Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Functionally Specific, Complex Organisation and Associated Information (FSCO/I) is real and relevant


Over the past few months, I noticed objectors to design theory dismissing or studiously ignoring a simple — much simpler than a clock — macroscopic example of Functionally Specific, Complex Organisation and/or associated Information (FSCO/I) and its empirically observed source, the ABU-Garcia Ambassadeur 6500 C3 fishing reel:


Yes, FSCO/I is real, and has a known cause.

{Added, Feb 6} It seems a few other clearly paradigmatic cases will help rivet the point, such as the organisation of a petroleum refinery:

Petroleum refinery block diagram illustrating FSCO/I in a process-flow system
Petroleum refinery block diagram illustrating FSCO/I in a process-flow system

. . . or the wireframe view of a rifle ‘scope (which itself has many carefully arranged components):


. . . or a calculator circuit:


. . . or the wireframe for a gear tooth (showing how complex and exactingly precise a gear is):


And if you doubt its relevance to the world of cell based life, I draw your attention to the code-based, ribosome using protein synthesis process that is a commonplace of life forms:

Protein Synthesis (HT: Wiki Media)
Protein Synthesis (HT: Wiki Media)


[vimeo 31830891]

U/D Mar 11, let’s add as a parallel to the oil refinery an outline of the cellular metabolism network as a case of integrated complex chemical systems instantiated using molecular nanotech that leaves the refinery in the dust for elegance and sophistication . . . noting how protein synthesis as outlined above is just the tiny corner at top left below, showing DNA, mRNA and protein assembly using tRNA in the little ribosome dots:


Now, the peculiar thing is, the demonstration of the reality and relevance of FSCO/I was routinely, studiously ignored by objectors, and there were even condescending or even apparently annoyed dismissals of my having made repeated reference to a fishing reel as a demonstrative example.

But, in a current thread Andre has brought the issue back into focus, as we can note from an exchange of comments:

Andre, #3: I have to ask our materialist friends…..

We have recently discovered a 3rd rotary motor [ –> after the Flagellum and the ATP Synthase Enzyme] that is used by cells for propulsion.


Please give me an honest answer how on earth can you even believe or hang on to the hope that this system not only designed itself but built itself? This view is not in accrodance with what we observe in the universe. I want to believe you that it can build and design itself but please show me how! I’m an engineer and I can promise you in my whole working life I have NEVER seen such a system come into existence on its own. If you have proof of this please share it with me so that I can also start believing in what you do!

Andre, 22: I see no attempt by anyone to answer my question…

How do molecular machines design and build themselves?


KF, 23: providing you mean the heavily endothermic information rich molecules and key-lock fitting components in the nanotech machines required for the living cell, they don’t, and especially, not in our observation. Nor do codes (languages) and algorithms (step by step procedures) assemble themselves out of molecular noise in warm salty ponds etc. In general, the notion that functionally specific complex organisation and associated information comes about by blind chance and mechanical necessity is without empirical warrant. But, institutionalised commitment to Lewontinian a priori evolutionary materialism has created the fixed notion in a great many minds that this “must” have happened and that to stop and question this is to abandon “Science.” So much the worse for the vera causa principle that in explaining a remote unobserved past of origins, there must be a requirement that we first observe the actual causes seen to produce such effects and use them in explanation. If that were done, the debates and contentions would be over as there is but one empirically grounded cause of FSCO/I; intelligently directed configuration, aka design

Andre, 24: On the money.

Piotr is an expert on linguistics, I wonder if he can tell us how the system of speech transmission, encoding and decoding could have evolved in a stepwise fashion.

Here is a simple example…..


[I insert:]

[And, elaborate a bit, on technical requisites:]

A communication system
A communication system

I really want to know how or am I just being unreasonable again?

We need to go back to the Fishing reel, with its story:

[youtube bpzh3faJkXk]

The closest we got to a reasonable response on the design-indicating implications of FSCO/I in fishing reels as a positive demonstration (with implications for other cases), is this, from AR:

It requires no effort at all to accept that the Abu Ambassadeur reel was designed and built by Swedes. My father had several examples. He worked for a rival company and was tasked with reverse-engineering the design with a view to developing a similar product. His company gave up on it. And I would be the first to suggest there are limits to our knowledge. We cannot see beyond the past light-cone of the Earth.

I think a better word that would lead to less confusion would be “purposeful” rather than “intelligent”. It better describes people, tool-using primates, beavers, bees and termites. The more important distinction should be made between material purposeful agents about which I cannot imagine we could disagree (aforesaid humans, other primates, etc) and immaterial agents for which we have no evidence or indicia (LOL) . . .

Now, it should be readily apparent . . . let’s expand in step by step points of thought [u/d Feb 8] . . . that:

a –> intelligence is inherently purposeful, and

b –> that the fishing reel is an example of how the purposeful intelligent creativity involved in the intelligently directed configuration — aka, design — that

c –> leads to productive working together of multiple, correct parts properly arranged to achieve function through their effective interaction

d –> leaves behind it certain empirically evident and in principle quantifiable signs. In particular,

e –> the specific arrangement of particular parts or facets in the sort of nodes-arcs pattern in the exploded view diagram above is chock full of quantifiable, function-constrained information. That is,

f –> we may identify a structured framework and list of yes/no questions required to bring us to the cluster of effective configurations in the abstract space of possible configurations of relevant parts.

g –> This involves specifying the parts, specifying their orientation, their location relative to other parts, coupling, and possibly an assembly process. Where,

h –> such a string of structured questions and answers is a specification in a description language, and yields a value of functionally specific information in binary digits, bits.

If this sounds strange, reflect on how AutoCAD and similar drawing programs represent designs.

