Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Sabine Hossenfelder makes it to Slashdot

Hossenfelder: What we have here in the foundation of physics is a plain failure of the scientific method. All these wrong predictions should have taught physicists that just because they can write down equations for something does not mean this math is a scientifically promising hypothesis. Read More ›

Thinking More Deeply About Causation

Most people (including experts) tend to have a one-level view of causation. That is, they have a static idea of what the subject matter is, and then they look to see how the pieces bounce around within that static structure. That more or less works for physics. It totally fails everywhere else. Read More ›

Granville Sewell: Darwinism as a form of losing one’s mind

In an age when objectivity is becoming science’s enemy in the United States and massive corruption is a norm in its former science competitor Russia, scientists can still make a virtue out of being true to Darwin. Wherever that lands them. Read More ›

Will home-schooled Christian students be the science leaders of tomorrow?

It will be interesting indeed if the legacy of the thought traditions that provided a basis for science in the western world ended up being carried on mainly by devout Christians. While the official science world continues to mires and beclown itself in a war on objectivity. Read More ›

Is Buddhism really the most “science-friendly religion”?

Thompson's point is applicable beyond Buddhism. “Theistic” evolutionists, for example, start with the premise that God wouldn’t “create” anything. That is really a message about God, not about nature, and it is bound to be a church-closer. Read More ›

Nature Reviews Genetics article admits that junk DNA has been “prematurely dismissed”

The authors of the paper, of course, avoid pointing out that the presumption of uselessness was anchored in the comfortable fit between useless junk in the genome and the idea of unintelligent evolution. Never mind, Jonathan Wells’ The Myth of Junk DNA seems to be holding up well. Read More ›

One genus of fish EATS bioluminescence from prey and displays it

This is not horizontal gene transfer; the fish are eating and repurposing the enzymes rather than incorporating the genes for producing them. But if the fish can in fact steal the enzymes, that’s something to keep in mind as we hear evolutionary biologists explain to us how this and other traits evolved via natural selection acting on the random mutations of the fish’s genome (Darwinism)… Read More ›

A study finds that the human body temperature is changing

It was determined to be 98.6 Fahrenheit back in 1851:
Researchers say that the body temperature (Fahrenheit) of men born in the 2000s is on average 1.06 degrees lower than men born in the early 1800s. Similarly, women born in the 2000s have an average body temperature that is 0.58 degrees lower than women born in the 1890s. All in all, these conclusions point to a decrease of 0.05 degrees among the U.S. population each and every decade. John Anderer, "Human Body Temperature In The U.S. Has Decreased Over Time, Study Finds" at StudyFinds
In all 677,423 temperature readings were taken, dating back to the US Civil War era. The open-access paper was published in eLIFE. From the discussion: “Our investigation indicates that humans in high-income countries have changed physiologically over the last 200 birth years with a mean body temperature 1.6% lower than in the pre-industrial era. The role that this physiologic ‘evolution’ plays in human anthropometrics and longevity is unknown.” If “evolution” is going on all the time like that, and probably drifting back and forth, what becomes of the Facts of Evolution that are the Bedrock of Science and the Truths every schoolchild should be taught? Read More ›

Friends sometimes pester friends for a “solid” definition of epigenetics

To the extent that the Darwin-in-the-schools lobby permits the discussion of epigenetics, we can be reasonably sure they restrict it to the narrower, less threatening sense. And what better stronghold for Darwinism than the public school, which all taxpayers are forced to fund and most parents obliged to send their kids to? Read More ›

800 Russian journal papers retracted: The most interesting question is undiscussed

To the extent that science is global, tolerated fraud in one milieu taints an entire discipline. Recall the smug people who think that science is an infinitely superior way of knowing, Won't that be an increasingly harder sell as more people become aware of these tip-of-the-iceberg “bombshell” revelations? Read More ›

A classic reminder from MIT that most important science problems “await solution”

New discoveries don’t just add to old ones; they can greatly change or destroy their significance. That’s exactly what is happening to Darwinism today and we are living in the middle of it. Read More ›

Ghost worms unchanged in form for 275 million years but show “highly distinct” genetics?

One wants to ask, how distinct ARE the genomes of these species that all look the same? Would it be like mapping a cat’s genome and finding a German Shepherd’s GATTACA in there? What that level of distinction really tells us goes well beyond cats and German Shepherds. Or do the researchers really mean something less highly distinct? What? We search for analogies here. Read More ›