Intelligent Design Basics – Information – Part IV – Shannon II
The concept of information is central to intelligent design. In previous discussions, we have examined the basic concept of information, we have considered the question of when information arises, and we have briefly dipped our toes into the waters of Shannon information. In the present post, I put forward an additional discussion regarding the latter, both so that the resource is out there front and center and also to counter some of the ambiguity and potential confusion surrounding the Shannon metric. As I have previously suggested, much of the confusion regarding “Shannon information” arises from the unfortunate twin facts that (i) the Shannon measurement has come to be referred to by the word “information,” and (ii) many people fail to Read More ›
“Being as Communion” Ships
For those of us who are among the unprivileged masses without access to advance copies, I present a photo of what showed up at my door yesterday: I look forward to delving in as time permits in the coming months.
Darwinian Debating Device #1: Jeffrey Shallit Style Ad Hominem
A week or so ago, Cornelius Hunter referenced a paper by Christoph Adami titled “Information-theoretic considerations concerning the origin of life” available here. Hunter cites the NewScientist article about Adami’s paper, “Chances of first life improved by weighted dice” and highlights in particular the remarkable statement: “Christoph Adami of Michigan State University in East Lansing decided to study the origin of life purely in terms of information theory, so he could ignore the chemistry involved.” The article continues: “[Adami] assumed that molecules must exceed a certain length in order to have enough information to self-replicate. These long molecules are made from different kinds of short molecules, called monomers. Adami calculates that if you start with an equal number of each Read More ›
William Dembski on what “information” is
ID theorist Bill Dembski responds to Adami’s claims about spontaneous emergence of life
Applying information theory to the origin of life?
Mathematician Kadanoff says people should think about Dembski’s thesis—instead of running the guy out of town
Quote of the Day: Re Darwin’s Coyne reduced to channelling Holocaust denial
Gordon Davisson’s Talk Origins Post of the Month (October 2000)
I’m not aware of any policy restriction on providing links to TalkOrigins at UD. I’ve linked to TalkOrigins a lot since I’ve criticized it so much in the past. In this case, I actually concur with one of Gordon Davisson’s essays there, and I think it rightly earned Post of the Month 14 years ago at TalkOrigins. When I teach ID, I feel the ideas must defensible to science undergraduate and graduate students and science faculty (physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering). The internet has been an opportunity to vet some of my ideas. Gordon has been of great assistance with his balanced and insightful critiques of my essays at UD. I link to the Gordon’s essay because we independently arrived at Read More ›
Shannon Information, Entropy, Uncertainty in Thermodynamics and ID
This essay is intended to give a short overview of textbook understanding of Shannon Information, Entropy, Uncertainty in thermodynamics and Intelligent Design. Technical corrections are welcome. The phrases “Shannon Information”, “Shannon Uncertainty”, “Shannon Entropy” are all the same. The most familiar every day usage of the notion of Shannon Information is in the world of computing and digital communication where the fundamental unit is the bit. When someone transmits 1 megabit of information, the sender is sending 1 megabit of Shannon information, and the receiver is getting a reduction of 1 megabit of Shannon Uncertainty, and the ensemble of all possible configurations of 1 megabits has 1 million degrees of freedom as described by 1 megabit of Shannon entropy. The Read More ›
Bill Dembski: The fundamental stuff of the world is information
Intelligent Design Basics – Information – Part III – Shannon
In this post I want to consider another aspect of information. Specifically, I want to consider the concept of “Shannon information.” First of all, I admit to having ruffled a few feathers when I mentioned in passing in a prior post that “Shannon information is not really information.” As I have also written before in comments on UD, I don’t begrudge anyone referring to the Shannon metric as “information.” That terminology has penetrated the English language and has become regularly-used in information theory. So, no, I am not going to police everyone who puts the words “Shannon” and “information” next to each other. However, no small amount of misunderstanding has resulted from the unfortunate term “Shannon information.” In particular, as Read More ›