
May 8, 2012
01:19 PM
The discussion is a bit weird. I see Darwin's comments on teleology as opinion, and not as part of the science. I would take Darwinism as referring only to the science, and not to the opinion (or surrounding philosophy.
If that statement means anything, it means that, with respect to the end result of evolution, and in keeping with a Darwinian account, God is allowing randomness to call the shots, that is, the result has NOT been pre-ordained, caused, or intended.
I don't speak for Falk, but I doubt that he would agree with that. When scientists say that mutation is random, they mean only that there is no observable direction. When they say that there is no plan, they mean only that there is no observable plan. Whether there is a hidden underlying creator's plan is not anything that could be observable by science. Many scientists, self included, will doubt that there is such a hidden plan. But that should be seen as personal opinion that is outside of the science.Neil Rickert
May 8, 2012
01:15 PM
Is this right? Does Timaeus himself actually believe that "humanity’s arrival was preordained *and* that God took all necessary steps to make sure that the evolutionary process attained that preordained goal"? Here all along I thought that Timaeus didn't even believe in a real, historical Adam and Eve! Silly me; please clarify. Is it preordained that Timaues will answer? Falk seems to be more 'orthodox' than Timaeus, from what I've read so far, but of course that has to do only with theology and not with science. Aside from the obvious superfluous nonsense of Timaeus claiming to speak for "what all TEs try to do" - Pope Benedict XVI, Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, Rowan Williams, Katharine Jefferts Schori, et al. of course all included - he seems patently unable to distinguish between ideology and science. Thus, he confuses 'Darwinian' with 'Darwinism.' Check the record seeking truth. It is quite obvious this is so when he says about Falk: "he accepts not just the 'science' of Darwinism but the philosophy as well." News flash to Timaeus and to Darrel: 'Darwinism' is *not* a 'science' it is an ideology. This is not just a 'Marxian' bad-mouth term; it has significant meaning in TE, EC & ID discourse. Perhaps this partly explains why Timaeus also concludes that ID is not a 'science'. He is befuddled by ideology, just as much as Falk is; after all, they were raised in the same general tradition, though Falk is evangelical Christian and Timaeus apparently is not. The same problem with 'Darwinism' nevertheless faces them both. As for "whether God exercised any governance over the evolutionary process," as Timaeus probes, please then tell us about "whether God exercised any governance over the intelligent designing process." 'Design Process' is almost completely off the IDM's radar, while BioLogos is more concerned with processes of natural change-over-time. If Timaeus *really* differed from the IDM regarding processes of 'natural-historical' change, he would not duck the question. Timaeus insights on this latter topic, given the eloquence and rhetoric highlighted already in this thread, ought to help make things even. Talk to us about processes of designing. No reason then would remain to think that he is asking of others what he cannot (scientifically) provide himself.Gregory
May 8, 2012
01:10 PM
Deuce, I totally agree. Bill Dempski made the point that Occam's Razor eliminates the need to resort to God's involvement in a TE's world. It's like saying 2 plus 2 plus X equals 4. So what does X equal? It must be nothing. TE's make atheists' lives easy.Collin
May 8, 2012
01:09 PM
It seems to me, however, that many (most?) TEs believe there is a tertium quid, a third way. Here I am thinking of Stephen Barr, who, in his “Miracle of Evolution,” asserts that what we perceive as a “design-free random process” is really, at a deeper level of existence, directed by God in a way that is empirically undetectable at this level of existence. Another problem with this is, life *doesn't* look like the product of a design-free random process. Darwin's theory is that what appears to be directed and purposeful is really design-free and random. So what Barr is saying ends up translating to something like, "What appears to be the result of purpose and direction is actually the result of a design-free random process, but on a deeper level it's actually not the result of a design-free random process but of purpose and direction." In other words, "What appears to be A is really B. But what appears to be B is really A." It's a nonsense statement. If it can be translated into anything coherent, it's that what appears to be A is really A and not B. But then A is real and B (Darwinism) is not. That's not a 3rd way.Deuce
May 8, 2012
12:08 PM
Theistic evolution = modern gnosticism.Eugene S
May 8, 2012
11:59 AM
StephenB writes: “That means that Falk must choose either a design-friendly end-directed process or a design-free random process. There is no third option.” Of course I agree with you Stephen. It seems to me, however, that many (most?) TEs believe there is a tertium quid, a third way. Here I am thinking of Stephen Barr, who, in his “Miracle of Evolution,” asserts that what we perceive as a “design-free random process” is really, at a deeper level of existence, directed by God in a way that is empirically undetectable at this level of existence. These TEs are essentially saying that when they use the term “random” they mean “apparently random but really directed.” God does in fact play dice with the universe, but fortunately for us he loaded the dice so that they rolled "life," however improbable that might have been (like a thousand 7's in a row with real dice). But God is a really good trickster; his dice loading is so clever that, no matter how minutely you examine the dice, the "fix" cannot be detected. Notice that one cannot rule Barr’s position out on strictly logical grounds. God, being God, can certainly fix the dice in an empirically undetectable way if that is how he wants to accomplish his purposes. Nor, by definition, can one rule Barr’s position out empirically short of finding the proverbial “made by YHWH” inscription. Of course, the problem with the position is that, as you point out, it does great violence to language. “Glory” does not mean a “nice knock down argument” and “random” does not mean “directed.” Of course, you can believe “random” means “directed” if you want to, but you must do so on the basis of blind faith. It seems to me, therefore, that at the end of the day the TEs faith amounts to a gross fideism.Barry Arrington
May 8, 2012
11:31 AM
The standard TE move is then to say that random mutation plus natural selection is “good science” whereas the personal philosophical predilections of Darwin are “bad philosophy.”
