Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

The genes that come to life after you die

The most likely explanation is that death is a process of shutting down, rather than an instant when everything stops. The genes to grow a spinal column, for example, resurfaced but maybe they had been suppressed because the deceased already had one. Still much to learn but that’s a good hypothesis to test. Read More ›

New book from Harvard U Press: Childhood, not evolution makes us human

Two things: If the significant changes happen to humans between birth and seven years of age, it is not q theory of evolution at all, but of intellectual and cultural development. Also, Tomasello seems not be following the party line that apes are just like us but we refuse to recognize the fact. That’s borderline heresy. Read More ›

Panpsychism: Scientists who believe that the universe is conscious

Some prominent physicists and neuroscientists who cannot accept the idea of a separate immaterial reality (dualism) turn to the simplest alternative, that the whole universe participates in consciousness (panpsychism). Read More ›

The College Fix LISTENS TO David Gelernter on Darwin!

It’s almost as though people are “getting it” that Darwinism now functions as an intolerant secular religion. Evolution rolls on oblivious but, here and there, heads are getting cracked over the differences between what really happens and what Darwinians insist must happen. Read More ›

Breaking out of our present peril (and, whose report should we believe?)

How can we break out of our present peril, as a civilisation? Let’s pause and hear Francis Schaeffer on the subject: A key aspect of the challenge, is that Democracies, from the days of Plato, are known to be prone to decay into misrule and marches of folly driven by manipulated mobs. Hence, the concept, demagogue: demagogue or demagog n 1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a political agitator who appeals with crude oratory to the prejudice and passions of the mob 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (esp in the ancient world) any popular political leader or orator [C17: from Greek d?mag?gos people’s leader, from d?mos people + agein to lead] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 Read More ›