Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

The Republican War on Science

ID-critic Chris Mooney’s latest book, The Republican War on Science, is now available: http://www.waronscience.com/home.php. [UPDATE:] For more on Mooney, go here.

Cardinal Pell of Australia on ID

Australian cardinal comfortable with Intelligent Design

Sydney, Sep. 05 (CWNews.com) – Cardinal Pell told The Australian that although the theory of evolution can be reconciled with Christian doctrine, sometimes evolution is presented “in an anti-God way.” Where that is the case, he said, “I’d be happy for them to talk about design or intelligent design.” Read More ›

“Censorship” at Uncommon Descent

As someone who actually has been censored and had his academic freedom violated (go here), I find it more than a little ironic that the evolution diehards at talk.origins and the Panda’s Thumb continually moan about my “censoring” them at this blog. When I was hired at Baylor University, that academic appointment came with certain privileges and rights which, in my case, were indeed violated. When it comes to this blog, on the other hand, I pay the bills and have no obligation to anyone. The issue is not “censorship” but “freedom of association.” The Internet is a big place and you are free to whine on it, only not here.

Recent media frenzy over ID — What to make of it?

I was discussing with a colleague the recent media frenzy over ID, not just nationally (e.g., back to back NYTimes front page stories of it) but internationally. The question is whether this interest represents something substantial — a real sea change — or merely a flash in the pan. It seems that something substantial is indeed happening. Read More ›

Respectful Treatment of ID in Italian Press

Here is a pdf copy of an article favorable to ID published Sept. 1, 2005 in Italy: www.uncommondescent.com/documentation/Avvenire_1sep05.pdf. Regardless of how good or bad your Italian is, you’ll get the gist by tracking the names of ID proponents discussed in the article.

The Rabbi and the Scientist

A rabbi and a scientist were traveling together on an airplane. Each brought with them a grandson. The rabbi’s grandson came every few minutes to check on his grandfather’s welfare and inquire as to his needs, while the scientists’ grandson sat in back watching the movie, never once coming forward. The scientist asked the rabbi why his grandson was so profoundly respectful, whereas the scientists’ grandson had forgotten that his grandfather was even alive. The rabbi replied, “In our tradition, God gave the Torah to Moses at Sinai, and the closer you are to that great moment of revelation and truth, the more respect you deserve. Hence, my grandson accords me respect. But as an evolutionist, you believe that mankind Read More ›

[Offtopic:] How to Deal with Looters

In 1906 a devastating earthquake hit San Francisco. The mayor at that time was one E.E. Schmitz. Mayor Schmitz issued the following proclamation:

“Militant Darwinists like Dennett”

What is at stake in the evolution debate is whether militant Darwinists like Dennett get to inculcate the nation’s schoolchildren with their own materialistic religion under the mantle of authority that our society accords to science. Read More ›

More on Gonzalez

According to Hector Avalos: “It’s becoming increasingly clear to some of us that Iowa State University is being marketed as an intelligent design research center.” So, on the one hand, Eugenie Scott et al. tell ID theorists and researchers to get busy, do the work and get it through the peer-review process. But now we learn that the very idea of a ID research, much less an ID research center, is out-of-bounds. Heads I win, tails you lose. Read More ›