RM+NS is good science. It is just very limited and doesn't explain much. A few minor variations here and there; perhaps some specific cases under high selection pressure with huge populations like malaria and sickle cell anemia; those kinds of things.
This position would be valid if, as most TEs suppose (but entirely in contradiction with the facts), the philosophy of “Darwinism” were an arbitrary personal addition made by Darwin after his constructive scientific research was done. But in fact, what Falk is calling “Darwinism” is not some optional add-on to the “scientific theory, but a set of assumptions which is essential to making even the narrowly “scientific” part of the theory work.
This is true if we are talking about "evolution" writ large: abiogenesis, new body plans, organs and integrated features, complex specified information, and so on. Part of the problem comes in defining the word "evolution," which means everything from the obvious and well-supported to the outrageous and wildly-speculative. There are some things in nature that are readily explainable with reference to basic physics, chemistry, random mutations, etc. It is absolutely appropriate to regard such things as not requiring any special input, direction, guidance, design. Evolution writ large, however -- what Philip Johnson called "big evolution, grand evolution" -- is not at all explainable with reference to basic physics, chemistry, random changes, etc. If someone thinks the history of the universe and life must be explainable purely by such mechnanical and mechanistic forces, then, I agree, they are putting their philosophical position before the evidence.Eric Anderson
May 8, 2012
11:19 AM
"I mean, if Falk is saying – and I haven’t read his whole piece yet – that he rejects Darwinism and believes that humanity’s arrival was intended and preordained even if by an evolutionary process, saying what amounts to “Well this is absurd, because Falk is a Darwinist and he rejects all teleology” just won’t fly." Falk has said that God created the universe to give it the "freedom" to "make itself." That is as precise as he will allow himself to be, so that is the one we have to go with. If that statement means anything, it means that, with respect to the end result of evolution, and in keeping with a Darwinian account, God is allowing randomness to call the shots, that is, the result has NOT been pre-ordained, caused, or intended. Only an end-directed process can produce a result that conforms to the Creator's intentions and a Darwinian process is NOT end-directed. That means that Falk must choose either a design-friendly end-directed process or a design-free random process. There is no third option. He chooses to argue on behalf of the latter while using the rhetoric of the former. Like his co-author, Giberson, and his TE colleague, Collins, he wants to "save Darwin" by suggesting that God could "use" a process that doesn't know where it is going by knowing where it will end--without front loading it to end there. (If Homo Sapiens is the result of a front-loaded process, then obviously Darwin has left the building and design is on the table). It will not do to simply introduce the word "teleology" into the discussion and think that will compensate for the non-teleology that is being argued for. Falk (Giberson, Collins) cannot reasonably say that their indeterminate, accident-producing, Darwinian process is all under "God's providence" because, as they put it, God "knows" what the results of this random process will be--as if God's omniscience could compensate for what God's omnipotence failed to provide, namely, an end-directed process, which is the very opposite of Darwin's accident producing process. Bad metaphysics cannot be made good by language manipulation. At this point, I feel no obligation to give Falk the benefit of any doubt unless, of course, someone can convince me that there is something to be doubtful about. I am open, and will respond generously to, any such efforts.StephenB
May 8, 2012
10:26 AM
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