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Breaking News!!!! Wesley R. Elsberry Solves 154 Year-Old Riddle of the Fossil Record; Awaits Call from Nobel Committee

In the course of a single comment about my exchange with Nick Matzke, Elsberry has solved an enigma that has puzzled Darwinists all the way back to Darwin himself. In Origin of Species Darwin admitted that the fossil record did not support his theory. He wrote: But just in proportion as this process of extermination has acted on an enormous scale, so must the number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed, be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against my theory. The explanation Read More ›

The phrase Natural Selection (NS) is double speak for Darwin’s Falsified Fantasy Mechanism (DFFM)

A label is a very powerful tool for creating and perpetuating false perceptions. When Darwin called his theory “Natural Selection” it created false perceptions about how nature actually works. If an evolutionary biologist said, “the flagellum evolved via the mechanism of Natural Selection (NS)” we’d think differently than if an evolutionary biologist said saying “the flagellum evolved via Darwin’s Falsified Fantasy Mechanism (DFFM)”. All the difference a label makes, eh? In my discussion with Darwinists over at Skeptical Zone, they accused me of not understanding how natural selection works since I said disasters leading to mass extinction is an example of Natural Selection. Evolutionist will say Natural Selection is differential reproductive success, to which I respond, “then why don’t you Read More ›

“Science is done by ignoring God” – Professor Coyne’s newfangled naturalism

Over at Why Evolution Is True, Professor Jerry Coyne is in high dudgeon over a sign that has just gone up in front of the new Nature Lab at The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, which is a public museum. The sign reads as follows: “The Nature Lab is a gift to Los Angeles to celebrate all of God’s creatures and to enable NHM to broaden our understanding of the natural world through the process of scientific discovery.” Anonymous donor – 2013 Despite the fact that the Museum has an official statement endorsing evolution as “a central concept in modern science” and as “no more controversial among scientists than are the theories explaining gravity, light, sound, or electricity,” Read More ›

Neanderthals behaving like us

There are two competing paradigms about Neanderthal capabilities and culture. The first considers Neanderthals to be cognitively inflexible, with a limited use of technologies that was unresponsive to environmental change. The second recognises a much wider range of behaviours and technologies, with adaptation to specific local conditions. The paper considered in this blog belongs to the second of these perspectives: the reported work considers artefacts from a cave that was occupied by Neanderthals and dated about 90,000 years ago. “Here, we present evidence for behavioral variability and complexity among Neanderthals at the beginning of Marine Isotope Stage 4 (MIS 4) at the Abri du Maras located above the Ardeche River in southern France. Using residue analysis of stone tools with Read More ›