Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Stephen Hawking: No Hay Ningún Dios. Soy Ateo

In today’s El Mundo Stephen Hawking makes the sophomoric mistake of equating atheism with knowledge. Was the universe created by miracles or did it evolve by natural law? This is Hawking’s false dichotomy and his conclusion is that science has now surpassed religion. Science now “offers a more convincing explanation.” And so Hawking says that he is an atheist. In fact Hawking is confident that science will soon explain everything:  Read more

On worshiping the right God: Jerry Coyne asks a sensible question

It had to happen sooner or later. Professor Jerry Coyne has identified what he sees as an inconsistency in Dr. William Lane Craig’s Divine Command theory of ethics, and after reading his latest post on the subject, I have to agree that Coyne is basically right and Craig is wrong. Consider the following statements by Professor Craig (see here and here): Remember: on perfect being theology, God is a maximally great being, a being which is worthy of worship. According to the version of divine command ethics which I’ve defended, our moral duties are constituted by the commands of a holy and loving God. On voluntaristic theories God’s commands are based upon His free will alone. He arbitrarily chooses what Read More ›

Here’s That New Study Demonstrating the Inheritance of Directed Change

Ever since Darwin, evolutionists have resisted the idea of directed change. The twentieth century’s neo Darwinism codified the idea that biological variation must be random with respect to need. And with that codification came certainty. As Jacques Monod unequivocally proclaimed in 1971:  Read more

The Influence of Biogeography on Evolutionary Thought

It is not that evolution is not true. Of course evolution is true—I evolved when I had breakfast this morning. As evolutionists like to say, evolution is mere change over time. Thus the changing of gene frequencies is a favorite proof text for evolution. But by broadening the definition of evolution to include anything and everything aside from absolute stasis, the term becomes essentially meaningless and ripe for equivocation.  Read more

Evolution Professor: Origin of Life “Not Impossible”

It’s not that speculation about flexible, cartoon hypotheses that are religiously motivated, supposed to have occurred long ago and are not falsifiable is wrong. But we shouldn’t confuse it with science. To wit, evolutionist Christoph Adami’s latest work skips those annoying scientific details and instead takes a high-level view of the origin of life:  Read more