The attempted refutation of Behe’s work by the Darwinists has been so anemic that even the prominent names in the Darwinist blogsphere are beginning to lament the lackluster performance of their All-Stars against Michael Behe.
For example, Jason Rosenhouse, one of the most brilliant authors at PandasThumb, has decided to break ranks and openly criticize world-renowned Darwinist Jerry Coyne.
In Coyne Lays an Egg, Rosenhouse writes:
[Coyne’s] review of [Behe’s Edge of Evolution] EoE is a terrible piece of work. It’s all snideness and ridicule with very little in the way of good arguments. It really infuriates me when someone like Coyne is given such a terrific platform, several thousand words in a classy magazine like The New Republic, and then writes as if the whole project is beneath him.
Behe will have a good time lambasting Coyne for not reading very carefully.
In contrast, the NCSE is naively promoting Coyne’s terrible review here. Because Coyne’s review is so bad, can we be certain Coyne wasn’t the victim of copying one of the Sokal-type hoaxes which Bill Dembski is offering $200 prizes for? And has world-renowned Darwinist Sean Carroll already fallen prey to such a hoax (well, I not so seriously speculate on the possibility here anyway)?
But let’s not scold Rosenhouse for being too critical of his own Darwinist establishment. Recall Coyne himself has said here:
In science’s pecking order, evolutionary biology lurks somewhere near the bottom, far closer to phrenology than to physics
and here
if truth be told, evolution hasn’t yielded many practical or commercial benefits
and last but not least, when Coyne offered criticism of the evolutionary icon of peppered moths, he lamented here:
My own reaction [to the myth of the peppered moth icon] resembles the dismay attending my discovery, at the age of six, that it was my father and not Santa who brought the presents on Christmas Eve.
With enemies like Coyne, who needs friends?