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New film: Dismantled: A scientific deconstruction of the theory of evolution


The film features eminent geneticist John Sanford, along with marine biologist Robert Carter. It may be free this evening (October 11.)

Education systems and the media have repeatedly told us that humans and all living creatures evolved from a single-celled organism through random copying errors in the DNA (called mutations) and the reproductive filter of natural selection. This allegedly occurred over billions of years through unguided natural processes. Furthermore, we are told that the fossil record leaves no doubt that mankind evolved from ape-like creatures. Famous atheists like Richard Dawkins and Bill Nye tell us that we need to face the facts—we’re nothing more than an organized assemblage of biomolecules: there is no ultimate basis for morality, no ultimate meaning to life, no free will, and no life after death; humans have no soul and we will never stand before God to give an account for our lives. As Dawkins says, “DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is. And we dance to its music.” But what if the story we’ve been told about our alleged evolutionary ancestry is wrong, and the latest findings from modern genetics effectively falsify it? Would you believe it?

See also: The new John Lennox film: Against the Tide. John Lennox is the Oxford mathematician who wrote 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity (2020), among many other books. “The fascinating biopic tells the story of Lennox’s life defending the harmony between science and faith.”

Here are all the clips for Dismantled:
DISMANTLED - clips https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9WrhdJQy0-VR0DImvE6AHw/videos
The sneak peek has ended but you can order the entire documentary here:
DISMANTLED https://creation.com/dismantled-movie

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