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evil (nature of evil)

Laszlo Bencze responds to the view that evil is the absence of good

Bencze: I have found that all people, even diehard progressives,agree that there are some things that are prohibited. They might balk at homophobia. Surely that can’t be permitted? ... So, if not all things are permitted, then, logically speaking, god must exist. In this way the existence of evil points to god. Read More ›

Egnor vs. Dillahunty: 11. Is evil in the world simply the absence of good?

Egnor: "The Thomistic understanding of evil is that it’s an absence of good. It’s not a thing that exist independently in itself. It’s a deficit of goodness. God’s creation necessarily fall short of goodness because if he created something perfectly good, He would just be creating himself. " Read More ›