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Rob Sheldon

Dark matter and dark energy as 21st century Ptolemaic epicycles? – Rob Sheldon offers some thoughts

Why can’t they find dark matter, despite much search? Sheldon: The old joke is that a man is looking under a lamppost one night. The policeman asks what he is doing. "Looking for my keys" he replies. "Did you lose them here?" "No, but the light is better over here." (And the funding is better for some research than for others.) Read More ›

Did the black hole paradox really come to an end? Rob Sheldon offers some thoughts

Sheldon: Black Holes are a theoretical and empirical disaster. Given two possible assumptions to Schwarzschild’s solution of Einstein’s gravity equation, nearly everyone has taken the discontinuous, unphysical, "event-horizon" assumption leading to "Black Holes". One of the many predictions of BH, is that they cannot have magnetic fields, and they destroy anything that falls into them, converting all that matter into "Hawking radiation". What about all that data showing high density objects at the center of our galaxy and neighboring galaxies? Read More ›

Pushback at StatNews against politicizing science. Rob Sheldon weighs in

Sheldon: The editors of Science and Nature compromised their scientific objectivity years ago. They promoted papers that big pharma wanted, they suppressed papers that made big pharma look bad. They were complicit in the coverup of not just tobacco and sugar lobbies, but vaccines and Darwinism and global warming... So of course this produced cognitive dissonance, since it violated some of the very basic tenets of objective science. Read More ›

And now… New Scientist tells us herd immunity is “bad science”… Rob Sheldon responds

Rob Sheldon: We have the data to improve our models and the much-attacked Greater Barrington declaration suggests that we should, since the DATA from Sweden show that lockdowns are neither necessary nor even helpful. But this author suggests that the models are perfect, and therefore the data must be rejected in the name of science, of course. He is displaying, even in his own scientific subfield, the same TRUST in science, that we disparaged in Nature. The disease of deification begun by Darwin is far more pervasive than anyone wants to admit. You might say that herd immunity hasn't yet been reached. Read More ›

Physicist Rob Sheldon checks out astrophysicist Ethan Siegel for ridiculing Nobelist Roger Penrose

Sheldon: The politicization of science evidently started before Ethan's graduate schooling, as Hoyle and his post-doc Chandra Wickramasinghe tell in their biographical writings. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon responds to Nature’s decision to go political: Are they really scientists or just political hacks?

Sheldon: My best explanation is that the editors of Nature, SciAm, NEJM are themselves not research scientists, but political hacks—hired under the supposition that good relations with government funders required not science but PR. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon on Darwinism and the problem of why intelligent women marry less intelligent men

If regression toward the mean is a nearly universal tendency, how could evolution proceed via sexual selection? Outliers would tend to get reabsorbed far more often than not. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon on the latest effort to pretend that nothing is wrong in cosmology

Sheldon: This dashes yet another attempt to find something that the standard model could not explain. Surprisingly, this is what depresses particle theorists, who have yet to find anything new in the last 40 years, despite thousands of publications. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon on Scientific American’s foray into politics, backing Joe Biden

I was a devoted SciAm fan growing up. I collected other people's old copies and had a collection going back to the 60's. Then SciAm was bought out by some big publishing firm. And my favorite column, the Amateur Scientist by Forrest M. Mims III , was cancelled because Mims was a Christian. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon on origin of life as a “theoretically fertile dead end”

Sheldon: What hinders the field presently is an unstated reliance on materialism and its attendant mechanism, when information is manifestly non-material. What we need to make progress in OoL are matter-free tools for manipulating information: understanding its flow, its gradients, and its concentration. Read More ›

Does the answer to the origin of life lie in quantum mechanics?

Sheldon: As a way out of this [origin of life] dilemma, many physicists reach into the religion bag and pull out spooky QM-at-a-distance. But it isn't a solution, it is an admission of failure. For if they had reached a trifle deeper into the bag they would have pulled out Genesis 1. Instead, they have loosed this uncontrollable "dark matter", "dark energy", "dark QM" chaos god on the ordered universe of laws and purpose. Read More ›