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Spaghetti strainer now on US driver ID


We’ve followed the adventures of the Pastafarians with some interest because of the strange turns they take.

Originally a concept invented by new atheists to mock the growing evidence against Darwinism as their creation story, pastafarianism has seemingly morphed into ridicule of actual religions by insisting on getting one’s face on a driver’s licence while wearing a spaghetti strainer. And so now, from Masachusetts:

The Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles is allowing a Pastafarian woman to wear a colander in her driver’s license picture.

This comes after The American Humanist Association’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center’s attorneys were enlisted to assist with the woman’s appeal after she was denied the right to wear it in her license photo by the RMV. More.

She hopes other Pastafarians will come forward to express their religious beliefs. Based on their history: Not likely; if they are new atheists, as is most likely, they will simply campaign against freedom of religion, and increasingly, against intellectual freedom* generally.

From our files on the pastafarians:


Spaghetti Monster apparition converts Germans

They seek recognition of an FSM church. Or something.

File:A small cup of coffee.JPGOkay, where are the chocolate pretzels? You ate ‘em all, you buy next. From Public Radio International (PRI):

After the service finished, I asked Weida if he actually believed in the divine nature of the “Flying Spaghetti Monster.” “It’s a hard question for a Pastafarian,” he said. “We are all separated into two persons inside.”

“Of course, I believe. But, of course, I also know it doesn’t exist,” Weida explained.

Weida said he doesn’t see himself strictly as an atheist, but rather a humanist. “We are also not a religious group,” Weida explained. “But we adhere to a Weltanshauung,” or a complete worldview. The more I asked for details about that worldview, the more ridiculous the answers got. For example, on the question of heaven, Weida said Pastafarians believe in a heaven-like existence in the afterlife that includes large amounts of beer and great numbers of strippers.

Pastafarianism actually started about a decade ago in the United States. A 24-year-old physics graduate named Bobby Henderson introduced the deity of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in an open letter of protest to education officials in Kansas. They had proposed teaching intelligent design in biology classes. Henderson’s letter went viral. And it spawned a largely Internet-based movement.

Weida told me he believes in freedom of religion, but that he doesn’t have much respect for mainstream organized religion. He is pushing for official recognition of his church to make a political statement about what he sees as the privileged position that religious organizations have in German society. More.

The thing is, they could be getting more that they bargained for. The FSM was invented to mock design in nature and by extension the ID community. But the joke could be getting out of hand.

We don’t really care about their antics one way or the other but their posters were banned at London U and they got beat up in Moscow. It’s a high price to pay for something they don’t clearly/clearly don’t (?) believe in. Or to make some point for which a few op-eds would suffice.


*There are a few exceptions, of course. Some new atheists have started to express “concern” about political correctness (also here), and even insist on the right to talk honestly about Islamic terror. Wonder how long that’ll last, enjoy it meanwhile.

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Can you really be afforded religious protection if you don't believe in the religion for which you are seeking protection? As a Christian, do I have a right to protection as though I were Islamic, Hindu, Jewish, and every other religion simultaneously? That doesn't seem right. Phinehas
Nice stuff Born. Lots of Atheists believe in all kinds of invisible entities but they lack any self awareness. Jack Jones
The funny thing is, although atheists don't actually believe in the FSM, that without God atheists are forced to believe that the FSM, as well as fluffy pink unicorns, are actually real in some universe:
Why Most Atheists Believe in Pink Unicorns - May 2014 Excerpt: Given an infinite amount of time, anything that is logically possible(11) will eventually happen. So, given an infinite number of universes being created in (presumably) an infinite amount of time, you are not only guaranteed to get your universe but every other possible universe. This means that every conceivable universe exists, from ones that consist of nothing but a giant black hole, to ones that are just like ours and where someone just like you is reading a blog post just like this, except it’s titled: “Why most atheists believe in blue unicorns.” By now I’m sure you know where I’m going with this, but I’ll say it anyway. Since we know that horses are possible, and that pink animals are possible, and that horned animals are possible, then there is no logical reason why pink unicorns are not possible entities. Ergo, if infinite universes exist, then pink unicorns must necessarily exist. For an atheist to appeal to multiverse theory to deny the need of a designer infers that he believes in that theory more than a theistically suggestive single universe. And to believe in the multiverse means that one is saddled with everything that goes with it, like pink unicorns. In fact, they not only believe in pink unicorns, but that someone just like them is riding on one at this very moment, and who believes that elephants, giraffes, and zebra are merely childish fairytales. Postscript While it may be amusing to imagine atheists riding pink unicorns, it should be noted that the belief in them does not logically invalidate atheism. There theoretically could be multiple universes and there theoretically could be pink unicorns. However, there is a more substantial problem for the atheist if he wants to believe in them and he wants to remain an atheist. Since, as I said, anything can happen in the realm of infinities, one of those possibilities is the production of a being of vast intelligence and power. Such a being would be as a god to those like us, and could perhaps breach the boundaries of the multiverse to, in fact, be a “god” to this universe. This being might even have the means to create its own universe and embody the very description of the God of Christianity (or any other religion that the atheist otherwise rejects). It seems the atheist, in affirming the multiverse in order to avoid the problem of fine-tuning, finds himself on the horns of a dilemma. The further irony is that somewhere, in the great wide world of infinities, the atheist’s doppelganger is going to war against an army of theists riding on the horns of a great pink beast known to his tribesman as “The Saddlehorn Dilemma.” https://pspruett.wordpress.com/2014/05/12/why-most-atheists-believe-in-pink-unicorns/ Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows - music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-xWhG4UU_Y
I think the LSBU ban was wrong and should have been challenged, if necessary, in the court under Articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The problem in the UK is that there hasn't been a codified bill of rights in British law, at least not until the incorporation of the European Convention into British law in the Human Rights Act of 1998. There was, therefore, no tradition of challenging encroachments on freedoms that had no statutory basis by appealing to constitutional protections that did not exist as such. I personally think it was outrageous that Her Majesty's subjects were denied statutory rights until 1998 that were guaranteed to US citizens in 1791. Seversky
We don’t really care about their antics one way or the other but their posters were banned at London U and they got beat up in Moscow. It’s a high price to pay for something they don’t clearly/clearly don’t (?) believe in. Or to make some point for which a few op-eds would suffice.
I don't believe I'd heard about the incident in Moscow. If the 19 August 2013 UD article describes it accurately, and the Pastafarian was indeed taken in for wearing a sieve on his head, then we are talking about a serious matter here, despite the humorous nature of the Church of the FSM. And when the government of Massachussetts attempts to decide who is and who is not entitled to religious exceptions, it is bound to run into some conflicts. daveS

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