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Schrodinger's cat

Sabine Hossenfelder reassures us that Schrodinger’s cat is still not dead

Hossenfelder: It’s no secret that I myself am signed up to superdeterminism, which means that the measurement outcome is partly determined by the measurement settings. In this case, the cat may start out in a superposition, but by the time you measure it, it has reached the state which you actually observe. So, there is no sudden collapse in superdeterminism, it’s a smooth, deterministic, and local process. Read More ›

At Forbes: What we are getting wrong about Schrodinger’s cat

Siegel: In other words, pretty much everything you've ever heard about Schrödinger's cat is probably a myth, with the sole exception of the fact that quantum systems actually are well-described by a probabilistically weighted superposition of all possible, allowable states, and that an observation or measurement will always reveal one and only one definitive state. Read More ›