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Brian Keating on the problem with “Follow the Science”


Readers might remember that Brian Keating recently interviewed Steve Meyer but here he himself is interviewed:

As another example, Keating reminds us that “In the 20th century some of the most respected scientists in the world, including Nobel prize winners, believed in eugenics, the reprehensible idea that the human race could be improved by selective breeding. The National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association, and the Rockefeller Foundation supported it. By the middle of the century it had been thoroughly rejected as quackery. No reputable scientist would have anything to with this idea.”

“So, we all need to get over this notion that just because someone — be it a politician, a bureaucrat, or even a scientist — employs the phrase ‘science says’ means whatever they’re saying is right,” Keating notes. “It might be right. But it might also be wrong. And if it’s wrong, it won’t necessarily be a bunch of scientists who say it’s wrong. It might be one guy.”

Keating then references Einstein, who quipped after 100 German scientists argued that his theory of relativity was flawed, “If I were wrong, then one would’ve been enough.” Prager U, “Scientist Unpacks The Problem With ‘Follow The Science’” at DailyWire

The craziness around COVID-19 will either cure people of “trust the science” for good or demonstrate that they are unable to think critically and therefore beyond help.

See also: Asked of Steve Meyer: If humans are so important to God, why did they take so long to develop? In the book, Meyer argues from three scientific discoveries to an inference to a personal God. If God is the creator, Keating wants to know, why was He so patient as to wait billions of years, during which not much that was very interesting happened, for the fulfillment of His purpose in initiating the universe to begin with?

A semantic distinction: Eugenics isn't invalid science. Selective breeding can unquestionably bring out certain traits and eliminate others. Eugenics is valid science used for evil purposes. The "virus" crap is perfectly invalid science. Every scrap of knowledge about real viruses and real immunity, acquired by centuries of painful experimentation, has been flipped upside down and used for genocide. The demons aren't clueless. The demons are able to ruin us and kill us efficiently BECAUSE they know the real scientific facts.polistra
April 5, 2021
11:32 PM
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