Creativity, says Sean Dorrance Kelly, does not follow computational rules:
He worries about something quite different from the usual robots-are-coming concern, “It is entirely possible that we will come to treat artificially intelligent machines as so vastly superior to us that we will naturally attribute creativity to them. Should that happen, it will not be because machines have outstripped us. It will be because we will have denigrated ourselves.” “More at Mind Matters
When you consider all the reasons why machines cannot be creative, one must ask, is the belief that we can build superintelligent machines rooted in naturalism (nature is all there is), often called “materialism,” or in evidence?
See also: Artificial intelligence must be possible. Really? (Eric Holloway)
Why I doubt that AI can match the human mind (Jonathan Bartlett)
The superintelligent AI myth (Brendan Dixon)
AI just needs a bigger truck! (Robert Marks)
Software pioneer says general superhuman intelligence is very unlikely
Machines cannot take over