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Christian profs continue to pummel guy who says universe shows design, in major news outlet


Metaxas was never supposed to say it where it matters. Just in venues where someone pays profs to yatter.

Catching up here on our religion news, further to “Theology: What ID is, is not, the Christian profs have been striking back hard against that Metaxas guy who said in the Wall Street Journal that the universe does show evidence of design, thus busting their racket. From the Gospel Herald:

Biblical Scholars Refute Eric Metaxas’ Wall Street Journal Article Stating That Science Proves Intelligent Design

Dr. Peter Enns, a biblical scholar writing for Patheos.com, argues that there are two main reasons why Metaxas’ article falters. First off, Enns points out that “the notion that our theology – specifically, our understanding of God – is our sure starting point for deliberating about the relationship between science and faith.” He cites his recent book, The Evolution of Adam, in regards to the fact that “we should not assume that how we think about God is the unmovable and firm starting point for further deliberations” and “pushing the boundaries of our understanding of physical reality might actually affect the kind of God we understand ourselves to be proving.”

And his second point refers to the fact that we can’t really stand behind God as a thing or a benig that “can stand under scientific scrutiny.”

“God is not a ‘being’ whose ‘existence’ can be pointed out here or there,” Enns says. “God is being, the ground of being, that by which all being, all existence, is made possible. That is the claim of the Christian faith and to fall short of that claim is to sell this God short.” More.

As was summed up a long time ago by a science writer quoting a rabbi, God is no great that he needn’t exist – or have any impact on the real world.

That guy Peter Enns crossed our radar before, here, on BioLogos not renewing his contract.

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at least they are talking about what mankind has been talking about forever. Evolutionists and deniers of God/Christ have for too long censored mankind under the guise that science says no. Robert Byers
rvb8 #3
I, by the way, am an atheist and if god does exist I will tell him face to face, before he damns me for all eternity, that he is a clueless hick who doesn’t deserve the power fait bestowed upon his incompitant ass.
I'm guessing God has heard that tired line before. Actually, it is God the Son, who has been given the authority, to meet you face to face -- but not "before" you are condemned, because every human being enters this world already lost. I suspect He'll just ask you why you didn't accept the pardon for all your sin that He made available to you almost two thousand years ago. If you had only just believed the good news that He died in our place for the payment of sin, was buried, and rose again the third day, according to scripture. awstar
Enns and his ilk have deep doubts about the reality of God, I think. That's why no evidence can count for God's existence, since if it did then other evidence could count for God's non-existence. anthropic
awstar, you have that thought 100% wrong. It is the scientist, putting his faith in reason and experimentation that has the most to lose. As in Pascal's wager, if the religionist is wrong about god, so what, he's dead and no more to it. If the atheist scientist is wrong about god, it is (apparently) eternal damnation. So, who has the most to lose again? I, by the way, am an atheist and if god does exist I will tell him face to face, before he damns me for all eternity, that he is a clueless hick who doesn't deserve the power fait bestowed upon his incompitant ass. rvb8
the Christian profs have been striking back hard against that Metaxas guy who said in the Wall Street Journal that the universe does show evidence of design, thus busting their racket.
It seems to me the theology guys who accommodate evolution have more to lose than cosmology and biology guys. The cosmology and biology guys can just shrug their shoulders and say, "well, I guess I was wrong about that one." But the theology guys have to confess there unbelief in what God had clearly said. That pretty much puts them out of business. awstar
God as a thing or a benig | God as thing or a being Peace & Joy. OK, so a Religionist is declaring that Theology is a VERY narrow field and that only deities of VERY narrow qualifications can qualify as "God". I know several Christian sects (and of course most Moslems and Jew) who have other opinions. And most card carrying Shamans. When they think about their version of God, they're not allowed to call it "Theo-ology"? Who's making up these silly rules? The fact that we don't understand the Nature of God only says something about our Ignorance. It doesn't say anything about God. Intelligent Design can/might allow us to say SOMETHING objectively true about the Nature of God, even if the Designer works part time under contract to God. mahuna

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