Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Has a recent find brought us closer to understanding why time goes only one way?

Wolchover: The researchers have discovered simple, so-called “universal” laws governing the initial stages of change in a variety of systems consisting of many particles that are far from thermal equilibrium. Read More ›

Researchers: 50 million years needed to recover extinct NZ birds! No, alas,, it’s impossible

Apart from cloning, to get the exact same birds, we’d have to rent the multiverse (if it existed). And then we would have an infinite number of planets with islands like New Zealand, including these birds. Never mind one... Read More ›

What is National Center for Science Education (the Darwin in the schools lobby) doing now?

Well, an awful lot on climate change, for one thing. Wherever else the climate is changing, it is certainly changing around Darwinism. Perhaps this is a graceful exit for them. Read More ›

There is no Reason to Believe Any Computer Will Ever be Conscious

On this date in 1944 one of the first computers, the IBM Mark I, became operational.  See the Wiki article here.  From the article: [The Mark I] could do 3 additions or subtractions in a second.  A multiplication took 6 seconds, a division took 15.3 seconds, and a logarithm or a trigonometric function took over one minute. Now, here is the question for the class.  What is the difference, in principle, between the Mark I and the IBM Summit, which, as of late 2018, became the fastest supercomputer in the world, capable of performing calculations at the rate of 148.6 petaflops (one petaflop is one thousand million million floating-point operations per second)? The answer, of course, is “absolutely nothing.”  Both Read More ›

Listen to the “symphony of genes” in animal evolution…

So if all this complexity got started in something like the twinkling of an eye, are we looking at an argument for creationism? Or what? What exactly is the source of all this very complex, very early information? Read More ›

Astronomer Martin Rees on why science is approaching its limits

And how it can transcend them via “intelligent design.” Be warned. In the middle of the bridge to the post-human artificial intelligence future sits a fat troll called the Halting Problem, waiting for an unsuspecting computer idealist to wander by… Read More ›

Are extinctions evidence of a divine purpose in life?

Hugh Ross: As with all mass extinction events that have occurred in the history of Earth’s life, the Pliocene-Pleistocene mass extinction event poses a serious challenge to models attempting to explain the history of Earth’s life by strictly natural means. Read More ›

Gems from headlines 2011-2012 predicting the demise of ID

As it happens, Darwin is in way bigger trouble now. One regularly sees stuff walloping along in the current of science information that isn’t consistent with any plausible interpretation of biology’s Big Theory. Not only does no one do anything about it but the worry that they ever will is beginning to fade. Read More ›