Regular readers will recall that Bill Nye the science guy (the TV show, remember?) is to debate Ken Ham, the Genesis slam, Tuesday (February 4) at the Kentucky science museum, live streaming, free.
Now, strictly speaking, it’s a fight Nye picked when he attacked creationist parents. But he’s willing to defend his views.
But Nye’s biggest problem isn’t Ham, actually. Jerry Coyne criticized his performance in advance as did P.Z. Myers and somebody Dawkins approves of. Whether Nye wins or loses, the first thing he should do when he gets back home is call Relationships 9-11 and break off with all these supposed friends.
Meanwhile, Gregg Henriques, over at Psychology Today also provided Nye with a wonderful attitude not to imitate (Ham shouldn’t either):
3. Anti-evolutionary beliefs are seriously problematic at multiple levels. Like Nye, I am convinced that Biblical fundamentalism represents an enormous sociocultural problem in America. Consider that prior to my debate I went to one of my opponent’s lectures on creationism. In the question and answer period (which included such questions—asked in earnest—as whether or not Adam and Eve had bellybuttons), the hostility toward the “anti-God” liberal elite was palpable. The narrative that emerged in the room was that evolutionary theory was a religious and political movement sparked by hyper-educated atheists who deemed themselves superior to the common man and too narcissistic to submit to the will of God. It turns out this was not an isolated incident but is a central line of thought underlying American social conservatism. In his book, What is the Matter with Kansas?, Frank highlights how the culture wars are central to understanding the political divide in America and that the evolution-creationism debate is central to the culture wars.
Henrique’s whole post stinks like road kill skunk, of tax- and student loan- funded superiority.
And this from a guy in a field that is so riddled with scandals (psychology), we wondered if there’d be anything of substance to account for after the holes were all tallied.
That’s a good way to feel good about yourself, but it’s not a good way to win. Winners learn. They note weaknesses in their own position as well as others’.
Klinghoffer over at Evolution News & Views says he’ll watch, and it’ll be interesting to hear his take, if he offers one. Like non-creationist me, he doesn’t have a cat in the fight. – O’Leary for News
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