A thoughtful article by a perceptive engineer. A good example of priming the Origins Debate pump.
Let’s open minds, textbooks to intelligent design theories
Intricacies of Earth life-forms, microscopes challenge evolution ideas
Gordon Rose, Letter, Indianapolis Star Dec. 15, 2007
“In our school systems today, science, with its dramatic and continual advancement in knowledge, has to be one of the most interesting as well as important subjects being taught.
Strangely enough, it is here that we are teaching unchallenged, the biggest lie in education — the theory of evolution. Not that the theory shouldn’t be taught — it should, simply because it is believed to be true by so many scientists. But the latest research with modern tools such as the electron microscope, have ruled out any possibility of life on our planet occurring by accident. Modern, competent scientists can show that the unbelievable complexity of design of the human cell, for example, demands the acknowledgement of a designer, or an intelligence far higher than anything we can imagine. . . .” See full article