Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

First Things: From Part of the Solution to Part of the Problem

THEN: DNA and Other Designs Stephen C. Meyer First Things, April 2000 Science and Design William A. Dembski First Things, October 1998 The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism Phillip E. Johnson First Things, November 1997 NOW: The Miracle of Evolution Stephen M. Barr First Things, February 2006 The Design of Evolution Stephen M. Barr First Things, October2005 And finally what really got me thinking about the sad slide of a once-great journal.  This appears in the current issue:  So it is that young English Muslims are bombarded with material warning them of the dangers of Darwinism. In contrast, the Catholic Church and many other Christians have long accepted that the ability of nature to exhibit true creativity does not impinge upon Read More ›

Here’s a Perfect Explanation of Darwin’s Achievement in Two Sentences

As we have been saying over and over, evolution is not about natural selection, common descent, mutations, gradualism, allele frequencies, environmental niches or punctuated equilibrium. These are all sub hypotheses and explanations of evolution which can be dropped at any moment. They are the protective belt of evolution, not its theoretical core, as Lakatos would put it.  Read more

Learning Science through Drawing

I just put out the next article in my “Baby Steps to Science” series. It talks about how the act of drawing nature can lead us to insights about nature that we might not otherwise pick up. Enjoy!