Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

The Miller-Urey Experiment — The Gift That Keeps Giving

Jeffrey Bada inherits Stanley Miller’s “scientific posessions” and finds untold riches … click here for article in WIRED SCIENCE If you want the truth about Miller-Urey, which was a bridge to nowhere, see my forthcoming book with Jonathan Wells: HOW TO BE AN INTELLEC-TUALLY FULFILLED ATHEIST (OR NOT) — this book is about the origin of life. The release of this book, scheduled for this month, is being coordinated with the release of the DVD of Ben Stein’s EXPELLED, due out October 21st.

Lactose digestion in E. coli

Remember the big stir about Lenski’s 20 year experiment with E. coli where the bugs “evolved” the ability to digest lactose citrate and this was touted as overwhelming evidence of evolution? And remember our response that until the mechanism behind it was discovered that it might not be much “evolution” at all?

As usual, we are vindicated. In a similar case where it’s lactose instead of citrate the bug was all set up, in fact one might say front loaded, with the capacity to switch over from glucose to lactose digestion. Essentially the bug constantly samples the level of lactose in its environment and when the level reaches a tipping point a single “throw of the dice” switches it over from glucose to lactose digestion. This is contrary to Lenski’s hypothesis that a series of dice throws, each making a small change towards ability to digest lactose citrate, accumulate until lactose citrate digestion is fully switched on. Darwinian gradualism is denied once again and we see a front loaded genome switch to a new mode of operation through a saltational event.

Throw of a dice dictates a bug’s life
17:53 17 October 2008
NewScientist.com news service
Ewen Callaway

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Don McLeroy on Looming Battle over Texas Science Standards

Don McLeroy, who heads the Texas State Board of Eduction, has an editorial in my local paper: …Texas is adopting new science standards. Scientists representing evolutionists and calling themselves the 21st Century Science Coalition say that creationists on the State Board of Education will inject religion into the science classroom. Should they be concerned? No. This will not happen. They also say that the board will require supernatural explanations to be placed in the curriculum. This will not happen. The National Academy of Sciences in its recent booklet Science, Evolution and Creationism, 2008, defines science as “the use of evidence to construct testable explanations and predictions of natural phenomena, as well as the knowledge generated through this process.” This definition Read More ›

Weasel Ware at EvoInfo.org

I share concerns expressed here that this blog is becoming too political. I’m of a mixed mind about this. I see the upcoming presidential election as pivotal for our nation and for the place of ID in the wider culture (I foresee an Edwards v. Aguillard type case going against ID if Obama gets to choose the next Supreme Court justices). At the same time, I don’t want to see ID’s intellectual program getting short shrift here. Let me therefore encourage UD contributors to balance political postings with straight-up ID postings (we need a lot more of the latter). With regard to the latter, Bob Marks and I continue hammer away at our work on evolutionary informatics. We’ve recently had Read More ›

Artificially evolved creatures walking …

What think you of the “bizarre” strategies for walking used by artificially evolved organisms? (Posted by Cory Doctorow at Boing Boing, October 2, 2008)? This is a project of Darwin@home, which tries to simulate evolution in unused computing space. Oddly enough, the narrator says at one point, “It seems complex beyond the reach of human ingenuity.” It looks interesting, though not quite as interesting as that.

Poe’s law: Students cannot form logical position about television’s impact?

From what I can determine, this is a true story:

A Mindful Hack reader writes,

The state of Maine gave a test to about 15,000 eighth-graders to assess their writing skills, including their ability to form a logical position. When the state refused to release the results, a newspaper filed a Freedom of Information Act request and learned that 78 percent of the kids failed, which was 50 percent more than failed the test the previous year. Maine’s Department of Education explained the results were “inconclusive”, and they discarded them because students reacted emotionally to the test. “Kids got ticked off at the [question],” explained Education Commissioner Susan Gendron, “so it was not an accurate reflection of their writing skills.” The essay-based test asked the students to support or refute the statement, “Television may have a negative impact on learning.” (Portland Press-Herald) …And their inability to form a logical position and refute that is proof that the test is flawed.”

