Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Does the Constructal Law Give Evidence of Design?

In Bejan’s “Design in Nature”, Bejan promotes what he calls the “constructal law,” which states, “For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it.” Bejan has denied that this relates at all to any ultimate form of design, but is this claim correct? In our next Engineering and Metaphysics video, Halsmer and Odom look into the constructal law and whether it indicates design, as well as other, new aspects the constructal law might be applicable to. If you are unable to see the video properly, the YouTube link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eda6Mls1RBk

Art and Soul

Great art speaks to our soul.  Consider, for example, a song like Jolie Blonde.  In mournful Cajun French the singer wails:   Jolie blonde, regardez donc quoi t’as fait, Tu m’as quitte pour t’en aller, Pour T’en aller avec un autre, oui, que moi, Quel espoir et quel avenir, mais, moi, je vais avoir?   (Pretty blond, look at what you’ve done You left me to go away to go away with another, yes, than me What hope and what future am I going to have?)*   Great art tells the truth, and if we allow him to do so, a great artist can forge a union between his heart and our own as, together, we peer into ourselves.  In this example, even Read More ›