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Sixth Great Extinction

Extinction: When evolution is suddenly found to have a purpose

And human beings do too, apparently. From ScienceDaily: The sixth mass extinction is underway, this time caused by humans. A team of researchers have calculated that species are dying out so quickly that nature’s built-in defense mechanism, evolution, cannot keep up. If current conservation efforts are not improved, so many mammal species will become extinct during the next five decades that nature will need 3-5 million years to recover to current biodiversity levels. And that’s a best-case scenario. Hmmm. If evolution is without purpose, as Darwinians insist, how can it be “nature’s built-in defense mechanism”? If it isn’t predictable, as Stephen Jay Gould insisted, what’s with this “best-case scenario”? For that matter, if consciousness is an evolved illusion, aren’t all Read More ›