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Do all people have same near death experiences?

perception of a bright light is commonly reported/shaunwilkinson, Fotolia

Asked at ScienceDaily:

In order to examine the frequency distribution and chronology of different near-death experiences, the researchers collected and analyzed written accounts from 154 individuals who had gone through a near-death-experience. They took note of which specific near-death-experiences where present in each narrative and then examined the order of appearance of the different phenomena in each story. They found that on average, a person experiences about 4 different phenomena during a near-death-experience. The most frequently reported features were feeling of peacefulness (80% of participants), seeing a bright light (69%) and encountering with spirits/people (64%), whereas the two most uncommon experiences were speeding thoughts (5%) and precognitive visions (4%). In terms of chronology, they found that a third of the subjects (35%) experienced an out-of-body experience as the first feature of their near-death experience, and that the most frequent last feature was returning to the body (36%). “This suggests that near-death-experiences seem to be regularly triggered by a sense of detachment from the physical body and end when returning to one’s body,” says Charlotte Martial.

Overall, the most commonly shared experienced order of occurrences was: out-of-body experience, experiencing a tunnel, seeing a bright light, and finally feeling of peace. This sequence of events was reported by 6 (22%) of the participants. Although pairwise connections between different types of experiences were found in terms of how likely they were to follow each other chronologically, no universal sequence of events could be established in this sample of narratives, which suggests that each near-death-experience has a unique pattern of events.Paper. (public access) – Charlotte Martial, Héléna Cassol, Georgios Antonopoulos, Thomas Charlier, Julien Heros, Anne-Françoise Donneau, Vanessa Charland-Verville, Steven Laureys. Temporality of Features in Near-Death Experience Narratives. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2017; 11 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00311 More.

It’s worth noting that everyone who has given testimony about such an experience lived to tell about it. Apart from that, the actual relationship between the brain and consciousness is unclear, even in invertebrates, let alone humans.

See also: Does intelligence depend on a specific type of brain?


Scientific evidence that consciousness may not require a functioning brain

J-Mac, Check this out: https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/from-philip-cunningham-darwinian-materialism-vs-quantum-biology/#comment-637217 :)Dionisio
August 5, 2017
02:27 AM
"Scientific evidence that consciousness may not require a functioning brain No, consciousness still requires a functioning brain..During sleep or anesthesia we are not conscious even though we have functioning brain that is very active... Anesthesia disables microtubules in neurons and during sleep microtubules are either disabled because the brain is doing the filing or dreaming doesn't require consciousness... Only small percentage of clinically dead people who were revived have near death experiences but none of them seem to recall the exact details of the place where they were supposedly left the body and saw the place where they were clinically dead...J-Mac
August 4, 2017
10:01 AM
1. AWARE Results Finally Published – No Evidence of Near Death Experiences http://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/aware-results-finally-published-no-evidence-of-nde/ 2. Electrodes trigger out-of-body experience Stimulating brain region elicits illusion often attributed to the paranormal. Stimulation of the brain can lead to out-of-body sensations. Activity in one region of the brain could explain out-of-body experiences. Researchers in Switzerland have triggered the phenomenon using electrodes. People describe out-of-body experiences as feeling that their consciousness becomes detached from their body, often floating above it. Because these lucid states are popularly linked to the paranormal, "a lot of people are reluctant to talk about them", says neurologist Olaf Blanke of Geneva University Hospital in Switzerland. Blanke found that electrically stimulating one brain region — the right angular gyrus — repeatedly triggers out-of-body experiences. Blanke and his team were using electrodes to excite the brain of a woman being treated for epilepsy. The right angular gyrus integrates visual information — the sight of your body — and information that creates the mind's representation of your body. This is based on balance and feedback from your limbs about their position in space. "It makes perfect sense," agrees Peter Brugger of University Hospital, Zurich, in Switzerland, who studies the phenomenon. "We have representations of our entire body that can be dissociated from our real body," he says. But this is an isolated case, he points out. With gentle stimulation, the woman, who could speak during the operation, felt she was falling or growing lighter. As the intensity increased she told them: "I see myself lying in bed, from above." When asked to look at her raised arm, she thought it was coming to punch her. This observation suggests that 'alien hand syndrome' — when people feel that a limb is foreign — or 'phantom' limbs that people can feel after amputations could be related to out-of-body experiences, says Blanke. Weird science Out-of-body experiences are incredibly common, says clinical neurologist John Marshall of the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, UK. Some are part of near-death experiences. Some believe that the events have religious or spiritual causes, or that a person really leaves their physical body behind. They may, for example, interpret them as evidence that the physical and spiritual body can separate again after death. The new experiments cannot disprove such ideas, says Marshall: "It doesn't show that people with paranormal beliefs are wrong" - it simply demonstrates one way that the experience can be stimulated. Nevertheless, "I think it would give great comfort to patients" who, he says, frequently question their own sanity. Thrill-seekers will be hard-pushed to artificially create their own out-of-body experiences, adds Brugger. "You can't stimulate that precisely without opening up the skull," he says. References Blanke, O., Ortigue, S., Landis, T., Seeck, M. Stimulating own-body perceptions. Nature, 419, 269 - 270, (2002).J-Mac
August 2, 2017
09:41 AM

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