This is directly linked to a well known index of complexity, from Kolmogorov and Chaitin. As Wikipedia aptly summarises:

In algorithmic information theory (a subfield of computer science and mathematics), the Kolmogorov complexity (also known as descriptive complexity, Kolmogorov–Chaitin complexity, algorithmic entropy, or program-size complexity) of an object, such as a piece of text, is a measure of the computability resources needed to specify the object . . . .  the complexity of a string is the length of the shortest possible description of the string in some fixed universal description language (the sensitivity of complexity relative to the choice of description language is discussed below). It can be shown that the Kolmogorov complexity of any string cannot be more than a few bytes larger than the length of the string itself. Strings, like the abab example above, whose Kolmogorov complexity is small relative to the string’s size are not considered to be complex.

A useful way to picture this is to recognise from the above, that the three dimensional complexity and functionally specific organisation of something like the 6500 C3 reel, may be reduced to a descriptive string. In the worst case (a random string), we can give some header contextual information and reproduce the string. In other cases, we may be able to spot a pattern and do much better than that, e.g. with an orderly string like abab . . . n times we can compress to a very short message that describes the order involved. In intermediate cases, in all codes we practically observe there is some redundancy that yields a degree of compressibility.

So, as Trevors and Abel were able to visualise a decade ago in one of the sleeping classic peer reviewed and published papers of design theory, we may distinguish random, ordered and functionally specific descriptive strings:

osc_rsc_fscThat is, we may see how islands of function emerge in an abstract space of possible sequences in which compressibility trades off against order and specific function in an algorithmic (or more broadly informational) context emerges. Where of course, functionality is readily observed in relevant cases: it works, or it fails, as any software debugger or hardware troubleshooter can tell you. Such islands may also be visualised in another way that allows us to see how this effect of sharp constraint on  configurations in order to achieve interactive function enables us to detect the presence of design as best explanation of FSCO/I:

csi_defnObviously, as the just above infographic shows, beyond a certain level of complexity, the atomic and temporal resources of our solar system or the observed cosmos would be fruitlessly overwhelmed by the scope of the space of possibilities for descriptive strings, if search for islands of function was to be carried out on the approach of blind chance and/or mechanical necessity. We therefore now arrive at a practical process for operationally detecting design on its empirical signs — one that is independent of debates over visibility or otherwise of designers (but requires us to be willing to accept that we exemplify capabilities and characteristics of designers but do not exhaust the list of in principle possible designers):

explan_filterFurther, we may introduce relevant cases and a quantification:


That is, we may now introduce a metric model that summarises the above flowchart:

Chi_500 = I*S – 500, bits beyond the solar system search threshold . . . Eqn 1

What this tells us, is that if we recognise a case of FSCO/I beyond 500 bits (or if the observed cosmos is a more relevant scope, 1,000 bits) then the config space search challenge above becomes insurmountable for blind chance and mechanical necessity. The only actually empirically warranted adequate causal explanation for such cases is design — intelligently directed configuration. And, as shown, this extends to specific cases in the world of life, extending a 2007 listing of cases of FSCO/I by Durston et al in the literature.

To see how this works, we may try the thought exercise of turning our observed solar system into a set of 10^57 atoms regarded as observers, assigning to each a tray of 500 coins. Flip every 10^-14 s or so, and observe, doing so for 10^17 s, a reasonable lifespan for the observed cosmos:

sol_coin_fliprThe resulting needle in haystack blind search challenge is comparable to a search that samples a one straw sized zone in a cubical haystack comparable in thickness to our galaxy. That is, we here apply a blind chance and mechanical necessity driven dynamic-stochastic search to a case of a general system model,


. . . and find it to be practically insuperable.

By contrast, intelligent designers routinely produce text strings of 72 ASCII characters in recognisable, context-responsive English and the like.

[U/D Feb 5th:] I forgot to add, on the integration of a von Neumann Self Replication facility, which requires a significant increment in FSCO/I, which may be represented:

jvn_self_replicatorFollowing von Neumann generally, such a machine uses . . .

(i) an underlying storable code to record the required information to create not only
(a) the primary functional machine [[here, for a “clanking replicator” as illustrated, a Turing-type “universal computer”; in a cell this would be the metabolic entity that transforms environmental materials into required components etc.] but also
(b) the self-replicating facility; and, that
(c) can express step by step finite procedures for using the facility; 
(ii) a coded blueprint/tape record of such specifications and (explicit or implicit) instructions, together with   
(iii) a tape reader [called “the constructor” by von Neumann] that reads and interprets the coded specifications and associated instructions; thus controlling:   
(iv) position-armimplementing machines with “tool tips” controlled by the tape reader and used to carry out the action-steps for the specified replication (including replication of the constructor itself); backed up by   
(v) either:   
(1) a pre-existing reservoir of required parts and energy sources, or
(2) associated “metabolic” machines carrying out activities that as a part of their function, can provide required specific materials/parts and forms of energy for the replication facility, by using the generic resources in the surrounding environment.

Also, parts (ii), (iii) and (iv) are each necessary for and together are jointly sufficient to implement a self-replicating machine with an integral von Neumann universal constructor.That is, we see here an irreducibly complex set of core components that must all be present in a properly organised fashion for a successful self-replicating machine to exist. [Take just one core part out, and self-replicating functionality ceases: the self-replicating machine is irreducibly complex (IC).]
Here, Mignea’s 2012 discussion [cf. slide how here and presentation here] of a minimal self replicating cellular form will be also relevant, involving duplication and arrangement then separation into daughter automata. This requires stored algorithmic procedures, descriptions sufficient to construct components, means to execute instructions, materials handling, controlled energy flows, wastes disposal and more.:
self_replication_migneaThis irreducible complexity is compounded by the requirement (i) for codes, requiring organised symbols and rules to specify both steps to take and formats for storing information, and (v) for appropriate material resources and energy sources.