At Bangor Daily News.com, Kent Ward asks:

Just what there is to get so upset about in the debatable proposition that television may have a negative impact on learning, I haven’t a clue. The more so when test instructions clearly gave students the choice of making a case either for or against the premise and provided the pros and cons for making their argument. Which is to say they weren’t exactly starting from scratch, with only a blank sheet of paper and a debilitating writer’s block for inspiration.

In any event, from Kelley Bouchard of the Portland Press Herald (September 7, 2008) we also learn:

Edwards noted that eighth-graders who took the writing test in 2007 were able to draw from their own experience to sustain arguments for or against the following statement: “Rather than maintaining separate teams for boys’ and girls’ sports, a high school is considering combining teams and having a completely coed sports program.”

Now that strikes me as a very emotional question for many students, yet the students could handle it.

Gendron could be right, that the results this year are a fluke. But here’s another possibility: Thinking about television induced in many students a state of mind not suited to critical thinking because that is in fact how they react to television. So they were not “ticked off” by the question, they were disabled by it. That’s hardly good news, even if it is a fluke.

Let’s see what next year brings.

Note: Poe’s law states that some people or situations just cannot be parodied because you couldn’t make up stuff that is further along the continuum.

Also just up at The Mindful Hack: Read More ›

Are you a red diaper baby? A redneck?

Surprisingly, whether you are left or right may not matter as much as you might think, according to an interesting new political litmus test.

Whether you are authoritarian vs. libertarian may predict your politics just as effectively.

Hat tip to Franklin Carter , Editor and Researcher, at the Freedom of Expression Committee of the Book and Periodical Council of Canada, for this entertaining and instructive litmus test.

I took the test and here is my score: Read More ›

Forget About Global Warming Again?

Yeah, me too. Amazing how fast a red herring gets pushed off the front page when there’s a real problem to talk about. But just to keep you updated a little I offer these: Boise gets earliest snow on record Valley shivers as winter weather makes a premature appearance and related to the global cooling we are now experiencing is this: Spotless Sun: Blankest Year Of The Space Age ScienceDaily (Oct. 7, 2008) — Astronomers who count sunspots have announced that 2008 is now the “blankest year” of the Space Age. As of Sept. 27, 2008, the sun had been blank, i.e., had no visible sunspots, on 200 days of the year. To find a year with more blank suns, Read More ›

Bill Maher’s “Religulous” documentary a flop?

Bill Maher’s “Religulous” documentary mocking religion in the United States opening weekend box office revenues were 10% higher than “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”. Our atheist Darwinian friends proclaimed that Expelled was a flop. By that standard so is Religulous. Correction: That should read our atheist and theistic Darwinian friends… the common denominator is being in the tank for Darwin. Mibad.

Darwinism and popular culture: Fish story evolves in pop science media

British physicist David Tyler looks at a recent find in cichlid fish which has been vastly overhyped as evidence for new species. He means hype like this Nature News story (1 October 2008), which proclaims “What you see is how you evolve: Differences in vision could give rise to new species.”

Here’s the abstract of the paper he discusses:

Speciation through sensory drive in cichlid fish

Ole Seehausen, Yohey Terai, Isabel S. Magalhaes, Karen L. Carleton, Hillary D. J. Mrosso, Ryutaro Miyagi, Inke van der Sluijs, Maria V. Schneider, Martine E. Maan, Hidenori Tachida, Hiroo Imai & Norihiro Okada

