Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Tributes to Richard Lewontin (1919 – 2021)

Paul Nelson: Lewontin opposed the facile storytelling of much of sociobiology, with its invocation of hypothetical genes for equally hypothetical behavioral traits. The fact that his opposition stemmed in part from his politics is no indictment; his evidential critique holds its value, or stands on its own two legs, independently of the Marxism. Show me the actual data, he would say, or stop the storytelling. Read More ›

Your chances of living to be over 100

When pundits carry on about the alleged "population bomb," has it occurred to any of them that in many parts of the world, people simply live longer now than we used to? We didn't do anything except stay alive. So there are more of us around at any given time. Maybe one solution to the "crisis" is fewer pundits freaking out… Read More ›

More on W.E.Loennig’s 1971 MS Thesis

At this Evolution News post I discussed the following section from W.E.Loennig’s 1971 MS Thesis. (He would go on to complete a PhD in genetics at the University of Bonn and work for 25 years at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research as a geneticist.) Although every analogy breaks down when extended beyond the main points, I think his story about the Natives who discovered a helicopter is actually useful in thinking about Intelligent Design, because This tribe was sure there was nothing more to the universe than their tribe and land. There actually was more to the universe than they thought. They couldn’t conceive of beings smart enough to build flying machines. Therefore they preferred any far-fetched Read More ›

Could the unusual ET phenomena be animal types – not human types – of life forms?

Rob Sheldon offers some thoughts on NASA and the unexplained phenomena that prompted the recent report Readers may remember our recent note that the Pentagon is rethinking the practice of merely making fun of odd findings reported by pilots. Our physics color commentator Rob Sheldon offers some thoughts: --- Not to enflame the alien hunters out there, but videos of the UFO's taken by jets show two characteristics: a) high speed (altitude) b) high acceleration. The shape is less important, but being pill-shaped means you are not aerodynamically suited for high velocities in high density air. Humans can go at these high speeds, Mach 25 for the space shuttle, but it takes an enormous amount of fuel and rocket power. Plus, the shuttle has to have special tiles to dissipate the heat. Tiles and fuel = heavy and bulky which these UFO's are not. Second is the acceleration. Pilots wear "g-suits" that tighten when maneuvering, so that all the blood does rush to the head or feet. Even so, 3-5 g's is typically the maximum a pilot sustains and at 9 g's they typically go unconscious. These videos show UFO's that appear to be pulling 20 or more g's. I'd have to analyse them frame-by-frame to get the actual acceleration. But if you or I were in that craft, they'd be scraping off the cockpit with a spatula. Most s/c instruments that I build for satellites cannot handle 15 g's, so we prefer liquid fuel boosters. So the observation is a light weight, non-aerodynamic high-speed, ultra-high acceleration object. Is it human made? Hardly. Is it weather phenomenon? Unlikely, though not ruled out. Is it US research? I wish. Is it little green men? Only if their biology is very unlike ours. Once again, having seen what extraterrestrial life looks like (cyanobacteria on comets) it is very likely that any ET is built like us, so I don't think this is LGM. That leaves "other" as a category. Where is this taking us? Well I think that these objects show purpose. Their motions aren't random like Brownian motion or determined like meteor trails. So there is a rudimentary sensory/propulsion system apparent. But the need to handle high g's means it is very rigid. The lack of rocket or fuel system suggests they are also very light. Their shape is also reminiscent of bacteria, where the surface/volume ratio is maximized. This leads me to think that they are biological, they are mostly air, and the biology is in a thin surface material or skin. Their energy source must be at high altitude, because they aren't designed for thick atmosphere. The only energy sources at those altitudes are electric, with large electric potentials present over thunderstorms or in the aurora. Electrostatic forces can create very high forces, and that would be the form of propulsion. One way to check, is to see if the electric field is parallel to their motion, or if the magnetic field is perpendicular to their motion. So in summary my best guess is that these are space cows, grazing on the energy in the high atmosphere and inflated by hydrogen. Perhaps if we knew what they ate, we could put a deer stand in the Space Station. Once again, I let ID direct me toward biology, instead of knee jerk reaction the ID leads to mechanical space probes. It fits with what we know of biology, but is a compete projection of our insecurities when we think of it as a machine made by an alien race. Like Father Brown in GK Chesterton's novels, who said "It wasn't a ghost because I believe in ghosts", likewise I think it is biological because I believe in human ID and biological ID, and it certainly isn't human. Note: Rob Sheldon is also the author of Genesis: The Long Ascent and The Long Ascent, Volume II . --- No, it’s not necessarily aliens. But smirk is not a good approach to science or any other body of knowledge. See also: The Pentagon’s UAP (UFO) report signals a sharp attitude change The brass have committed themselves to going “wherever the data takes us.” No, they didn’t report UFOs. But they reported enough mysteries to stop merely debunking and discrediting… and follow the evidence. Read More ›

Richard Lewontin (1929 – 2021)

Lewontin: It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Read More ›

No hope for life on Venus but maybe Jupiter now…

Researchers: The findings are likely a disappointment for the Venus research community, which was invigorated last September by the discovery of phosphine, a compound made of atoms of phosphorus and hydrogen that on Earth can be associated with living organisms, in Venus' atmosphere. At that time, researchers suggested the phosphines may be produced by microorganisms residing in those clouds. Read More ›