Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Fact-Checking Wikipedia on Common Descent: The Evidence from Observed Natural Selection

A few weeks ago, I published the fourth part of my series on Wikipedia and common descent, in which I discussed the purported evidence for common ancestry based on biogeographical distribution. Previously, I had cross-examined the evidence from comparative physiology and biochemistry, comparative anatomy, and paleontology. In this second-to-last installment, I will address Wikipedia’s evidence from observed natural selection and speciation. Click here to continue reading>>>

UD Commenter ES’s pro-con worldview and scientific issues summary on ID

Dr ES has kindly provided an English translation (much better than the inevitable oddities of  Google Translate!) of his current blog post summarising in brief the worldview and the scientific level pro and con on ID, and has also kindly given his permission to post here at UD. Clipping, the English Language version (pardon some formatting challenges due to Blogger vs Word Press): _____________________________ >> Thoughts blog, Wednesday, 30 November 2011   Intelligent Design: pro et contra Recently I have been closely following the debate on uncommondescent.com. I just thought it would be a good idea for me to come up with my summary of it. I hope it could be useful to others.   That blog is one of Read More ›