Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Agustin Fuentes

Michael Flannery on the attack on Darwin’s Descent of Man in AAAS’s mag Science

Flannery reveals something interesting: "Thomas Henry Huxley, Darwin’s indefatigable “Bulldog,” wrote a shameful essay on May 20, 1865, shortly after the conclusion of the American Civil War. He suggested that the South should be relieved given that it was no longer responsible for the care and “protection” of the now-former slaves." Read More ›

A just-so story about the origin of religious beliefs

Some of us would be more impressed if the authors of this type of work attributed their OWN beliefs to these types of sources. How about this: Belief that there is no design in nature comes from spending a lot of time reading and writing boring, useless papers and sitting in boring, useless meetings, Eventually, homo academicus evolved to believe that all nature is like that. Read More ›