Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

NT Wright Versus Karl Giberson

NT Wright has cogently argued that evolutionary thinking did not begin in 1859 and Darwin was not an intellectual revolutionary who single-handedly illuminated a new truth. In fact, the evolutionary foundation and framework were already in place “long before Darwin got in a boat and went anywhere.”  Read more

Gene Expression Evolution: Your Daily Teleology …

Here is a new paper that claims to show the rate of gene expression evolution in a range of different mammalian species. Of course the paper shows no such thing. What it does show are gene expression rates in extant species. And what they found is that those rates are all over the map. The rates are often similar, but in other cases the rates not only vary between species, they also vary between organs and even chromosomes. As usual, the evolutionists describe the findings using teleological language to cover over what evolution really says:  Read more

Engineering and Metaphysics 2012 Conference

I thought some of you might be interested in a conference that is happening next year – Engineering and Metaphysics. The goal is to bring together a number of people from a variety of disciplines to discuss the larger nature of reality, and how that applies to engineering practice. The goal is to be along the same lines as the Nature of Nature conference, but focused on engineering applications. Walter Bradley, author of The Mystery of Life’s Origin, will be the plenary speaker for the conference. The website for the conference is here. There is also a call for abstracts for the conference, so if this is a subject area you have an interest in, please submit an abstract! I Read More ›

Gene Duplication and the Origin of Novel Biological Information: A Case Study of the Globins

Those of us who have been involved with the discussion and debate surrounding ID/evolution for any significant length of time will be quite aquainted with the most fashionable neo-Darwinian model for the origin of novel biological information: Gene duplication and divergence. Gene duplications normally arise from a phenomenon known as “unequal cross-over”, which occurs during cell division. This process results in the deletion of a sequence in one strand, and its replacement with a duplication from its homologous chromosome (meiosis) or its sister chromatid (mitosis). The model of gene duplication and divergence essentially maintains that, following a gene duplication, while one copy of the gene retains its original function, the other copy is freed from selective constraint and is thus Read More ›

Transcription Factors: More Species-Specific Biology

Evolutionists say that molecular biology has provided resounding confirmations of the fact of evolution. But actually the new molecular data reveal many contradictions. Far from confirming evolution, molecular biology has revealed yet more problems with the “fact.” For example, we find variations between species that are at odds with evolutionary expectations. One such example is in the transcription factors—proteins that bind to DNA and influence which genes are expressed.  Read more

A friend wanted us to repost links to Carl Werner’s discussions with Darwinists about the fabled transitional forms

Another friend is impressed with Werner’s ability to draw out the huge problems with many current claims: “I don’t know how he does it.” Part 1 interview with Dr. Carl Werner Part 2 interview with Dr. Carl Werner Part 3 interview with Dr. Carl Werner