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Essay by ID author Mike Gene ranks highly for intellectual honesty at Google

If you google the phrase “intellectual honesty” you’ll see that an essay by ID author Mike Gene ranks very highly (#3 as of this writing). In contrast, if you google “intellectual dishonesty NCSE Gleik”, the NCSE’s Gleik is at the top of the list, having resigned after he was caught lying. Mike’s essay can be found at: http://designmatrix.wordpress.com/2010/11/14/ten-signs-of-intellectual-honesty-2/

Evolution Breakthrough: Enzymes Evolved “Very Early” in the Evolution of Life

After a massive study of the evolution of enzymes—which as usual was really nothing more than a comparison of enzymes, with precisely zero explanation of how the amazing protein machines actually are supposed to have arisen all by themselves as evolutionists insist must be true—the evolutionists did what evolutionists always do, sweep the problem under the proverbial origin-of-life rug:  Read more

Top Microbiologist: Darwin was a priest

Didier Raoult, whom even the evolutionists admit is “the most productive and influential microbiologist in France,” explains that Charles Darwin “was a priest,” in a personal profile story this week.  Read more

Earliest fossil forests were complex

Although fossil plants are well documented from the Silurian Period of Earth history, spores from land plants are known from the preceding Ordovician and Cambrian Periods. However, it is not until the Mid-Devonian that fossil forests appear in the fossil record. The Gilboa Forest from New York State was first described in the 1920s and it became known as the earliest fossil forest. It has the same status today. Only one plant was known from this forest – the Eospermatopteris, or “ancient seed fern” – thought to grow up to 10 metres above the ground. They were not woody, but they had characters that that suggest affinities with tree ferns. The original analysis reinforced the evolutionary assumption that the earliest Read More ›

ARMAN’s Novel Genes and Unique tRNA Editing

As we have explained many times, being an evolutionist means there is no bad news. If new species appear abruptly in the fossil record, that just means evolution operates in spurts. If species then persist for eons with little modification, that just means evolution takes long breaks. If clever mechanisms are discovered in biology, that just means evolution is smarter than we imagined. If strikingly similar designs are found in distant species, that just means evolution repeats itself. If significant differences are found in allied species, that just means evolution sometimes introduces new designs rapidly. If no likely mechanism can be found for the large-scale change evolution requires, that just means evolution is mysterious. If adaptation responds to environmental signals, Read More ›