From Sarah Chaffee at ENV:
Two Days After Warning Against “Anti-Science” Label, Nature Calls Academic Freedom “Anti-Science”
From the headline of the piece you might think you were reading some online tabloid. But guess again. Published in Nature on May 12 and republished by Scientific American, Erin Ross’s article declares, “Revamped ‘anti-science’ education bills in United States find success.” The headline is describing legislation in Florida and academic freedom resolutions in Alabama and Indiana.
The term “anti-science” is ironic. As we noted at Evolution News the other day, Nature itself published a May 10 editorial, “Beware the anti-science label.” It warned against using the term lightly and urged that “Presenting science as a battle for truth against ignorance is an unhelpful exaggeration.”
Now here is Nature, just two days later, labeling academic freedom resolutions as “anti-science.” More.
Excuse me guys but, as in so many looming strategic disasters, the guns are facing the wrong way.
True, lots of teachers are just plain tired of fronting Darwin’s zombie science to students.*
That said, surely no creationist or ID theorist—or any type of non-Darwinist—has ever told Nature that objectivity is sexist or that “Western” math is a dehumanizing tool or that engineering is socially unjust. The plea has been to just let evidence matter again, in relation to theory.
So what do the Nature editors do? They distract themselves and others from the growing influence of post-modernism by pretending that the real issue is people who doubt Darwin.
In media lingo, that is called “See! A squirrel!”
One hopes they will come to care enough for science to risk confronting the post-modern pussyhats before doing so becomes truly risky. The problem is, the pussyhats have nowhere to go and so can’t stop. Pretty soon, we will be hearing that penises are a social construct. Yes, that one was a hoax, but many post-moderns believed it. The next such claim might be the latest rage in science righteousness. And they are camped not far away now …
Shoutin’, shoutin’ for or against the marchin’, marchin’ masses is hardly what is needed now
* I (O’Leary for News) have been reading Jonathan Wells’s book, Zombie Science, and was rattled by the continued prevalence of information in textbooks that was generally agreed to be out of date ages ago. More later.
See also: From Nature: US “Academic freedom” bills are “anti-science”
No, really!! We found the zombies! They were on welfare in Texas! But they are apparently heading back to California, where their talents are said to be urgently needed.