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Japanese Pro-ID Cartoon


Here’s a pro-ID cartoon that appeared in the Tokyo Sekai Nippo:

I never thought of Star Blazers as the inspiration for Star Wars but I can see it. I can see the creationists as Space Marines too tribune7
The creationists in the cartoon correspond to the Space Marines of the second season. The mission of the Star Force in the first season was their quest to find Cosmo DNA. No kidding. How nice it would be for the next Star Blazers to have ID proponets as the heroes. I think almost for sure Star Blazers was part of the inspiration for the pro-ID cartoons. scordova
From the link above, here is what I wrote 2 years ago, notice the bolded portion where I mentioned cartoons:
Here is my free idea for your product line. With modern chip based sound we can get the Darwin doll to be saying all sorts of villainous things. Have Darwin doll say things schemeing to oppress a fair maiden or family. Then we have hero action figure (who says noble things, and is an IDist). He has a ray gun (symbolic of the light of truth) which when brought to bear on Darwin’s head causes the Darwin doll to shake and then pop out all sort of body parts or entrails. The fair maiden or family action figures give a cheer for the ID action hero upon defeating the evil Darwin doll. I think that’s a more marketable concept. That’s my idea anyway. Such a product line would of course lead to a cartoon show with the characters portrayed as such.
Are there any readers with graphic talent? Any more games like PandaMonium? Or ID PacMan? The cartoon reminded me of the Japanese cartoon series that inspired Star Wars. See: Star Blazers Look at the similarities to the cartoon. For example, Captain Avatar and Venture look like Phil Johnson and Stephen Meyer. Some of the Star Fighter outfits worn by Behe, Dembski, and Wells are reminicent of Derek Wildstar Dawkins make a great effeminate Leader Deslock. Deslock even acts like Dawkins! No Kidding. scordova
This is perfect for an animation with the ID proponents as the heroes and the Darwinists as villains. Yeah!!! Is Denyse going to look like Faye Valentine? tribune7
This is perfect for an animation with the ID proponents as the heroes and the Darwinists as villains. :-) I suggested 2 years ago that this would be an excellent project for the Darwinalia product lines. Sal scordova
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Dr. Dembski, can we see the whole cartoon? chunkdz
They captured Dawkins perfectly. I think the ID guys look a little too happy though. shaner74
These cartoons look like small crops from a larger cartoon. It seems like there are things happening just outside the frame. Latemarch
OK, it looks like they cartoonist is saying that Meyer and Johnson are commanders of the aircraft carrier, Behe, Dembski and Wells are bomber pilots, and the creationists are foot soldiers. The otherside, meanwhile, looks like it's getting bombed to heck. We are smiling and they are not. tribune7
Found this too... http://www.worldtimes.co.jp/special2/id/060831.html If you can't read Japanese, you can try to squeeze some understanding out of it using Google translate. http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en JGuy
In looking for the cartoons.. I found this by Sekai Nippo. It might interest someone here: http://wpherald.com/articles/1634/1/The-challenge-to-Darwins-theory-of-evolution--Part-1/Intelligent-Design---New-scientific-paradigm.html JGuy
Love it. Funny with the sea faring Meyer & Johnson. ^-^ JGuy
Disregard the previous emoticon. ^_- crandaddy
Those Japanese know technology when they see it! ;) crandaddy
It looks like Toyko is more interested in -- and understands the importance of -- the debate than New York. So do you get a really smart dog and a female assistant that looks like Faye Valentine (really big eyes) in the cartoon? tribune7

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