Since BA77 likes posting so many off topic comments on so many threads, and because others probably want to talk about off topics, I’m creating the first official off topic thread at UD just for off topic comments. YAY!
Here is my off topic, my pastor tried to get the congregation to stick around for 20 minutes longer than usual to take care of business matters requiring a vote. To give us incentive to remain, he said he’d pass around a copy of Cosmopolitan Magazine with a photo of his wife in it :shock:! Sure enough, she was in cosmopolitan magazine in the May 1965 issue. She was in a photo that featured former Congressman James Weaver, her dad….
Also, I think the chances of Darwinian evolution and mindless OOL being true are more remote than the chances of the Detroit Lions and Cleveland Browns playing each other in the next Superbowl.
Also, I really hate Windows 8.
So, speak your mind but exercise some discretion, keep it family friendly, and try not to start flame wars or launch into attacks against other UD participants. Other than that, talk about what you want. Enjoy!