This issue is directly relevant to the ID controversy, but also to much more of what has gone wrong with our civilisation and the utter, stark peril we now face because we ignored warning signs for decades:
This has to be decoded a bit, as it is of course in the usual context of our being concerned over sawdust in the other fellow’s eyes while there is a plank in our own. In an overnight comment, I gave a few clues:
>> –> Ask yourself, are ALL the moneybags on one side? (E.g. Koch vs Soros. [And no, I am not endorsing or opposing any parties or individuals, I am pointing out balancing facts given the known tendencies of pundits to give half of the story.])
–> Ask yourself, what have the education unions, media houses etc done about straight civics [CSPAN aside] for decades?
–> Ask yourself, about trends of affiliation and agendas in the education and media sectors?
–> Ask yourself, what the churches and their leaders have been doing in recent decades?
–> Include in that, how we have responded when voices such as Francis Schaeffer have come to us?
–> Ask yourself, about what has been dressed up in lab coats and sold to us as science (as in, only an IDiot questions “science”)?
–> And more.
Then, take time to read here, on the Acts 27 case study.
I do not think anybody comes up smelling like roses on this one.>>
The first grave issue we are utterly distracted from:
Our Lemmings problem:
. . . or, in more “analytical” sustainability terms:
We should take pause to note that Mr Gorbachev is quite concerned about Syria (which sits in the middle of the pivotal triangle above).
We must move on from being unaware, compliant, readily manipulated through agit prop talking points (that have been duly scripted courtesy demographically tested focus groups and other marketing techniques).
What should we do?
Start with:
With a modicum of sound knowledge of history, ethics, civics, common sound sense and first principles of reasoning — multiplied by a cool head not given to being celebrity-/star- struck — we can find a way out.
(Cf here for my more detailed thoughts; of course Big Brother, not endorsed by UD etc.)
It’s time for a Lemmings for common sense movement!
Right from the horse’s mouth, we are being told that we have been manipulated, including educationally. (And if you think that only happened with civics, I have some hot Caribbean beach-front property in Montana for sale, cheap, cheap, cheap.)
Let us now re-think ever so much of what we think we know and understand, lest we follow a march of civilisational folly to ruin. Including, what we think we know regarding origins science and the intelligent design controversy. END