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L&FP 41: George Barna helps us to understand the worldviews chaos we must address


Barna has issued new survey results that paint a stunning picture of the bellwether United States, as an utterly confused, conflicted nation, with 88 percent defaulting to incongruous worldview components, with the single largest bloc being 39% inclined to “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.” Of course, actual full adherence is at the 1% level. Biblical theism comes first on full adherence, at 6% but that is itself a radical shift of worldviews, probably reflecting the impact of generations of cultural elites hostile to the Gospel and Gospel ethics (most often articulated in terms of its being anti-Science, outdated and intellectually indefensible . . . the standard media and “education” narratives). Such elites have long since sought to overthrow the influence of the Christian Faith on our Civilisation, viewing it as a threat to their imagined ideal future.

Barna tabulates actual adherence:

Also, “leans to”:

We can clearly detect the breakdown of the impact of the Christian faith on the leading nation in our civilisation and the worldviews chaos that stems from it. The predominance of incongruous syncretistic, smorgasbord blends of beliefs shows how deeply conflicted people have become and it is for sure that the ability of such a people to think straight and act soundly is severely compromised. This is the crooked yardstick effect on steroids:

In political thinking, it clearly will lead to vulnerability to cynical, ruthless manipulators, thus to confused policy balances. This opens the door to the new Jacobinism on the rampage, thus the next door — the one to lawless oligarchy:

Doubtless, there are some who would be only too eager to see such happen, as it would open the door to terrible opportunities — and yes, that’s five years ago now:

What is to be done?

First, let us hear the ghost of Isaiah, speaking to hell-bent oligarchic elites c 700 BC, setting out on marches of folly that led to defeat, ruin and exile:

Isa 5:18 Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of falsehood,
    who draw sin as with cart ropes,
19 who say: “Let him be quick,
    let him speed his work
    that we may see it;
let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near,
    and let it come, that we may know it!”

20 Woe to those who call evil good
    and good evil,
who put darkness for light
    and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
    and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
    and shrewd in their own sight!
22 Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine,
    and valiant men in mixing strong drink,
23 who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
    and deprive the innocent of his right!

24 Therefore, as the tongue of fire devours the stubble,
    and as dry grass sinks down in the flame,
so their root will be as rottenness,
    and their blossom go up like dust;
for they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts,
    and have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. [ESV]

Severe but necessary.

A key step in fixing the rot is to learn to think worldviewishly, in a coherent, sound, prudent, responsible fashion.



Also found in: Thesaurus, Wikipedia.


(wûrld′vyo͞o′)n.1. The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.2. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group. In both senses also called Weltanschauung.

[Translation of German Weltanschauung.]American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈvɛltˌɑnˌʃaʊ ʊŋ)

n. German. a comprehensive conception or image of the universe and of humanity’s relation to it. [literally, world-view] Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

To start with, ponder why we frame worldviews pivoting on first plausibles:

A summary of why we end up with foundations for our worldviews, whether or not we would phrase the matter that way}

In the now notorious “turtles” metaphor:

So, the pivotal question is sound worldviews choice, meeting the comparative difficulties challenge: factual adequacy, coherence, balanced explanatory power. Hasker [Metaphysics. IVP, 1983. Ch. 1] summarises how such comparative difficulties testing properly focuses:

  1. Factual adequacy: Does a worldview’s scope of explanations/insights (and predictions) account across time for and comfortably agree with the material “facts”– those that make a difference to our conclusions and decisions?  Are there key gaps, and/or contradictions to such “facts”? Are these claimed “facts” warranted to an appropriate degree? Relative to competing worldviews, are there fewer gaps and/or contradictions to such credible, well-warranted “facts”? But also, sometimes, quite diverse views are empirically equivalent, so “facts” generally under-determine the truth. That means that the two further tests are vital:
  2. Logical Coherence: Do the claims within a worldview (and their implications) support or deny one another?  For, if two such claims/implications contradict, at most one can be true.  (NB: Both may be false, or may refer to empty sets and so are vacuous. If a contradiction is important and cannot be excised without utterly changing the worldview into something else, this issue can be decisive. That is why the problem of evil is so important, and why the question of the evident incoherence of naturalism is also important, as has been ably discussed by Alvin Plantinga.) On the other hand, is the worldview’s key warranting argument merely circular; i.e. is it self-consistent, but at the cost of assuming what should be proved? However, on pain of absurd infinite regress, it is also manifest that the chain of proofs, explanations and evidence has to stop somewhere. So, is the resulting faith-/ presuppositions- point at least comparably credible to that of “live option” alternatives? Now, too, as systems rub up against alternatives and more and more credible facts, they are often “patched,” over and over, to keep them “viable,” i.e. matching facts and avoiding circularity or self-contradiction. But, too often that is at the expense of becoming a patchwork of ad hoc assumptions. Thus, the third test arises:
  3. Explanatory Power — i.e. simplicity vs ad hocness: Credible worldviews UNIFY the facts/entities of reality as we discover them across time, showing how they relate, interact and/or work together; thus, giving us powerful insights, clear vision and solid, sustainable guidelines/principles for thought, decisions and life. [Cf. Prov. 1:1 – 7.] This helps equip us to know, love and live by, wisdom — the ultimate goal of philosophy. In turn, wisdom allows us to understand, predict and influence/shape the world, to the good. To do that unifying task well — as William of Occam argues, in his famous “Razor”: hypotheses should not be multiplied without necessity — worldviews should use a relatively few, plausible but powerful core beliefs that are consistent, tie together the material facts, bring out the dynamics that drive how the world “works,” and give us “handles” by which we can influence the course of events towards the good. Thus, such a worldview should avoid the continual need to patch newly discovered gaps by repeatedly tacking on yet another assumption or assertion. For, if that happens, the resulting view soon becomes an ad hoc patchwork of after-the-fact claims, “justified” by the argument that these additions patch holes in the system. (Ignoring or suppressing such gaps and/or censoring discussion of them is even worse — and, too often resorted to by those whose credibility and interests are invested in a socially powerful but failing system. Cf. Plato’s Parable of the Cave, and also Matt. 6:22.) But equally, Einstein aptly observed that every theory should be as simple as possible — but not simpler than that. That is, there is a difference between being simple (or, “elegant”) and being simplistic: failing to come to grips with the credibly established complexities — and sometimes just plain strangeness and mystery — of the world. So, relative to the live options, is the view more or less elegant or an ad hoc patchwork; or, is it simplistic?

