Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Unbelievable—Evolution in Complete Free Fall: The Human Lineage Was Somehow “Purged”

Humans, like everything else in biology, contradict evolution. Human uniqueness has sent evolution spiraling for years. Relative brain size, hairless sweaty skin, striding bipedal posture, long-distance running, ability to learn to swim, innate ability to learn languages in childhood, prolonged helplessness of the young, ability to imitate and learn, inter-generational transfer of complex cultures, awareness of self and of the past and future, theory of mind, increased longevity, provisioning by post-menopausal females, difficult childbirth, cerebral cortical asymmetry are just a few from a long list of features that make humans exceptional. Another such feature is the lack of endemic infectious retroviruses in humans. The problem is that these viruses are present in the other primates, and so according to evolutionists Read More ›

Here’s An Example of the Ultimate Evolutionary Blowback

After the 2005 Dover trial, Judge John Jones recalled that he “was taken to school” by the evolutionists. It was, Jones recalled, “the equivalent of a degree in this area.” Unfortunately what evolutionists such as Ken Miller “taught” Jones was a series of scientific misrepresentations which you can read about here, here and here. But these were not the only misrepresentations that made their way into American jurisprudence in the Dover trial. For the judge did not enter into his new training as a complete novice. As Jones later explained, “I understood the general theme. I’d seen Inherit the Wind.” It would be like a judge explaining that he already understood the general theme of tornado damage because he’s seen The Wizard of Oz. This Read More ›

Merle Hoffman is a Particularly Candid Butcher of Babies.

Hoffman has been in the abortion industry since 1971 and is the cofounder of the National Abortion Federation.  She has a new book out, Intimate Wars: The Life and Times of the Woman Who Brought Abortion from the Back Alley to the Boardroom.  In it she writes, “the anti-choice movement claimed that if women knew what abortion really was, if only the providers had told them the truth, they would never have killed their babies. . . . But women did know the truth, just as I knew it, deep down, when I allowed myself to recognize it.  Mothers saw the sonogram pictures, knew that sound bites assuring them that abortion was no different from any other benign outpatient surgery Read More ›

Utterly Unsupported Speculation Presented as Fact

That’s the materialist/Darwinist way, which is quintessentially antithetical to the scientific enterprise. Here we learn that: The earliest cells were unstable chemical systems that survived by combining a handful of shaky carbon-based assemblies together, researchers say. How do “researchers” know that the earliest cells were unstable chemical systems that survived by combining a handful of shaky carbon-based assemblies together? They know no such thing. They just made it all up. All evidence suggests that the earliest cells must have been highly sophisticated information-processing systems. There is no known chemical or stochastic mechanism that can accomplish this task. The most important point is to notice the rhetoric: The earliest cells were… This is a statement of certitude — essentially a statement Read More ›