Behavioral scientist Clay Routledge, author of Supernatural: Death, Meaning, and the Power of the Invisible World, explains:
Routledge suggested the behaviour of religious doomsday fretters was similar to atheist political activists. ‘I’m increasingly seeing a similar sort of fatalism on the secular left,’ he continued. ‘I’ve seen people promoting anti-natalism [the concept that having babies is wrong] because they believe the world is a horrible place and is going to be destroyed in the near future by climate change and that this fate is unavoidable. ‘This makes me think there are some fatalistic similarities between extreme groups of religious fundamentalists and leftwing secular fundamentalists.’
Jasper Hamill, “We’re in an age of ‘apocalypse anxiety’ and will never stop worrying about doomsday” at METRO
Here’s how anxiety will get worse: Wait till space aliens become a new majority religion: Nearly as many young Americans believe in ET as in God, says religion prof. Popular culture is looking for high-tech ETs to be its saviors and Silicon Valley aspires to become those ETs. What could possibly go wrong?
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