That is where we can begin. Just maybe, it is not already too late. END

PS: I adapt Francis Schaeffer’s “line of Despair” analysis:

Extending (and correcting) Schaeffer’s vision of the course of western thought, worldviews and culture, C1 – 21

U/D Apr 24: An illustration on factors and influences in worldview formation:

Here, we can observe how our perceptions stimulate our thinking, which is also influenced by available knowledge, opinions and views including on key themes tied to core ideas on the world and oneself in it. As we work through our interior lives, we have perceptions, expectations, emotions, focus of attention, reasoning/logic, valuing informed by sense of duty/morals, solution strategies for challenges, discernment, decisions and judgements, actions and influences. As embodied agents in a world and community, we orient ourselves, move, manipulate objects, communicate.

Knowledge and its warrant are key issues, raising questions of reliability, credible truth, degree of certainty, possibility of error, opinion vs soundness and more. Such is a gateway to characteristic themes of philosophy:

  • the nature of knowledge and its credibility [epistemology]
  • the nature of reality — what exists, whence, what is the world, what are we etc [metaphysics embracing ontology, logic of being],
  • the accepted “world story” that uses these elements to build a narrative on how the world came to be or always was, how we came to be in it, how we are where we are now, why we are as we are
  • similarly, where are we headed individually and collectively
  • what death is and signifies
  • what is ultimate or source reality, or does such exist
  • what is duty, what of right and wrong, what of beauty [axiology, ethics and aesthetics]
  • what, then, is valuable and to be prized
  • thus, religions, philosophies, ideologies, mindsets etc and associated “plausibility structures”:

“In sociology and especially the sociological study of religion, plausibility structures are the sociocultural contexts for systems of meaning within which these meanings make sense, or are made plausible. Beliefs and meanings held by individuals and groups are supported by, and embedded in, sociocultural institutions and processes.” [Semantic Scholar, using Wikipedia]

  • what is seemingly or actually sensible, reasonable or logical [logic, plausibility, epistemology, ethics etc]
  • what is knowledge, what is known, why, who or what hold credibility, authority and wisdom, why should we trust such sources [epistemology, logic, language, decision-making, governance, policy, law and justice, politics, ponder Plato’s parables of the Cave and of the Ship of State (cf. Ac 27 as a real-life microcosm)]
  • Hence, we may see the significance of the following progression of equations:





  • what makes for a good and successful life
  • is there direct awareness of knowledge, i.e. intuition
  • is there knowledge communicated from God, revelation
  • etc

These help us to understand how we come to have a worldview. And, of how and why, in Francis Schaeffer’s phrase, “ideas have consequences.”

It is worth adding, that once a certain pattern of worldviews, associated patterns of attitudes, expectations, values, life goals etc is established, this model can help us identify the likely reaction to situations, trends, shocks, messages, communication etc.

So, worldviews mapping as Barna did has highly practical use.

