I have an evolutionary theory which proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Darwin was right.
Natural selection created me upright so I could play the piano and sit on a piano bench. One day, while in college, I was playing the piano in a practice room at the university, and my soon-to-be-wife came in to listen to me practicing the piano.
We were both music and foreign language double majors, and had much in common, except that she was a Christian and I was an atheist. (This all worked out in the end, by the way.)
Eventually we produced two wonderful daughters who will pass on our selfish genes.
So, simple logic dictates that Darwinian evolution made me upright so I could play the piano and gave me an interest in classical music, which led to my wife being attracted to me so that we could produce offspring.
Who, in his right mind, could possibly argue with this line of reasoning concerning the creative powers of the Darwinian mechanism, and its role in the evolution of higher life forms?