Nature 455, 620-626 (2 October 2008) | doi:10.1038/nature07285

Abstract: Theoretically, divergent selection on sensory systems can cause speciation through sensory drive. However, empirical evidence is rare and incomplete. Here we demonstrate sensory drive speciation within island populations of cichlid fish. We identify the ecological and molecular basis of divergent evolution in the cichlid visual system, demonstrate associated divergence in male colouration and female preferences, and show subsequent differentiation at neutral loci, indicating reproductive isolation. Evidence is replicated in several pairs of sympatric populations and species. Variation in the slope of the environmental gradients explains variation in the progress towards speciation: speciation occurs on all but the steepest gradients. This is the most complete demonstration so far of speciation through sensory drive without geographical isolation. Our results also provide a mechanistic explanation for the collapse of cichlid fish species diversity during the anthropogenic eutrophication of Lake Victoria.

Tyler comments:

“The strongest evidence yet” involves a correlation between the visual system, body colour and ecology. Instead of this being used to support a hypothesis of sexual selection based on body colouration, the authors claim to have demonstrated sexual selection in action. This has been picked up by the media as fact: “a fish species in the cichlid family has been observed by scientists in the act of splitting into two distinct species in Lake Victoria” (Source). The cover of Nature proclaims that this is “a textbook example of evolution in action”.

Let us suppose that the hypothesis is tested and confirmed, and the “sensory drive speciation” is validated. What are the implications for our understanding of evolution? It means that an ancestral fish population can split into two or more populations on the basis of colour. The daughter populations have differences in sensitivity to light frequencies and differences in body colouration. These may be accompanied by other ecological adaptations. There is no new genetic information – just fine-tuning of existing genetic systems. There is no evidence that these new species lack the potential to interbreed. Indeed, the differences are so slight that hybridisation to produce fertile offspring can be predicted with some confidence.

Talk about textbook examples- as the study authors themselves observe, for their particular proposed path by which new species may occur, “empirical evidence is rare and incomplete.”

Now, to their delight, they may have finally found an example (if the two schools of fish don’t just interbreed back into hybrids after a few decades).

The problem isn’t with the researchers, who sound suitably cautious. It’s the pop science media that jump on something like this and make far more of it than the current state of knowledge would justify. That wouldn’t matter if they were just speculating about some celeb’s tummy bump, but unfortunately, they help skew science textbook and science teaching. Tyler observes,

The punchline: ID scientists are not opposed to the teaching of evolution in schools, but want it taught properly – allowing critical appraisal and the recognition of spin. Let speciation in cichlid fish enter the textbooks, not as a proof of evolution, but as an example of how evidence is brought to bear on current hypotheses of the origin of species.

That would be higher quality teaching, but would lead to too many embarrassing questions. My guess is, both the pop sci mags and the textbooks will stick to “proof of evolution” for the present.

Also, just up at The Post-Darwinist: Read More ›

Old Darwinists may generously offer to father children with young women

   In a new spin to the “Random Mutations and Natural Selection produces all the wonderful things we see around us” belief system, mature aged geneticist (of “I’ve spent a long time working on snails, although I have now moved into slugs” fame) Steve Jones of England seems to harp back to the days when old men like him could get a young girl, and half the children died in their youth. Social Darwinism comes out with another great contribution to the welfare of our society. If human evolution has been driven by fathers being over 35, there would have been little or no evolution during times when life expectancy was under 35.  The science community generally believes life expectancy for Read More ›

Artificial intelligence: Getting computers to pretend to converse is an “extremely hard computational problem”

A computer engineer of some importance has written to say that he thinks me a bit off the mark here, where I deny that computers actually think. He writes,

modern computers are often programmed to be adaptive, in that rules are given for learning (e.g, generalizing or updating “beliefs”) based on experience. So in fact computers can be (and are) programmed to “learn” things that their programmers don’t know.

He argues that behaviorally, this is thinking, but that it does not include consciousness (which means that he disagrees with Kevin Warwick).

He does, however, say,

And the important part that you and I apparently agree on is that there is no compelling reason to believe that a computer program is doing something altogether like what a human being does.

