As I previously noted, Michael Behe has been touring the UK this week, speaking in such cities as Belfast, Bournemouth, Cambridge, Glasgow, Leamington/Warwick, London, and Oxford. On Monday, Michael Behe debated the former director of the Royal Society, Michael Reiss, before an audience of invited guests – including scientists, religious leaders and secularists. The event was hosted at the Charles Darwin house in London.
Today, the audio recording of this exchange was made available via Premier Christian Radio’s Unbelievable website, who hosted the event. The audio of the debate may be downloaded and listened to, at your leisure, here. A report on the event by the New Humanist blog may be read here.
The web site’s descriptor reports as follows:
This last week saw US Intelligent Deisgn proponent Michael Behe on the “Darwin or Design?” speaking tour of the UK. As well as hosting an evening event, “Unbelievable?” invited him to discuss ID with theistic evolutionist Prof Michael Reiss in front of an invited audience.
Michael Behe is professor of Biochemistry at LeHigh University, Pennsylvania. His book “Darwin’s Black Box” launched the modern Intelligent Design movement which claims that aspects of biology are too compelx to have arisen by blind Darwinian processes but entail the guidance of an intelligent mind.
Michael Reiss is Professor of Science Education at the Institute of Education. Ordained in the Church of England, he was formerly director of education at the Royal Society before stepping down amid controversy over statements he made about engaging with ID and creationism in the classroom.
They engage the topic of ID and evolution in front of an audience of scientists, church and secular leaders at Charles Darwin house in London.
They discuss the limits of science, whether ID is a religious movement, the place of ID in the classroom and take questions from the audience.
For Michael Behe’s visual presentation
For Michael Behe see
For Michael Reiss see