Immediately, we are looking at islands of organised function for both the machinery and the information in the wider sea of possible (but mostly non-functional) configurationsIn short, outside such functionally specific — thus, isolated — information-rich hot (or, “target”) zones, want of correct components and/or of proper organisation and/or co-ordination will block function from emerging or being sustained across time from generation to generation. So, once the set of possible configurations is large enough and the islands of function are credibly sufficiently specific/isolated, it is unreasonable to expect such function to arise from chance, or from chance circumstances driving blind natural forces under the known laws of nature.

And ever since Paley spoke of the thought exercise of a watch that replicated itself in the course of its movement, it has been pointed out that such a jump in FSCO/I points to yet higher more perfect art as credible cause.

It bears noting, then, that the only actually actually observed source of FSCO/I is design.

That is, we see here the vera causa test in action, that when we set out to explain observed traces from the unobservable deep past of origins, we should apply in our explanations only such factors as we have observed to be causally adequate to such effects. The simple application of this principle to the FSCO/I in life forms immediately raises the question of design as causal explanation.

A good step to help us see why is to consult Leslie Orgel in a pivotal 1973 observation:

. . . In brief, living organisms are distinguished by their specified complexity. Crystals are usually taken as the prototypes of simple well-specified structures, because they consist of a very large number of identical molecules packed together in a uniform way. Lumps of granite or random mixtures of polymers are examples of structures that are complex but not specified. The crystals fail to qualify as living because they lack complexity; the mixtures of polymers fail to qualify because they lack specificity.

These vague idea can be made more precise by introducing the idea of information. Roughly speaking, the information content of a structure is the minimum number of instructions needed to specify the structure. [–> this is of course equivalent to the string of yes/no questions required to specify the relevant “wiring diagram” for the set of functional states, T, in the much larger space of possible clumped or scattered configurations, W, as Dembski would go on to define in NFL in 2002, also cf here, here and here (with here on self-moved agents as designing causes).]  One can see intuitively that many instructions are needed to specify a complex structure. [–> so if the q’s to be answered are Y/N, the chain length is an information measure that indicates complexity in bits . . . ] On the other hand a simple repeating structure can be specified in rather few instructions.  [–> do once and repeat over and over in a loop . . . ] Complex but random structures, by definition, need hardly be specified at all . . . . Paley was right to emphasize the need for special explanations of the existence of objects with high information content, for they cannot be formed in nonevolutionary, inorganic processes.

[The Origins of Life (John Wiley, 1973), p. 189, p. 190, p. 196. Of course,

a –> that immediately highlights OOL, where the required self-replicating entity is part of what has to be explained (cf. Paley here), a notorious conundrum for advocates of evolutionary materialism; one, that has led to mutual ruin documented by Shapiro and Orgel between metabolism first and genes first schools of thought, cf here.

b –> Behe would go on to point out that irreducibly complex structures are not credibly formed by incremental evolutionary processes and Menuge et al would bring up serious issues for the suggested exaptation alternative, cf. his challenges C1 – 5 in the just linked. Finally,

c –> Dembski highlights that CSI comes in deeply isolated islands T in much larger configuration spaces W, for biological systems functional islands. That puts up serious questions for origin of dozens of body plans reasonably requiring some 10 – 100+ mn bases of fresh genetic information to account for cell types, tissues, organs and multiple coherently integrated systems. Wicken’s remarks a few years later as already were cited now take on fuller force in light of the further points from Orgel at pp. 190 and 196 . . . ]

. . . and J S Wicken in a 1979 remark:

Organized’ systems are to be carefully distinguished from ‘ordered’ systems.  Neither kind of system is ‘random,’ but whereas ordered systems are generated according to simple algorithms [[i.e. “simple” force laws acting on objects starting from arbitrary and common- place initial conditions] and therefore lack complexity, organized systems must be assembled element by element according to an [[originally . . . ] external ‘wiring diagram’ with a high information content . . . Organization, then, is functional complexity and carries information. It is non-random by design or by selection, rather than by the a priori necessity of crystallographic ‘order.’[[“The Generation of Complexity in Evolution: A Thermodynamic and Information-Theoretical Discussion,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 77 (April 1979): p. 353, of pp. 349-65. (Emphases and notes added. Nb: “originally” is added to highlight that for self-replicating systems, the blue print can be built-in.)]

. . . then also this from Sir Fred Hoyle:

 Once we see that life is cosmic it is sensible to suppose that intelligence is cosmic. Now problems of order, such as the sequences of amino acids in the chains which constitute the enzymes and other proteins, are precisely the problems that become easy once a directed intelligence enters the picture, as was recognised long ago by James Clerk Maxwell in his invention of what is known in physics as the Maxwell demon. The difference between an intelligent ordering, whether of words, fruit boxes, amino acids, or the Rubik cube, and merely random shufflings can be fantastically large, even as large as a number that would fill the whole volume of Shakespeare’s plays with its zeros. So if one proceeds directly and straightforwardly in this matter, without being deflected by a fear of incurring the wrath of scientific opinion, one arrives at the conclusion that biomaterials with their amazing measure or order must be the outcome of intelligent design. No other possibility I have been able to think of in pondering this issue over quite a long time seems to me to have anything like as high a possibility of being true.” [[Evolution from Space (The Omni Lecture[ –> Jan 12th 1982]), Enslow Publishers, 1982, pg. 28.]

 Why then, the resistance to such an inference?

AR gives us a clue:

The more important distinction should be made between material purposeful agents about which I cannot imagine we could disagree (aforesaid humans, other primates, etc) and immaterial agents for which we have no evidence or indicia (LOL) . . .