Anyone can have an opinion and believe that opinion in various strengths. The question then becomes for the justification of that opinion as true. For example, 1) I have an opinion that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. Is this true? Justification - It has risen every day in the recorded history of mankind and will likely do so again. The justification is so strong, we call it knowledge. But then 2) I have an opinion that there are intelligent entities in our galaxy. Is this true? Justification - it seems logical we wouldn’t be the only intelligent life in our galaxy. Some may believe this strongly based on emotions while others claim there is zero information of this. The latter are currently correct. So not all opinions have equal justification for belief. Different worldviews have different meanings and each person can hold to different ones. But why do they hold to a certain worldview? One reason is because that is how the world is. It explains how and why we got here. Another is because this interpretation of the world has implications for how best the world can progress (requires a definition of what progress means.) Here we are dealing with opinions far less certain than the appearance of the sun tomorrow morning. But some may have greater justification than the presence of alien intelligences elsewhere in the galaxy or universe. However, all will need justification, not just an emotional attachment to it because it sounds good.jerry
April 23, 2021
11:18 AM
Good quote from John Wilkins via Sev back at 3:
Intellectual schemes are not whole cloth, and you can entertain incompatible ideas, and in fact I think you must, because nobody gets a simple set of coherent ideas handed to them at birth, free of all confounding beliefs. Christians, who have an extensive body of traditional dogma which they like to reassure themselves is true and consistent, like to think also that everybody has something like this. Religions are “rationally reconstructed” as sets of dogma by the Christian tradition (e.g., when doing anthropology by missionary) when in fact there is no dogma at all, just stories, rituals, and ways of life.
The traditional Western religious tradition places a lot of emphasis on the abstract reality of concepts expressed in words, but other worldviews less so. A common fault in worldview analysis is judging others' worldviews as inferior because they don't meet the standards of your own worldview. FWIW, Wilkins is well respected in one of the online worlds I hang out in. And P.S., I have studied religion from an anthropological point-of-view off-and-on for many years, so I know some about what Wilkins is referring to about the ways in which early Christian missionaries misinterpreted the nature of native religions, and thus created a clash of worldviews beyond what they anticipated or understood.Viola Lee
April 23, 2021
10:39 AM
PS: A useful worldviews comparison chart, here. It's not comprehensive and is rather broad brush but it makes for food for thought. As to relevance, kindly consider the following progression of equations: 1 WORLDVIEW + POLICY/CULTURAL AGENDA = IDEOLOGY 2 IDEOLOGY + POWER/STRONG INFLUENCE = REGIME 3 REGIME (AKA, BALANCE OF POWER-FACTIONS) + DECISION-MAKING INFLUENCES = BUSINESS AS USUAL (BAU) 4 BAU + INSISTENT VOYAGE OF SINFUL FOLLY = SHIPWRECK Ac 27 is of course a case study in microcosm The USA is manifestly in transition to stage 4.kairosfocus
April 23, 2021
06:15 AM
Whatever worldview in the US that existed previously was due to two things, a nearly 100% acceptance of the Christian based morality and a knowledge that things were worse everywhere else and the US system was better than anywhere else. This led to a constant attempt to improve it even more as things got better and better and an unshakable loyalty to the US. The problem today is that 90+ percent of the people in the middle class on up in the US don’t think religion is necessary for anything and aren’t really aware of why things are so good. Nothing bad is going to happen to them. The stock market is astronomical. Technological wonders are everywhere. Poverty has essentially disappeared for nearly everyone. But a concerted minority wants to change this quasi utopian world to a supposed even better one. But most are oblivious to these proposed changes. Their world is great. America is incredibly rich and that hasn’t changed in the 3 months since Biden has been elected. So they are unaware of the potential outcomes of the changes being proposed., if in fact anything will really change. But the basic human being hasn’t changed. Ibn Khaldun wrote about this over 700 years ago. He was one of the smartest persons to ever live. He described what he called Asabiyyah or
social cohesion, concept of social solidarity with an emphasis on unity, group consciousness, and a sense of shared purpose and social cohesion, originally used in the context of tribalism and clanism. Asabiyya is neither necessarily nomadic nor based on blood relations; rather, it resembles a philosophy of classical republicanism. In the modern period, it is generally analogous to solidarity. However, it is often negatively associated because it can sometimes suggest nationalism or partisanship, i.e., loyalty to one's group regardless of circumstances. The concept was familiar in the pre-Islamic era, but became popularized in Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah, in which it is described as the fundamental bond of human society and the basic motive force of history, pure only in its nomadic form. Ibn Khaldun argued that asabiyya is cyclical and directly related to the rise and fall of civilizations: it is strongest at the start of a civilization, declines as the civilization advances, and then another more compelling asabiyyah eventually takes its place to help establish a different civilization.
Sound familiar. We are in a period of little solidarity and social decline is usually the consequence as Khaldun observed so long ago. Until that actual decline happens little if anything will move the majority. Hopefully, it will not be too late. But in the meantime so called more compelling worldviews are being proposed and being accepted by the elites without examination. For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DH4v6FnbvMjerry
April 23, 2021
05:44 AM
F/N: Since there seems to be a vocabulary fight gambit here at UD, let me toss in a second key term again using Wiki testifying against general ideological bent:
