Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Jim Baggott

Science philosopher Imre Lakatos (1922-1974) on how science fails

In other words, on this view, string theory and Darwinism could be said to be waiting for that giant breakthrough that overwhelms all the preceding nonsense. In that case, it all comes down to who they can get to wait with them. Are they important people or not? And can they successfully suppress alternatives? Read More ›

Multiverse is science based on zero evidence, science writer complains

Baggott, of course, also feels the need to take the ritual swipe at ID. He must do so because he is allowed to criticize crackpot cosmology provided that he holds to no thesis about the nature of nature that would impede its actual advance. He can regret it but he must not undermine it. Read More ›