That is, there is a perception that to make a design inference on origin of life or of body plans based on the observed cause of FSCO/I is to abandon science for religious superstition. Regardless, of the strong insistence of design thinkers from the inception of the school of thought as a movement, that inference to design on the world of life is inference to ART as causal process (in contrast to blind chance and mechanical necessity), as opposed to inference to the supernatural. And underneath lurks the problem of a priori imposed Lewontinian evolutionary materialism, as was notoriously stated in a review of Sagan’s A Demon Haunted World:

demon_haunted. . . the problem is to get them [hoi polloi] to reject irrational and supernatural explanations of the world, the demons that exist only in their imaginations, and to accept a social and intellectual apparatus, Science, as the only begetter of truth [–> NB: this is a knowledge claim about knowledge and its possible sources, i.e. it is a claim in philosophy not science; it is thus self-refuting]. . . .

It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes [–> another major begging of the question . . . ] to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute [–> i.e. here we see the fallacious, indoctrinated, ideological, closed mind . . . ], for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door . . .

[From: “Billions and Billions of Demons,” NYRB, January 9, 1997. In case you imagine this is “quote-mined” I suggest you read the fuller annotated cite here.]




A priori Evolutionary Materialism has been dressed up in the lab coat and many have thus been led to imagine that to draw an inference that just might open the door a crack to that barbaric Bronze Age sky-god myth — as they have been indoctrinated to think about God (in gross error, start here) — is to abandon science for chaos.

Philip Johnson’s reply, rebuttal and rebuke was well merited:

For scientific materialists the materialism comes first; the science comes thereafter. [[Emphasis original] We might more accurately term them “materialists employing science.” And if materialism is true, then some materialistic theory of evolution has to be true simply as a matter of logical deduction, regardless of the evidence. That theory will necessarily be at least roughly like neo-Darwinism, in that it will have to involve some combination of random changes and law-like processes capable of producing complicated organisms that (in Dawkins’ words) “give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.”
. . . .   The debate about creation and evolution is not deadlocked . . . Biblical literalism is not the issue. The issue is whether materialism and rationality are the same thing. Darwinism is based on an a priori commitment to materialism, not on a philosophically neutral assessment of the evidence. Separate the philosophy from the science, and the proud tower collapses. [[Emphasis added.] [[The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism, First Things, 77 (Nov. 1997), pp. 22 – 25.]
Tree of Life model, per Smithsonian Museum; note the root, OOL

And so, our answer to AR must first reflect BA’s: Craig Venter et al positively demonstrate that intelligent design and/or modification of cell based life forms is feasible, effective and an actual cause of observable information in life forms. To date, by contrast — after 150 years of trying — the observational base for bio-functional complex, specific information beyond 500 – 1,000 bits originating by blind chance and mechanical necessity is ZERO.

So, straight induction trumps ideological speculation, per the vera causa test.

That is, at minimum, design sits at the explanatory table regarding origin of life and origin of body plans, as of inductive right.

And, we may add that by highlighting the case for the origin of the living cell, this applies from the root on up and should shift our evaluation of the reasonableness of design as an alternative for major, information-rich features of life-forms, including our own. Particularly as regards our being equipped for language.

Going beyond, we note that we observe intelligence in action, but have no good reason to confine it to embodied forms. Not least, because blindly mechanical, GIGO-limited computation such as in a ball and disk integrator:


. . . or a digital circuit based computer:


. . . or even a neural network:

A neural network is essentially a weighted sum interconnected gate array, it is not an exception to the GIGO principle
A neural network is essentially a weighted sum interconnected gate array, it is not an exception to the GIGO principle

. . . is dynamic-stochastic system based signal processing, it simply is not equal to insightful, self-aware, responsibly free rational contemplation, reasoning, warranting, knowing and linked imaginative creativity. Indeed, it is the gap between these two things that is responsible for the intractability of the so-called Hard Problem of Consciousness, as can be seen from say Carter’s formulation which insists on the reduction:

The term . . . refers to the difficult problem of explaining why we have qualitative phenomenal experiences. It is contrasted with the “easy problems” of explaining the ability to discriminate, integrate information, report mental states, focus attention, etc. Easy problems are easy because all that is required for their solution is to specify a mechanism that can perform the function. That is, their proposed solutions, regardless of how complex or poorly understood they may be, can be entirely consistent with the modern materialistic conception of natural phenomen[a]. Hard problems are distinct from this set because they “persist even when the performance of all the relevant functions is explained.”

Notice, the embedded a priori materialism.

2350 years past, Plato spotlighted the fatal foundational flaw in his The Laws, Bk X, drawing an inference to cosmological design:

Ath. . . . when one thing changes another, and that another, of such will there be any primary changing element? How can a thing which is moved by another ever be the beginning of change?Impossible. But when the self-moved changes other, and that again other, and thus thousands upon tens of thousands of bodies are set in motion, must not the beginning of all this motion be the change of the self-moving principle? . . . . self-motion being the origin of all motions, and the first which arises among things at rest as well as among things in motion, is the eldest and mightiest principle of change, and that which is changed by another and yet moves other is second. 

[[ . . . .]Ath. If we were to see this power existing in any earthy, watery, or fiery substance, simple or compound-how should we describe it?Cle. You mean to ask whether we should call such a self-moving power life?Ath. I do.

Cle. Certainly we should. 

And when we see soul in anything, must we not do the same-must we not admit that this is life? [[ . . . . ]

Cle. You mean to say that the essence which is defined as the self-moved is the same with that which has the name soul?

Ath. Yes; and if this is true, do we still maintain that there is anything wanting in the proof that the soul is the first origin and moving power of all that is, or has become, or will be, and their contraries, when she has been clearly shown to be the source of change and motion in all things? 

Cle. Certainly not; the soul as being the source of motion, has been most satisfactorily shown to be the oldest of all things.