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, between substance and attribute, and between potentiality and actuality.[1] The word "metaphysics" comes from two Greek words that, together, literally mean "after or behind or among [the study of] the natural". It has been suggested that the term might have been coined by a first century CE editor who assembled various small selections of Aristotle’s works into the treatise we now know by the name Metaphysics (???? ?? ??????, meta ta physika, lit. 'after the Physics?', another of Aristotle's works).[2] Metaphysics studies questions related to what it is for something to exist and what types of existence there are. Metaphysics seeks to answer, in an abstract and fully general manner, the questions:[3] What is there? What is it like? Topics of metaphysical investigation include existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility. Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with epistemology, logic, and ethics [--> I would broaden, as axiology embracing ethics and aesthetics, would add political philosophy and would point to phil of domains, phil of-X as extending phil to cover fields of interest].[4]
Thus, we can see why I have suggested that a good definition of metaphysics is the critical study of worldviews. KFkairosfocus
April 23, 2021
05:31 AM
PS: The same Wiki article has a somewhat useful framing of key considerations common for worldviews:
While Leo Apostel and his followers clearly hold that individuals can construct worldviews, other writers regard worldviews as operating at a community level, or in an unconscious way. For instance, if one's worldview is fixed by one's language, as according to a strong version of the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, one would have to learn or invent a new language in order to construct a new worldview. According to Apostel,[33] a worldview is an ontology, or a descriptive model of the world. It should comprise these six elements: An explanation of the world A futurology, answering the question "Where are we heading?" Values, answers to ethical questions: "What should we do?" A praxeology, or methodology, or theory of action: "How should we attain our goals?" An epistemology, or theory of knowledge: "What is true and false?" An etiology. A constructed world-view should contain an account of its own "building blocks", its origins and construction.
Cross that with comparative difficulties considerations and you will see a lot.kairosfocus
April 23, 2021
04:54 AM
Seversky, i will take up the strawman caricature laced hatchet job you cited later. I just note that evolutionary materialistic scientism -- promoted as Science -- is indeed a worldview and a fundamentally incoherent one. As placeholder, Wiki:
A worldview or world-view is the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the whole of the individual's or society's knowledge and point of view.[1][2][3][4] A worldview can include natural philosophy; fundamental, existential, and normative postulates; or themes, values, emotions, and ethics.[5] Worldviews are often taken to operate at a conscious level, directly accessible to articulation and discussion, as opposed to existing at a deeper, pre-conscious level, such as the idea of "ground" in Gestalt psychology and media analysis . . . . The term worldview is a calque of the German word Weltanschauung [?v?lt?an??a?.??] (About this soundlisten), composed of Welt ('world') and Anschauung ('perception' or 'view').[6] The German word is also used in English. It is a concept fundamental to German philosophy, especially epistemology and refers to a wide world perception. Additionally, it refers to the framework of ideas and beliefs forming a global description through which an individual, group or culture watches and interprets the world and interacts with it . . . . There are a number of main classes of worldviews that group similar types of worldviews together. These relate to various aspects of society and individuals' relationships with the world. Note that these distinctions are not always unequivocal: a religion may include economic aspects, a school of philosophy may embody a particular attitude, etc. Attitudinal See also: Attitude (psychology) An attitude is an approach to life, a disposition towards certain types of thinking, a way of viewing the world.[7] The attitudinal worldview is typically what tends to govern an individual's approach, understanding, thinking, and feelings about something. For instance, people with an optimistic worldview will tend to approach things with a positive attitude, and assume the best.[8] In a metaphor referring to a thirsty person looking at half a glass of water, the attitude is elicited by asking "Is the glass half empty or half full?". Ideological See also: Ideology Ideologies are sets of beliefs and values that a person or group has for normative reasons,[9] the term is especially used to describe systems of ideas and ideals which form the basis of economic or political theories and resultant policies.[10][11] An ideological worldview arises out of these political and economic beliefs about the world. So capitalists believe that a system that emphasizes private ownership, competition, and the pursuit of profit ends up with the best outcomes. Philosophical See also: Philosophy and List of philosophies A school of philosophy is a collection of answers to fundamental questions of the universe, based around common concepts, normally grounded in reason, and often arising from the teachings of an influential thinker.[12][13] The term "philosophy" originates with the Greek, but all world civilizations have been found to have philosophical worldviews within them.[14] A modern example is postmodernists who argue against the grand narratives of earlier schools in favor of pluralism, and epistemological and moral relativism.[15] Religious See also: Religion Some religious symbols in clock-wise order from top: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá?í Faith, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Slavic neopaganism, Celtic polytheism, Heathenism (Germanic paganism), Semitic neopaganism, Wicca, Kemetism (Egyptian paganism), Hellenism (Greek paganism), Italo-Roman neopaganism. A religion is a system of behaviors and practices, that relate to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements,[16] but the precise definition is debated.[17][18] A religious worldview is one grounded in a religion, either an organized religion or something less codified. So followers of an Abrahamic religion (e.g. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.) [--> neologism], will tend to have a set of beliefs and practices from their scriptures that they believe is given to their prophets from God, and their interpretation of those scriptures will define their worldview.
That's a start-point. KFkairosfocus
April 23, 2021
04:46 AM