Now, there, he must certainly be right. In the original post, I had discussed a problem I was having with a computer-based book order system that did not allow me to buy ten copies of a book (because no one had thought to program in the possibility of multiple orders). The stupidest human clerk would have understood immediately.

He is really annoyed with my saying that “Most people will believe that the computer is human if it just sounds wittier or sexier than they do. In fact, the only reason this isn’t yesterday’s news is that so many computer nerds are inarticulate, and wouldn’t have any idea what to program the
computer to say.”

He calls it “gratuitous” and “wrong!”.

Hey, I only said that to see who I would get a rise out of. Turned out to be him, imagine!

Anyway, he advises me that making computers respond convincingly to unscripted dialogue (natural language processing) is “an extremely hard computational problem.”

But I am hardly surprised. Dialogue is fiendishly difficult to write well. It is one reason why I went into non-fiction rather than fiction.

Also just up at The Mindful Hack … Read More ›

Darwinism and high culture: “Exactly why we do things this way is never a question that is asked”

Commenting on the fact that scientists are typically poorly trained in philosophy of science, one friend remarks,

As a Ph.D. student in biology I was actively discouraged from taking courses in philosophy — or, for that matter, any courses outside my department, including evolution. My adviser’s attitude was that I should focus exclusively on my own specialty.

This wouldn’t be a problem except that folklore counts for wisdom among the ignorant. You know, “Europeans in Columbus’s day believed the Earth was flat,” and all that stuff is retailed as if it were fact.

Probe’s Ray Bohlin, who has a degree in molecular biology, also writes to tell me

I have been saying for years that most of our science PhDs, especially in biology of which I am one, are little more than highly trained technicians. We know how to design an experiment, interpret the results and figure out what the next step is. Read More ›

Score one for Scientific Creationism ?!

In another venue where I participate this article published at arXiv, Evidence for Correlations Between Nuclear Decay Rates and Earth-Sun Distance, and previous articles from the same source published in recent months, is undergoing a lively discussion. In a nutshell, a couple of earth based research programs measuring the half lives of radioisotopes have a significant seasonal variation in the raw data values which correlate with distance from the sun. It was brought to our attention by scientific creationists who are constantly on the lookout for things which might dispute the widely accepted yardsticks used to measure geologic age. I accepted those yardsticks as much as anyone short of being dogmatic about it. Upon reading this I immediately pointed out Read More ›

Sir Roger Penrose: Scientific Heretic

A great article on the Big Bang and the Large Hadron Collider.

The big bounce vs. the big bang

Joseph Brean, National Post
Published: Friday, October 03, 2008

WATERLOO, Ont.. — Among the crushing throng of physics enthusiasts who gathered this week for a lecture by Sir Roger Penrose, who is to the University of Oxford what Stephen Hawking is to Cambridge, the very mention of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland elicited a resounding throaty chuckle.

Everyone knew that when the world’s biggest particle accelerator was switched on last month, its computers were promptly hacked and its superconducting magnets accidentally melted. And provided one is skeptical of all the press reports about how this “Big Bang machine” might create an apocalyptic black hole somewhere beneath Geneva, this is all pretty hilarious, just a few broken eggs for the omelette of discovery.

The capacity crowd of several hundred had a similarly blasé reaction to the nub of the lecture.

“The universe seems to go through cycles of some kind … Our universe is what I call an aeon in an endless sequence of aeons,” Prof. Penrose said in an address enlivened by his breezy Oxbridge banter (10 to the power of 64 years is, for example, “a jolly long time”), and illustrated by overhead transparencies so artful in their multi-coloured, hand-drawn penmanship that they would not have been out of place alongside a baking-soda volcano at a grade school science fair.

But this was top level, cutting-edge physics, hosted by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He described data he received just this week that appears to show traces of the previous aeon in the microwave background radiation that fills the universe and is regarded as the lingering “flash” of the Big Bang. If it actually does, a lot of science will have to be reconsidered.

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