Ath. And is not that motion which is produced in another, by reason of another, but never has any self-moving power at all, being in truth the change of an inanimate body, to be reckoned second, or by any lower number which you may prefer?  Cle. Exactly. 
Ath. Then we are right, and speak the most perfect and absolute truth, when we say that the soul is prior to the body, and that the body is second and comes afterwards, and is born to obey the soul, which is the ruler?
[ . . . . ]
Ath.If, my friend, we say that the whole path and movement of heaven, and of all that is therein, is by nature akin to the movement and revolution and calculation of mind, and proceeds by kindred laws, then, as is plain, we must say that the best soul takes care of the world and guides it along the good path.[[Plato here explicitly sets up an inference to design (by a good soul) from the intelligible order of the cosmos.]

In effect, the key problem is that in our time, many have become weeded to an ideology that attempts to get North by insistently heading due West.

Mission impossible.

Instead, let us let the chips lie where they fly as we carry out an inductive analysis.

Patently, FSCO/I is only known to come about by intelligently directed — thus purposeful — configuration. The islands of function in config spaces and needle in haystack search challenge easily explain why, on grounds remarkably similar to those that give the statistical underpinnings of the second law of thermodynamics.

Further, while we exemplify design and know that in our case intelligence is normally coupled to brain operation, we have no good reason to infer that it is merely a result of the blindly mechanical computation of the neural network substrates in our heads. Indeed, we have reason to believe that blind GIGO limited mechanisms driven by forces of chance and necessity are utterly at categorical difference from our familiar responsible freedom. (And it is noteworthy that those who champion the materialist view often seek to undermine responsible freedom to think, reason, warrant, decide and act.)

To all such, we must contrast the frank declaration of evolutionary theorist J B S Haldane:

 “It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true.They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms. In order to escape from this necessity of sawing away the branch on which I am sitting, so to speak, I am compelled to believe that mind is not wholly conditioned by matter.” [[“When I am dead,” in Possible Worlds: And Other Essays [1927], Chatto and Windus: London, 1932, reprint, p.209. (Highlight and emphases added.)]

 And so, when we come to something like the origin of a fine tuned cosmos fitted for C-Chemistry, aqueous medium, code and algorithm using, cell-based life, we should at least be willing to seriously consider Sir Fred Hoyle’s point:

From 1953 onward, Willy Fowler and I have always been intrigued by the remarkable relation of the 7.65 MeV energy level in the nucleus of 12 C to the 7.12 MeV level in 16 O. If you wanted to produce carbon and oxygen in roughly equal quantities by stellar nucleosynthesis, these are the two levels you would have to fix, and your fixing would have to be just where these levels are actually found to be. Another put-up job? . . . I am inclined to think so. A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has “monkeyed” with the physics as well as the chemistry and biology, and there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. [F. Hoyle, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 20 (1982): 16.  Emphasis added.]

As he also noted:

I do not believe that any physicist who examined the evidence could fail to draw the inference that the laws of nuclear physics have been deliberately designed with regard to the consequences they produce within stars. [[“The Universe: Past and Present Reflections.” Engineering and Science, November, 1981. pp. 8–12]

That is, we should at minimum be willing to ponder seriously the possibility of creative mind beyond the cosmos, beyond matter, as root cause of what we see. If, we are willing to allow FSCO/I to speak for itself as a reliable index of design. Even, through a multiverse speculation.

For, as John Leslie classically noted:

One striking thing about the fine tuning is that a force strength or a particle mass often appears to require accurate tuning for several reasons at once. Look at electromagnetism. Electromagnetism seems to require tuning for there to be any clear-cut distinction between matter and radiation; for stars to burn neither too fast nor too slowly for life’s requirements; for protons to be stable; for complex chemistry to be possible; for chemical changes not to be extremely sluggish; and for carbon synthesis inside stars (carbon being quite probably crucial to life). Universes all obeying the same fundamental laws could still differ in the strengths of their physical forces, as was explained earlier, and random variations in electromagnetism from universe to universe might then ensure that it took on any particular strength sooner or later. Yet how could they possibly account for the fact that the same one strength satisfied many potentially conflicting requirements, each of them a requirement for impressively accurate tuning?

. . .  [.]  . . . the need for such explanations does not depend on any estimate of how many universes would be observer-permitting, out of the entire field of possible universes. Claiming that our universe is ‘fine tuned for observers’, we base our claim on how life’s evolution would apparently have been rendered utterly impossible by comparatively minor alterations in physical force strengths, elementary particle masses and so forth. There is no need for us to ask whether very great alterations in these affairs would have rendered it fully possible once more, let alone whether physical worlds conforming to very different laws could have been observer-permitting without being in any way fine tuned. Here it can be useful to think of a fly on a wall, surrounded by an empty region. A bullet hits the fly Two explanations suggest themselves. Perhaps many bullets are hitting the wall or perhaps a marksman fired the bullet. There is no need to ask whether distant areas of the wall, or other quite different walls, are covered with flies so that more or less any bullet striking there would have hit one. The important point is that the local area contains just the one fly. [Our Place in the Cosmos, 1998 (courtesy Wayback Machine) Emphases added.]

 In short, our observed cosmos sits at a locally deeply isolated, functionally specific, complex configuration of underlying physics and cosmology that enable the sort of life forms we see. That needs to be explained adequately, even as for a lone fly on a patch of wall swatted by a bullet.

And, if we are willing to consider it, that strongly points to a marksman with the right equipment.

Even, if that may be a mind beyond the material, inherently contingent cosmos we observe.