MNY: In Heb, there is a key comment on "those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil." Prudence is a lifelong virtuous habit and capability built up cumulatively, first of the cardinal virtues. It shows itself in the ability to discern and act consistently to the good. KFkairosfocus
April 23, 2021
04:12 AM
More of your do gooddery Kairosfocus. You realize that it is a matter of judgment whether you are prudent, responsible etc. don't you? No matter how many times you say it, it is still a matter of chosen judgement whether you are responsible etc. And I can name loads of activities where prudence and the like is a hindrance, rather than a benefit, like salsa dancing. The main thing is the freedom of speech, not the responsible speech. And intellectually the freedom of speech is supported by establishing the concept of personal opinion, as distinct from the concept of fact. The entire concept of personal opinion is undermined by evolution theory, atheism, materialism, scientism, naturalism. Only creationism supports the concept of personal opinion. 1. Creator / chooses / spiritual / subjective / opinion 2. Creation / chosen / material / objective / fact And intelligent design is obviously a subset of creationism, and not the other way round. So my complaint to you is that with your do gooddery you undermine the idea of constitutional free speech, and undermine creationism. Ofcourse, it is not sufficient to just learn the creationist conceptual scheme in order to be a moral person. One also needs a comprehensive bona fide religion to go with it. Which is where your do gooddery becomes useful. But the creationist conceptual scheme provides the constitution in the mind for that bona fide religion to be accommodated. I can see the modern muslims on facebook asserting that emotions can be measured in the brain. Just by flipping emotions from the subjective category to the objective category, they make their Islam largely meaningless. That is where the main issue is, and not with endless do gooddery of being responsible, prudent, etc.mohammadnursyamsu
April 23, 2021
03:33 AM
Vivid, you have a point and for sure, the geostrategic sharks smell blood in the water. I have a slightly more positive take, using the yardstick of the US Pacific phase of WW2, I think you took a Pearl Harbour strike and follow up running the board by Kido Butai. But KB, inherently, was a brittle raiding force, lacking long term slogging power and ability to take severe attrition and recover in good time. As a comparison, I think you are now entering a sort of blended Midway-Guadalcanal phase. The colour revolutionists are beginning to face stand up, gruelling, battle of attrition fights brought by people willing to take heavy casualties and to expend resources like water. They made the error of poking and wounding a bear. A bear that is now increasingly enraged and willing to stand and slog it out. Unfortunately, that local fight dangerously distracts and marginalises the US on the geostrategic board. I expect a blue ocean breakout attempt by China as I pointed to five years ago. Iran and its cats paws are still trying to rebuild their version of a Persian Empire, under radical islamist leadership. That means, over the next year heading into the 2022 mid term elections cycle, a terrible, dirty, bloody slogging match in the US, with heightened kinetic aspects. Frank is only the first new media platform and on opening this week, it seems to have hit 130 mn visitors in a day or two, with a billion plus page view attempts. I think, that's after filtering out of a targetted denial of service attack at moment of launch, with help from Cloudflare. Such an attack says, heavy flak, over the target. I don't like aspects of what was done, but the surge of interest speaks for itself, people are seriously unhappy and are angry with the elites trying to domineer over and manipulate them. The challenge is going to be, to avoid falling into the clutches of another would be political messiah. The other side is, the folly of the past several years, just bought you a ticket to World War 4. (WW3 was the previous cold war.) All of us will pay the price for that. KFkairosfocus
April 23, 2021
02:02 AM
KF “PS: Things ARE pretty bad with the US. You are in the process of addressing a Culture form marxist, black themed colour revolution complete with red guards running riot that clearly manipulated an election as part of an escalating 4th generation, so far fairly low kinetic civil war, in turn a theatre of operations in a global 4th gen war now threatening to go hot at either end of Asia. A missile attack on Dimona coming from Syria is a huge red flag, as is the push of China against Taiwan and the Philippines. A confused state of mind for the public reflected in an incongruous collage form worldviews pattern, is not a mindset conducive to sound geostrategic choice.” I think the outbreak of the super lethal killer virus known as Critical Race Theory has infected the US to such an extent that there is no coming back for America. The tide is rolling out and must obey the forces of nature, no stopping it now. We are a weak silly people with weak political leadership. China looks at the US and what does it see? It sees that while we are arguing over allowing a man who thinks he is a woman going into a woman’s locker room with woman that are woman !l while we are dealing with the big stuff like locker rooms.they are planning and working everyday to bury us Economically. How stupid does one have to be to not know that there we are either XX or XY. Do you think China Russia and Iran think because our political appointees were selected by their sex, race, sexual proclivities, those with the right pronouns to coincide with the infinite number of genders, that we are a weak and for sure a silly people? These three countries along with N Korea are smelling blood. The whale has been weakened and now it’s time to finish him off. The Harris Biden Administration is going to be extremely tested over the next few years. Weakness invites aggression, the US has become a much more dangerous place Vividvividbleau
April 23, 2021
01:26 AM
