Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Breaking 11 news …

Okay, 11 11 11 is fast departing, and no matter how trivial you think it is, it won’t be back for a century. Meanwhile, in other 11 news, courtesy the Toronto Star Do you like playing around with ones and 11s? Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born and the age you will be this year and the result will add up to 111. It works for everyone this year. Multiplying 11s can also be cool: 111111 x 111111 = 12345654321 Follow UD News at Twitter!

Christian Darwinism and the Evolutionary Pathway to Spirit.

Deductive logic teaches us that the acts of reasoning and knowing are inseparable from the act of negating. To understand the law of non-contradiction (a thing cannot be and not be at the same time) is to also understand its reciprocal principle, the law of identity (a thing is what it is and not something else). If we know what cannot be, we also know, in a complementary sense, what is. As the legendary Sherlock Holmes reminds us, “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” On the subject of God and Evolution, for example, there are two competing models, but only one of them can possibly be true. In order to provide Read More ›

Why is there more matter than antimatter in the universe?

Here, researchers hope to eliminate some incorrect answers: An answer might be found by examining radioactivity in neutrons, which decay in two different ways that can be distinguished by a specially configured detector. Though all observations thus far have invariably shown these two ways occur with equal frequency in nature, finding a slight imbalance between the two would imply that nature favors conditions that would create a bit more matter than antimatter, resulting in the universe we recognize.

Embryo and Einstein – Why They’re Equal

My Home Page. The photo on the right is a picture of Albert Einstein, shortly after receiving the Nobel Prize in 1921. The photo on the left shows how Einstein looked when he was very young (about three days old). The aim of this essay is to demonstrate on purely philosophical (i.e. non-religious) grounds that a human embryo is a person, who matters just as much as you or I do. I shall also attempt to explain exactly why an embryo is just as valuable as you or I. From this it follows that the embryo from which the adult Einstein developed had exactly the same moral worth (or intrinsic value) as Einstein the man, and that an outside party Read More ›