” . . . you would be in jail.“
(To make certainty on non endorsement etc clear, snip. KF)
The pivotal issue relevant to UD here, is not whether either major candidate is of any great promise ([again to be utterly clear, snip. KF]), but instead, the revelation of utter media bias and manipulation. The issue, then becomes, how do we stand against the tide of a civilisational march of folly, complete with agit prop agendas dressed up in lab coats?
How does this speak to preserving a modicum of sanity and respect for facts and logic in discussion of serious issues; often in the face of all sorts of agit prop or trollish distractions, with the future of our civilisation obviously in the stakes?
Let me add, issues like this:
Whatever the answer, to actually keep our heads when a civilisation is patently going mad all around us, is going to be hard.
Very hard.
But, we gotta try. END
[A NOTE FROM UD’S EDITORS: As a 501(c)(3) organization, UD neither supports nor opposes candidate for political office. While the above post mentions a political candidate and alludes to another, we consider it to be a commentary on the decay of Western Civilization, not a political endorsement or opposition. KF, is of course free to hold his personal view of the candidates, which he states above. This should be considered a statement of his own personal views and not the position of Uncommon Descent, Inc.]