Vivid, you raise sobering thoughts. I suggest, the issue was to soundly educate and build the cultural buttresses that stabilise constitutional democracy. As my PS to OP substantiates, the civilisational point of failure, was not the common man or woman. S/he has been bombarded with ideological agendas for generations emanating from educated elites with minds that have become increasingly warped, even debased and reprobate. The crooked yardstick effect in action, once a certain cookedness usurps the role of what is straight, accurate and upright, what is genuinely such cannot ever pass the false test of conformity to crookedness, leading to imbalance, polarisation, a toxic intellectual and cultural atmosphere, chaos and civilisational failure. We are seeing failure of thought leadership that promoted hyperskeptical critiques of the shaping worldview of a Christian Civilisation that synthesised the heritage of Jerusalem, Athens and Rome, with the river valleys of the Fertile Crescent behind them. I am finding the Biblical summary account of the first strong man, Nimrod MacCush, quite insightful on the dynamics of domineering power and destructive warping of the potential of civilisation. The echo of Nimrod in the Herods and Nero is not coincidental. Nor is the warning that the Lawless One to come is effectively a Nero reborn. Idolatrous, reprobate political messianism has been with us from the dawn of civilisation and sound governance has always been challenged to escape the vortex drawing us down into lawless oligarchy. Those of us who stand up to shape minds and provide leadership face a stricter eternal audit, KFkairosfocus
April 23, 2021
01:22 AM
KM, you are right. I clip from OP, what would be a counter-weight:
Credible worldviews UNIFY the facts/entities of reality as we discover them across time, showing how they relate, interact and/or work together; thus, giving us powerful insights, clear vision and solid, sustainable guidelines/principles for thought, decisions and life. [Cf. Prov. 1:1 – 7.] This helps equip us to know, love and live by, wisdom — the ultimate goal of philosophy. In turn, wisdom allows us to understand, predict and influence/shape the world, to the good. To do that unifying task well — as William of Occam argues, in his famous “Razor”: hypotheses should not be multiplied without necessity — worldviews should use a relatively few, plausible but powerful core beliefs that are consistent, tie together the material facts, bring out the dynamics that drive how the world “works,” and give us “handles” by which we can influence the course of events towards the good. Thus, such a worldview should avoid the continual need to patch newly discovered gaps by repeatedly tacking on yet another assumption or assertion. For, if that happens, the resulting view soon becomes an ad hoc patchwork of after-the-fact claims, “justified” by the argument that these additions patch holes in the system . . .
That's where we are failing. I am now going to add a summary that builds on the late Francis Schaeffer as to how we got to this sad pass. KFkairosfocus
April 23, 2021
01:04 AM
Karen at 10 “The majority of the people are now blindly following propaganda outlets masquerading as “news” sources.” People are like sheep and want to be led. Everybody keeps on saying stupid stuff like “Americans are to smart to fall for this or that” False!! Americans are stupid ,how stupid? They slurp down the big gulps of lies, deception, deceit and propaganda . They slurp down lies, damaging lies in giant size gulps. People bemoan the outright bald face lies the media puts out but the media is responding to their audience, the audience wants them to lie to them as long as the lie validates their beliefs. Americans are stupid silly people, the European Elites in the late 1700s mocked the idea that the common man could self govern themself, sadly they were right. Vividvividbleau
April 23, 2021
01:00 AM
EDTA, responsible worldview choice rooted in sound history and understanding of our civilisation, with generous helpings of solid civics, Geography and culture appreciation [including basics of aesthetics]. Precisely, what has been systematically undermined through irresponsible agenda driven academic movements over several generations now, popularised through dumbed down and manipulative schooling and utterly irresponsible agenda driven media. For example, basic understanding of the structure of worldviews and how they can be evaluated through comparative difficulties is not especially hard to summarise, nor is the core of sound logic and warrant for knowledge. Simply teaching people the inductive logic framework for science and the strengths and limitations of scientific, mathematical and statistical methods of investigation would be helpful. Basics of ethics including correcting popular ethical fallacies would help. And the like. KF PS: Things ARE pretty bad with the US. You are in the process of addressing a Culture form marxist, black themed colour revolution complete with red guards running riot that clearly manipulated an election as part of an escalating 4th generation, so far fairly low kinetic civil war, in turn a theatre of operations in a global 4th gen war now threatening to go hot at either end of Asia. A missile attack on Dimona coming from Syria is a huge red flag, as is the push of China against Taiwan and the Philippines. A confused state of mind for the public reflected in an incongruous collage form worldviews pattern, is not a mindset conducive to sound geostrategic choice.kairosfocus
April 23, 2021
12:52 AM
BO'H, a summary report to the general public, this seems to be a bog standard survey as part of a long series of surveys by Barna, a noted pollster. There is a summary of method indicating second year of action in an intended tracking series, based on:
The American Worldview Inventory 2021 (AWVI) is an annual survey that evaluates the worldview of the adults U.S. population. Begun as an annual tracking study in 2020, the assessment is based on several dozen worldview-related questions drawn from eight categories of worldview application, measuring both beliefs and behavior. AWVI 2021 was undertaken in February 2021 among a nationally representative sample of 2,000 adults, providing an estimated maximum sampling error of approximately plus or minus 2 percentage points, based on the 95% confidence interval. Additional levels of indeterminable error may occur in surveys based upon non-sampling activity. [p. 5]
That's a reasonable scale, about double the longstanding 1,000 participant 3% error bar survey that is a yardstick. Worldviews can be evaluated through opinion and multiple point Rasch intensity scales, quite similar to political opinion surveys. The numbers make sense also, a small strong core with a penumbra of weaker adherence for main options, which are revealing about trends in themselves. It is noteworthy that hard line Marxism is back, with its typical pattern of a hard core and a "sea" of sympathy for the fish to swim in. Of course, this is likely to be in the cultural form mostly, with Critical Race Theory as the flagship manifestation. The US is in serious trouble, and failure of sound, coherent, responsible thinking and especially of education and the major media, is at the heart of the problem. Unfortunately, trouble for the US is trouble for the world. KFkairosfocus
April 23, 2021
12:38 AM
