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Dark matter theory “running out of room to hide”?


3-D impression of dark matter via Hubble
From Jeff Hecht at Nature:

Most of the Universe is missing. The motion of the stars and galaxies allows astronomers to weigh it, and when they do, they see a major discrepancy in cosmological accounting. For every gram of ordinary matter that emits and absorbs light, the Universe contains around five grams of matter that responds to gravity, but is invisible to light. Physicists call this stuff dark matter, and as the search to identify it is now in its fourth decade, things are starting to get a little desperate.More.

Actually, they are better off than the Darwinists. At last they realize they have a problem.

See also: Dark matter: Skeptics wanted

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From the paper "Beyond Einstein: non-local physics" by Brian Fraser (2015): *** "Galactic rotation: no “dark matter” is needed" The existence of “dark matter” is inferred mostly from the characteristics of galactic rotation: "most stars in spiral galaxies orbit at roughly the same speed. . . . These results suggest that either Newtonian gravity does not apply universally or that, conservatively, upwards of 50% of the mass of galaxies was contained in the relatively dark galactic halo. ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter#Galactic_rotation_curves ) But no dark matter is needed, just an alternative conclusion: Stars in a galaxy do not "orbit" the central bulge. Their motion is NOT comparable to planetary orbits in a solar system. This is a much different situation. Picture two small galaxies approaching each other. The chances are good that the approach will be off-center (not co-linear). Two effects will become apparent immediately. The differential effects of gravitation will cause the galactic blobs to "string out" into a line of stars. The off-center approach will cause the system to rotate around its barycenter (forming a spiral). The barycenter core is initially formed from the stars on the leading edge of each galaxy which experience a stronger gravitational pull and form a central nucleus of stars, usually accompanied by a visible "bar" of stars connecting the leading edges of the strung-out stars. Gravitation changes the direction of the stellar motion far more than the speed. The result is that, as quoted above, "most stars in spiral galaxies orbit at roughly the same speed". And they do so because their original speed of approach remains mostly unchanged. It is not rotation or "centrifugal force" that keeps the stars separated. The separation is maintained by the same mechanism as with non-rotating star structures like globular clusters. There is a mass-dependent distance where gravitation and the outward expansion of space are at an equilibrium. Gravitation has an inverse square force distribution, but the expansion of space is centerless and uniform. There is necessarily an equilibrium position for these forces. For stars it is a few light years; for galaxies, it is a few million light years. Hence, the galactic stars will not coalesce with each other, but they are still stuck inside the galaxy’s overall gravitation. *** The free 22 page paper can be downloaded from: http://scripturalphysics.org/4v4a/BeyondEinstein.html The .html file gives a link to the .pdf file but the former has additional information, and many more links and insights.BrianFraser
September 30, 2016
06:51 PM

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