Even, if . . . END

kairosfocus: well past 1,000 bits (143 ASCII characters) just for the main gear So a quantitative value for FSCO/I of the Ambassadeur 6500 is not available? Have you tried the manufacturer specifications?Zachriel
February 4, 2015
07:25 AM
Z, well past 1,000 bits (143 ASCII characters) just for the main gear [shaft top right, the hollowed out gear that holds the drag washer stack] . . . gears are astonishingly complex entities with seriously exacting specifications for alignments, orientations, tooth shapes and cuts etc. There are several dozen highly precise parts, and a highly precise pattern for their assembly. Where of course, protein strings are similarly highly specific and for a functional flagellum or an ATP synthase, quite a few parts have to be put together just right, or no go. Nodes and arcs y/n q-chains galore. KF PS: I'd love to see a good vid on self assembly if someone's got one.kairosfocus
February 4, 2015
07:21 AM
Zachriel: So, neither silence nor scorn! Just a question. :) OK, you propose some "natural" system which could generate the object by non design mechanisms and randomness, and then we can try to compute the FSCI according to the probability of the functional result. OK?gpuccio
February 4, 2015
07:19 AM
GP, well there are over a dozen graphic elements and an embedded video. Dayglow! And, so many citations, too. KFkairosfocus
February 4, 2015
07:14 AM
So what is the quantitative FSCO/I of the Ambassadeur 6500?Zachriel
February 4, 2015
07:11 AM
Barry: Easy prediction! :) I would hope for scorn at least, silence is so boring...gpuccio
February 4, 2015
07:05 AM
D, Thanks. I also see GP is using something you posed. If you care to make a guest post, just drop me a line. KF PS: Objectors, that goes for you too, especially if you are stepping up to the plate to address the UD pro-darwinism essay challenge that still stands open after a couple of years . . . OOL and the tree of life i/l/o the same Smithsonian diagram above.kairosfocus
February 4, 2015
07:00 AM
GP, quite a case. Why not use your posting powers and do a full, headlined post? KFkairosfocus
February 4, 2015
06:58 AM
BA: You missed the latest, they now cannot spot the points because of the "dayglow" multimedia elements. Including, I suppose, infographics that make key parts of the case in a nutshell. KF PS: The little movie is a nice extra, that tells the story of the actual designers.kairosfocus
February 4, 2015
06:54 AM
KF: Thank you for the very good summary. Among many other certainly interesting discussions, we may tend to forget sometimes that functionally specified complex information is the central point in ID theory. You are very good at reminding that to all here. I would like to suggest a very good example of multilevel functional complexity in biology, which is often overlooked. It is an old favourite of mine, the maturation of antibody affinity after the initial immunological response. Dionisio has recently linked an article about a very recent paper. The paper is not free, but I invite all those interested to look at the figures and legends, which can be viewed here: http://www.nature.com/nri/journal/v12/n1/fig_tab/nri3128_ft.html The interesting point is that the whole process has been defined as "darwinian", while it is the best known example of functional protein engineering embedded in a complex biological system. In brief, the specific B cells which respond to the hapten (antigen) at the beginning of the process undergo a sequence of targeted mutations and specific selection, so that new cells with more efficient antibody DNA sequences can be selected and become memory cells or plasma cells. The whole process takes place in the Germinative Center of lymph nodes, and involves (at least): 1) Specific B cells with a BCR (B cell receptor) which reacts to the external hapten. 2) Specific T helper cells 3) Antigen presenting cells (Follicular dendritic cell) which retain the original hapten (the external information) during the whole process, for specific intelligent selection of the results 4) Specific, controlled somatic hypermutation of the Variable region of the Ig genes, implemented by the following molecules (at least): a) Activation-Induced (Cytidine) Deaminase (AID): a cytosine:guanine pair is directly mutated to a uracil:guanine mismatch. b) DNA mismatch repair proteins: the uracil bases are removed by the repair enzyme, uracil-DNA glycosylase. c) Error-prone DNA polymerases: they fill in the gap and create mutations. 5) The mutated clones are then "measured" by interaction with the hapten presented by the Follicular DC. The process is probably repeated in multiple steps, although it could also happen in one step. 6) New clones with reduced or lost affinity are directed to apoptosis. 7) New clones with higher affinity are selected and sustained by specific T helper cells. In a few weeks, the process yields high affinity antibody producing B cells, in the form of plasma cells and memory cells. You have it all here: molecular complexity, high control, multiple cellular interactions, irreducible complexity in tons, spacial and temporal organization, extremely efficient engineering. The process is so delicate that errors in it are probably the cause of many human lymphomas. Now, that's absolute evidence for Intelligent Design, if ever I saw it. :)gpuccio
February 4, 2015
06:50 AM
Prediction: In response to this post our materialist friends will (1) be struck silent; (2) mock; (3) whine, especially about the number of words KF uses; or (4) scorn. They will most certainly not explain how ultra sophisticated nanotech machines can self-assemble. Nor will they explain how sophisticated algorithms arise spontaneously from nothing.Barry Arrington
February 4, 2015
05:59 AM
KF, Very insightful OP. Thank you.Dionisio
February 4, 2015
05:29 AM
Andre, while I understand your sentiment, the worldview theism does not stand or fall with the design inference, especially on the world of life. That is a point objectors -- over enamoured with scientism and empiricism -- need to realise. Many people realise there is a God for the simple reason that they have met him in life-transforming power. Millions. Similarly, one realises that conscience shines clearly enough to show us a dimension of reality beyond the empirical that is as real as anything else, that means if we have rights and duties, they have to have a foundation. Ought must stand on IS, and the IS has to be at world foundation level, post Hume. There is precisely one serious candidate, the inherently good Creator God, a necessary and maximally great being. (And, if one argues instead -- as many materialists do -- that conscience is illusory, that would bring conscious mindedness under the influence of general delusion, which would undermine rationality and responsible freedom. Indeed, it ends in self referential incoherence.) Likewise, the sheer contingency of the cosmos cries out for a necessary being to ground it. One, again, sufficient to be a basis for morality. In that context, the beauty we see in the cosmos at large cries out for an Artist behind it. Not least, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in light of centuries old prophecies in the Hebraic scriptures, and the impact on the 500 witnesses at the core of the Chris6tian movement . . . as well as its impact in the face of all odds, must be explained. Morison's challenge still rings out:
[N]ow the peculiar thing . . . is that not only did [belief in Jesus' resurrection as in part testified to by the empty tomb] spread to every member of the Party of Jesus of whom we have any trace, but they brought it to Jerusalem and carried it with inconceivable audacity into the most keenly intellectual centre of Judaea . . . and in the face of every impediment which a brilliant and highly organised camarilla could devise. And they won. Within twenty years the claim of these Galilean peasants had disrupted the Jewish Church and impressed itself upon every town on the Eastern littoral of the Mediterranean from Caesarea to Troas. In less than fifty years it had began to threaten the peace of the Roman Empire . . . . Why did it win? . . . . We have to account not only for the enthusiasm of its friends, but for the paralysis of its enemies and for the ever growing stream of new converts . . . When we remember what certain highly placed personages would almost certainly have given to have strangled this movement at its birth but could not - how one desperate expedient after another was adopted to silence the apostles, until that veritable bow of Ulysses, the Great Persecution, was tried and broke in pieces in their hands [the chief persecutor became the leading C1 Missionary/Apostle!] - we begin to realise that behind all these subterfuges and makeshifts there must have been a silent, unanswerable fact. [Who Moved the Stone, (Faber, 1971; nb. orig. pub. 1930), pp. 114 - 115.]
All of this brings out one of the deepest ironies of the debates over design. While evolutionary materialists have staked all on eliminating the possibility of design in the origin of cosmos and f life and its forms including us, also mind, theists are not anywhere so much at hazard. For instance, I stand up for the power of the design inference, not because I fear that absent such, the case for God collapses, but because as one trained in the empirical sciences and with a little knowledge of information, organisation and its sources as well as of inductive logic, and as one who seeks to learn the truth about the world through evidence and reasoning, the case is patently a good one. A good one that is attacked and driven out beyond all proportion because entrenched objectors think they have everything at stake on this matter. But, ironically, the whole evolutionary materialism project is fatally flawed from the foundations. For argument, spot them a quantum foam multiverse or whatever [and no, that is not a genuine nothing, non-being . . . ], and however many terrestrial planets they want. Spot them OOL and equally blind chance and necessity origin of body plans, including our own. Now, watch the self-referential incoherence emerge:
. . . . a: Evolutionary materialism argues that the cosmos is the product of chance interactions of matter and energy, within the constraint of the laws of nature; from hydrogen to humans by undirected chance and necessity. b: Therefore, all phenomena in the universe, without residue, are determined by the working of purposeless laws of chance and/or mechanical necessity acting on material objects, under the direct or indirect control of happenstance initial circumstances. (This is physicalism. This view covers both the forms where (a) the mind and the brain are seen as one and the same thing, and those where (b) somehow mind emerges from and/or "supervenes" on brain, perhaps as a result of sophisticated and complex software looping. The key point, though is as already noted: physical causal closure -- the phenomena that play out across time, without residue, are in principle deducible or at least explainable up to various random statistical distributions and/or mechanical laws, from prior physical states. Such physical causal closure, clearly, implicitly discounts or even dismisses the causal effect of concept formation and reasoning then responsibly deciding, in favour of specifically physical interactions in the brain-body control loop; indeed, some mock the idea of -- in their view -- an "obviously" imaginary "ghost" in the meat-machine. [[There is also some evidence from simulation exercises, that accuracy of even sensory perceptions may lose out to utilitarian but inaccurate ones in an evolutionary competition. "It works" does not warrant the inference to "it is true."] ) c: But human thought, clearly a phenomenon in the universe, must now fit into this meat-machine picture. So, we rapidly arrive at Crick's claim in his The Astonishing Hypothesis (1994): what we subjectively experience as "thoughts," "reasoning" and "conclusions" can only be understood materialistically as the unintended by-products of the blind natural forces which cause and control the electro-chemical events going on in neural networks in our brains that (as the Smith Model illustrates) serve as cybernetic controllers for our bodies. d: These underlying driving forces are viewed as being ultimately physical, but are taken to be partly mediated through a complex pattern of genetic inheritance shaped by forces of selection [["nature"] and psycho-social conditioning [["nurture"], within the framework of human culture [[i.e. socio-cultural conditioning and resulting/associated relativism]. And, remember, the focal issue to such minds -- notice, this is a conceptual analysis made and believed by the materialists! -- is the physical causal chains in a control loop, not the internalised "mouth-noises" that may somehow sit on them and come along for the ride. (Save, insofar as such "mouth noises" somehow associate with or become embedded as physically instantiated signals or maybe codes in such a loop. [[How signals, languages and codes originate and function in systems in our observation of such origin -- i.e by design -- tends to be pushed to the back-burner and conveniently forgotten. So does the point that a signal or code takes its significance precisely from being an intelligently focused on, observed or chosen and significant alternative from a range of possibilities that then can guide decisive action.]) e: For instance, Marxists commonly derided opponents for their “bourgeois class conditioning” — but what of the effect of their own class origins? Freudians frequently dismissed qualms about their loosening of moral restraints by alluding to the impact of strict potty training on their “up-tight” critics — but doesn’t this cut both ways? Should we not ask a Behaviourist whether s/he is little more than yet another operantly conditioned rat trapped in the cosmic maze? And -- as we saw above -- would the writings of a Crick be any more than the firing of neurons in networks in his own brain? f: For further instance, we may take the favourite whipping-boy of materialists: religion. Notoriously, they often hold that belief in God is not merely cognitive, conceptual error, but delusion. Borderline lunacy, in short. But, if such a patent "delusion" is so utterly widespread, even among the highly educated, then it "must" -- by the principles of evolution -- somehow be adaptive to survival, whether in nature or in society. And so, this would be a major illustration of the unreliability of our conceptual reasoning ability, on the assumption of evolutionary materialism. g: Turning the materialist dismissal of theism around, evolutionary materialism itself would be in the same leaky boat. For, the sauce for the goose is notoriously just as good a sauce for the gander, too. h: That is, on its own premises [[and following Dawkins in A Devil's Chaplain, 2004, p. 46], the cause of the belief system of evolutionary materialism, "must" also be reducible to forces of blind chance and mechanical necessity that are sufficiently adaptive to spread this "meme" in populations of jumped- up apes from the savannahs of East Africa scrambling for survival in a Malthusian world of struggle for existence. Reppert brings the underlying point sharply home, in commenting on the "internalised mouth-noise signals riding on the physical cause-effect chain in a cybernetic loop" view:
. . . let us suppose that brain state A, which is token identical to the thought that all men are mortal, and brain state B, which is token identical to the thought that Socrates is a man, together cause the belief that Socrates is mortal. It isn’t enough for rational inference that these events be those beliefs, it is also necessary that the causal transaction be in virtue of the content of those thoughts . . . [[But] if naturalism is true, then the propositional content is irrelevant to the causal transaction that produces the conclusion, and [[so] we do not have a case of rational inference. In rational inference, as Lewis puts it, one thought causes another thought not by being, but by being seen to be, the ground for it. But causal transactions in the brain occur in virtue of the brain’s being in a particular type of state that is relevant to physical causal transactions. [[Emphases added. Also cf. Reppert's summary of Barefoot's argument here.]
i: The famous geneticist and evolutionary biologist (as well as Socialist) J. B. S. Haldane made much the same point in a famous 1932 remark:
"It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms. In order to escape from this necessity of sawing away the branch on which I am sitting, so to speak, I am compelled to believe that mind is not wholly conditioned by matter.” [["When I am dead," in Possible Worlds: And Other Essays [1927], Chatto and Windus: London, 1932, reprint, p.209. (Highlight and emphases added.)]
j: Therefore, though materialists will often try to pointedly ignore or angrily brush aside the issue, we may freely argue: if such evolutionary materialism is true, then (i) our consciousness, (ii) the "thoughts" we have, (iii) the conceptualised beliefs we hold, (iv) the reasonings we attempt based on such and (v) the "conclusions" and "choices" (a.k.a. "decisions") we reach -- without residue -- must be produced and controlled by blind forces of chance happenstance and mechanical necessity that are irrelevant to "mere" ill-defined abstractions such as: purpose or truth, or even logical validity. (NB: The conclusions of such "arguments" may still happen to be true, by astonishingly lucky coincidence — but we have no rational grounds for relying on the “reasoning” that has led us to feel that we have “proved” or "warranted" them. It seems that rationality itself has thus been undermined fatally on evolutionary materialistic premises. Including that of Crick et al. Through, self-reference leading to incoherence and utter inability to provide a cogent explanation of our commonplace, first-person experience of reasoning and rational warrant for beliefs, conclusions and chosen paths of action. Reduction to absurdity and explanatory failure in short.) k: And, if materialists then object: “But, we can always apply scientific tests, through observation, experiment and measurement,” then we must immediately note that -- as the fate of Newtonian Dynamics between 1880 and 1930 shows -- empirical support is not equivalent to establishing the truth of a scientific theory. For, at any time, one newly discovered countering fact can in principle overturn the hitherto most reliable of theories. (And as well, we must not lose sight of this: in science, one is relying on the legitimacy of the reasoning process to make the case that scientific evidence provides reasonable albeit provisional warrant for one's beliefs etc. Scientific reasoning is not independent of reasoning.) l: Worse, in the case of origins science theories, we simply were not there to directly observe the facts of the remote past, so origins sciences are even more strongly controlled by assumptions and inferences than are operational scientific theories. So, we contrast the way that direct observations of falling apples and orbiting planets allow us to test our theories of gravity. m: Moreover, as Harvard biologist Richard Lewontin reminds us all in his infamous January 29, 1997 New York Review of Books article, "Billions and billions of demons," it is now notorious that:
. . . It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel [[materialistic scientists] to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. [[And if you have been led to imagine that the immediately following words justify the above, kindly cf. the more complete clip and notes here.]
n: Such a priori assumptions of materialism are patently question-begging, mind-closing and fallacious. o: More important,to demonstrate that empirical tests provide empirical support to the materialists' theories would require the use of the very process of reasoning and inference which they have discredited. p: Thus, evolutionary materialism arguably reduces reason itself to the status of illusion. But, as we have seen: immediately, that must include “Materialism.” q: In the end, it is thus quite hard to escape the conclusion that materialism is based on self-defeating, question-begging logic. r: So, while materialists -- just like the rest of us -- in practice routinely rely on the credibility of reasoning and despite all the confidence they may project, they at best struggle to warrant such a tacitly accepted credibility of mind and of concepts and reasoned out conclusions relative to the core claims of their worldview. (And, sadly: too often, they tend to pointedly ignore or rhetorically brush aside the issue.) 16 --> Notwithstanding such sharp exchanges, through the Derek Smith model we have potentially fruitful frameworks of thought on which we can investigate the nature of mind and its interaction with the body and brain . . .
Stumbled fatally coming out the starting gates. KFkairosfocus
February 4, 2015
05:17 AM
KF Thank you for the OP, as an engineer all I'm asking is, give me observable and testable evidence for this and I will absolutely give up my theistic worldview. Reason and logic however compel me to hold onto that view precisely because I know as a matter of fact that such systems are not capable of designing or building themselves. It contradicts everything in the observable universe to assume that it can. So when the materialist says it can without any evidence for such a claim how do they accept it as truth? Are we not supposed to love truth?Andre
February 4, 2015
02:15 AM
As long promised on FSCO/I, courtesy insomnia power . . .kairosfocus
February 4, 2015
01:13 AM
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