VL, tolerance, proper, is for people and their right to responsible opinion. By responsible, I am highlighting that slander, hate and the like as well as civil society expressions as defamation or manipulation are not conducive to the civil peace of justice. As to views, narratives, issues of accessible fact, knowledge more broadly [~ warranted, credibly true (and so reliable) belief], sound ethics, policy prudence etc we have duties of care that mandate us to be willing to correct our errors, build up soundness and wisdom, live by sound moral principle, have regard for neighbour, community, learn and prize sound lessons of history [ no, history should not be victory propaganda or empty unwarranted indoctrination in a partyline], act prudently, support sound governance and general policy etc. Those require us to recognise and live by the inescapable duties of reason, to truth, right reason, prudence, sound conscience, neighbour, so fairness and justice etc. In particular, the radical relativism, subjectivism and emotivism exploited by weaponised, one-sided "tolerance" as commonly seen are not responsible views. The predominance of such confused thinking is a driving force in the pattern as surveyed. This is part of why the US is in deep trouble, precipitating an extremely dangerous geostrategic situation that can have devastating, massively destructive consequences globally. Bad ideas can have ruinous consequences. KFkairosfocus
April 23, 2021
12:24 AM
I've read the report, but can anyone point to a description of the methodology? How was the survey carried out? What questions were asked? How was the data analysed to get the results presented? etc. etc.Bob O'H
April 23, 2021
12:10 AM
Tolerance for diverse views?Viola Lee
April 22, 2021
07:33 PM
I know it seems as if the only extremes available are 1) being unified around a cult leader of some sort, or 2) being completely independent. Is there not a middle ground that avoids cult leaders, and avoids disunifying individualism?EDTA
April 22, 2021
07:04 PM
Polistra: A lot of people are trying to think and behave for themselves, not blindly following cult leaders. The majority of the people are now blindly following propaganda outlets masquerading as "news" sources.Karen McMannus
April 22, 2021
05:49 PM
Jerry, Democracies are historically prone to fail if they are not stabilised through cultural buttresses. Those buttresses trace to worldviews and their influences on life and community. Where, modern liberty and constitutional democracy grew out of Judaeo-Christian soil, with strong natural law influences, which can for example be seen pretty directly by comparing the US DoI 1776 to the Dutch one, 1581 and the Bill of Rights 1689. The disintegration of cultural buttresses and of coherent thinking in the US is therefore a sobering leading indicator of likely onward trends and shocks. That is well worth noting and setting in governance, policy and geostrategic context -- which is where the coherence of the concerns in the OP articulates out from the worldviews issues. Last, Barna, of course has a serious track record and this latest bit of research should be examined soberly. KFkairosfocus
April 22, 2021
05:24 PM
F/N: Barna, more details:
“Worldview seems to be caught more than it is taught in the United States,” he shared . . . It takes years of holistic teaching, integration of thought and behavior, and reinforcement of appropriate choices before someone is likely to develop a biblical worldview.” Barna continued, “Knowing a few Bible verses, attending church services, and praying won’t get the job done. Attending a Christian school that offers a chapel service and a Bible class won’t accomplish the task. Going to church services that feature sermons drawn from biblical content is not sufficient to build a biblical worldview. Parents expecting their children to follow the Ten Commandments is not enough to developing a full-scale biblical worldview. All of those are token efforts that have proven inadequate toward developing an integrated body of beliefs and behaviors that enable someone to think like Jesus so they can then live like Jesus.” Barna suggested that the recent concern about worldview as the foundation of people’s decision-making process is a hopeful sign that Americans—and especially conservative Christians—may be waking up to the importance of worldview development, especially among our youngest people. He cautioned, however, that it will be an uphill battle to get Americans to take worldview development seriously.
Worldviews are all embracing, a worldview leads to life, family, community and cultural agenda. The news is that there is a breakdown at a critical time, and this leads to very bad consequences. Global consequences, that can easily be of geostrategic character. No, that is not empty negativity. We need to realise that how the people of the lead nation in our civilisation think in general and how they address core issues has become seriously incoherent. That points straight to Plato's ship of state and to the microcosm in Ac 27. The issue onward is to put up a counterculture strategy and demonstration. If things go seriously south, those are who may well have to pick up pieces. KF PS: Having spent a fair bit of time with a data loss, esp over the past several hours, I can recommend C Cleaner's Recuva.kairosfocus
April 22, 2021
05:15 PM
It’ll be interesting to see how this OP gets hijacked. It’s all over the lot so I’m not sure if there is a consistent message other than despair.jerry
April 22, 2021
04:50 PM
Although I will add that, having gone through a Barna survey with a fine-toothed comb once, his methodologies are somewhat suspect. He tends to frame questions such that they make things look worse than they actually are (for Christianity, that is).EDTA
April 22, 2021
03:10 PM
I'd say Wilkins in the one who is confused: >"But the simple fact is, I don’t have a worldview." A worldview is just a person's set of core beliefs about the big/basic things in life. Is there an external reality (please don't start that one again)? Is life just an accident? Is there any global meaning to human life? Just because he's not a member of a group who claims to have a common worldview doesn't mean he doesn't have one. Anybody who lives their life and makes decisions on some set of bases has a worldview. This brings us back to what I was saying a few weeks ago: We in the West anyway no longer have an even somewhat common worldview that can unite us. We are indeed scattering into tiny, extremely individualized worldviews, such that we won't be able to get along with each other much longer.EDTA
April 22, 2021
03:08 PM
