Larry Moran
Larry Moran’s new book sounds like a scorcher
Rob Sheldon on Larry Moran and the junk DNA
Larry Moran to write new book: Claims genome is 90% junk
Larry Moran’s thoughts on Michael Behe’s A Mousetrap for Darwin
Neutral genetic theory, Darwinism, and folk tales
Larry Moran’s uphill battle convincing scientists that most of the genome is junk DNA
Why did an evolutionary biology prof imply world-famous chemist James Tour was “stupid”?
A writer encountered this all-too-common type of behavior recently and was, well, surprised. To see why it feels normal to many of us, it is helpful to understand a bit about Darwinism as a social phenomenon. Faithful readers of various vintages will, of course, remember University of Toronto evolutionary biologist Larry Moran, best known publicly through his blog Sandwalk. At his blog Southern Prose, writer John Leonard happened to come across him the other day trashing well-known chemist James Tour. That was back in 2014 but the internet is forever. Tour signed the Discovery Institute statement, “A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism” (2001), calling for more openness on discussion of evolution: “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random Read More ›