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Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law and the Problem of Suffering

The next installment from the Engineering and Metaphysics conference deals with the problem of suffering in the natural world. Halsmer relates Clarke’s Third Law “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” to the problem of suffering in quite a unique way. The Q&A period is also very enlightening. If you have trouble viewing the video, click here

Beyond Functionalism in Architecture

The next video from the Engineering and Metaphysics conference is with Dr. Mark Hall. Hall attempts to reconnect with historic architectural principles through architecture critic John Ruskin, and show what, besides just functionalism and good looks, are needed for lasting architectural impact. We don’t often think of truth as an architectural value, or even see how it could be. Hall brings out Ruskin’s perspective of architecture, and how we can use it to bring deeper meaning into modern architecture. (Yes, the YouTube thumbnail is broken. The video, though, is just fine.)