The solution is to teach the difference between fact and opinion in school, the creationist conceptual scheme. Somehow it doesn't click with people, that subjective opinion is something you need to learn the basics about. Literally everyone is a fact obsessed moron, clueless about subjectivity, including the religious people. But then religion accommodates subjectivity very well, despite the adherents being fact obsessed morons.mohammadnursyamsu
April 22, 2021
02:43 PM
Barna has issued new survey results that paint a stunning picture of the bellwether United States, as an utterly confused, conflicted nation, with 88 percent defaulting to incongruous worldview components, with the single largest bloc being 39% inclined to “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.”
My initial response would be when has the world, let alone the United States not been in an "utterly confused, conflicted" state? As a species, I think we are facing an unprecedented problem of governance. How do you govern a world population north of 7 billion when it's becoming clear that central governments of much smaller populations are already viewed as remote, uncaring and corrupt? I also doubt that analysis of something as amorphous as worldviews is going to be of much help. Australian philosopher of science John S Wilkins wrote the following about them after participating in a debate at an evangelical students society:
Worldviews. Both pro speakers made mention of the fact that "atheism/agnosticism is a worldview of naturalism". Now this is a theme that is repeated so often one might start to believe it if not for the fact that it licenses the following argument: Christianity is a worldview that rests on a set of presuppositions. Atheism and agnosticism is a worldview that rests on a set of presuppositions. One's choice of presuppositions makes one's worldview reasonable. === Ergo, Christianity is a reasonable belief (at least as rational as agnosticism/atheism) Similar arguments are put that "belief" in science is on a par with belief in Jesus or the Bible, and so this is really about duelling worldviews. That is, about which religion is correct. But there's a couple of deep flaws here. Agnosticism is the absence of knowledge about a god-claim. Atheism is the absence of a god-claim. Absences, although they may make the heart grow fonder, have no other implications. They cannot, for they are not-things, not things, and for something to have a property or implication it has to be a thing. In simpler terms, as the old saying has it, bald is not a hair colour. Not believing in some religion is not a religion. It may be that those who are either agnostic about Christianity, or atheist about it, have some other set of commitments that might qualify as a religion, but they do not need to, just in virtue of being a not-theist or a not-knower. So the choice is between believing in Christianity or not-believing in Christianity. It is not a case of commensurable religions, but a religion and no religion. This is the privative fallacy, from the old term for a lack of something. The other error is more widespread. I was in effect accused of having a worldview that precluded the existence of God, and the audience was invited to compare that with my opponents, who had one that permitted God. But the simple fact is, I don't have a worldview. In fact, neither do they. I don't think worldviews exist. They are a gross oversimplification of what is actually going on inside people's heads, and are mere abstractions. If one believes in God, one might still believe things that are inconsistent with a belief in God. Intellectual schemes are not whole cloth, and you can entertain incompatible ideas, and in fact I think you must, because nobody gets a simple set of coherent ideas handed to them at birth, free of all confounding beliefs. Christians, who have an extensive body of traditional dogma which they like to reassure themselves is true and consistent, like to think also that everybody has something like this. Religions are "rationally reconstructed" as sets of dogma by the Christian tradition (e.g., when doing anthropology by missionary) when in fact there is no dogma at all, just stories, rituals, and ways of life. The idea that one has a worldview by necessity is one that is made by analogy with a false view of themselves. The worldview tradition comes out of the propositional view of beliefs that ultimately found its best expression in Wittgenstein: When two Principles really do meet which cannot be reconciled, then each man calls the other a fool and a heretic. On Certainty, §611 If a Lion could talk, we could not understand him. Philosophical Investigations, p190 The lion comment is understood as being based on meaning as a "form of life" (Lebensform): lions have a form of life that is different to us and so the meaning of their utterances would be opaque. Likewise, the principles (Prinzipe) are basic, fundamental, giving meaning to the belief system of their holders in ways that are ultimately equivalent and between which one cannot decide - you either hold the Prinzipe or not. I think this is a fundamental error, on Wittgenstein's part as much as that of anyone else who holds to this Weltanschauung mythology. If a lion could talk we'd understand quite a lot - because we share a form of life (we have an evolutionarily related biology, for a start), and two principles of human intellect also share forms of life - that of being human biologically and that of a shared history if there is one. And that shared nature means we can evaluate one or both for coherence, sense and reliability. Some views are just not amenable to a good life. I think Christianity is one, and not because I have some well-worked alternative I'd like to sell you, but because I can learn from the past and make inferences, and so can you. Beliefs are not abstract sets of propositions. Or rather, some are, but not all of them. We have malformed, half formed and underinterpreted ideas all the time, but that doesn't give us a conceptual scheme. In this regard I am with Donald Davidson's attack on the very idea. So to my Christian audience I say, do not commit either the privative fallacy or the Weltanschauung mistake. If you think you can evade my and others criticisms by assigning some faux ideology to us in virtue of us not adopting your own preferred set of absolutes, you are greatly mistaken, and building a nice strawman to knock over.
April 22, 2021
01:37 PM
Looks pretty healthy to me. A lot of people are figuring out that isms are the problem, not the solution. A lot of people are trying to think and behave for themselves, not blindly following cult leaders.polistra
April 22, 2021
01:34 PM
George Barna helps us to understand the worldviews chaos we must addresskairosfocus
April 22, 2021
11:10 AM
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