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Double debunking: Glenn Williamson on human-chimp DNA similarity and genes unique to human beings


Computer programmer Glenn Williamson now claims that ICR geneticist Jeff Tomkins made an elementary error when using the nucmer program to show that human and chimp DNA are only 88% similar. Williamson also asserts that 60 de novo protein coding genes said to be unique to human beings have very similar counterparts in apes, contrary to claims made last year by Dr. Cornelius Hunter, who is an adjunct professor of biophysics at Biola University.

What Dr. Tomkins allegedly got wrong

As readers of my recent post, Human and chimp DNA: They really are about 98% similar, will recall, Glenn Williamson demolished Dr. Tomkins’s original claim, made back in 2013, that human and chimp DNA are only about 70% similar. Williamson’s detailed takedown of Dr. Tomkins’s 70% similarity figure can be accessed here. In short: the version of the BLAST computer algorithm used by Tomkins contained a bug which invalidated his results. Dr. Tomkins responded by performing a new study which came up with a similarity figure of 88% – still far below the 98% similarity figure commonly claimed in textbooks for human and chimp DNA. Tomkins arrived at that figure by using a version of the BLAST algorithm which did not contain the bug, and in my last post, I pointed out the errors identified by Glenn Williamson in Dr. Tomkins’ new paper, relating to BLAST.

But to give credit where credit is due, Dr. Tomkins didn’t rely on just one computer program to come up with his 88% figure; he relied on three. In addition to BLAST, Dr. Tomkins made use of two other programs: nucmer and LASTZ. Creation scientist Jay Wile described these programs in a recent post discussing Dr. Tomkins’ work:

The nucmer program’s results agreed with the unbugged BLAST results: on average the human and chimpanzee genomes are 88% similar. The LASTZ program produced a lower average similarity (73%), which indicates that perhaps LASTZ has a bug or is not optimized for such comparisons, since its results are very close to the results Dr. Tomkins got with the bugged version of BLAST.

In today’s post, I’ll discuss the flaws identified by Glenn Williamson in Dr. Tomkins’s comparisons that were made using the nucmer program.

Basic methodological errors?

As we saw in yesterday’s post on Uncommon Descent, Glenn Williamson claims that Dr. Tomkins’s new study makes some fundamental errors in the way it performs the BLASTN analysis. Now, however, Williamson has gone further, and identified some very basic errors in the way Dr. Tomkins obtained his results from the nucmer program. What Williamson has shown is that even when human chromosome 20 is compared with itself, the calculation method used by Dr. Tomkins when running the “nucmer” program would imply (absurdly) that it is less than 90% similar to itself!

I have been in email correspondence with Glenn Williamson over the past 24 hours, and he kindly allowed me to publish his responses, as well as some emails he sent to Dr. Tomkins. Here’s an excerpt from his first email to me.

Hi Vincent,

I’ve only just seen your post on UD, and I thought I’d fill you in on where we are at with one of the other comparisons (“nucmer”) Jeff did in his recent paper. Basically what he is doing in this comparison is taking every single alignment for each query sequence (as opposed to taking just the best alignment) and taking the average of all those. Obviously all the repeat motifs will find many matches across each chromosome, but only one of those will be (putatively) homologous. If you can follow the email thread from the bottom, hopefully you can understand the issue.

I’m currently running a nucmer job with human chromosome 20 being compared to itself, just to show the absurdity of his calculation method. I should have the results by tomorrow.

I subsequently emailed him, and asked if he could tell me about the results:

I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me know about your results, after you finish running your nucmer job. I was also wondering if you would allow me to quote excepts from your correspondence in a forthcoming post on UD.

Glenn Williamson replied:


Yup, no problems quoting any of the emails…

The first nucmer job I ran took 37 hours (human 20 to chimp 20), and this current “control” job (human 20 to human 20) has taken 37 hours as of right now, so it should finish soon. It will take a couple of hours to put all the results together, so should have something by tonight.

It wasn’t long before I heard from Glenn Williamson again:

It’s done!

And human chromosome 20 is only 88.86% identical to human chromosome 20! 🙂

Unix commands, if you care:

awk ‘NR>5 { print $7″\t”$8″\t”$10 }’ control.coords > control.tab
awk ‘{ sum += ($1 + $2) / 2; prod += ($1 + $2) / 2 * $3 } END { print prod; print sum; print prod / sum }’ control.tab



So basically the alignments covered 1.715Gb for a chromosome that is only 64Mb long (27x coverage). There were 4.8 million individual alignments …

So there we have it. If Dr. Tomkins is right, then not only is chimpanzee DNA only 88% similar to our own, but human DNA is only 89% similar to itself!

Do human beings really have 60 de novo protein-coding genes with no counterparts in apes?

But there was more – much more. In my original email to Glenn Williamson, I had expressed curiosity over a comment he made on a January 2014 post titled, Chinese Researchers Demolish Evolutionary Pseudo-Science, over at Dr. Cornelius Hunter’s Website, Darwin’s God, in which Williamson expressed skepticism over Dr. Hunter’s claim that no less than 60 protein-coding orphan genes had been identified in human DNA which had no counterpart in chimpanzees. To support his claim, Dr. Hunter cited a 2011 PLOS study by Dong-Dong Wu, David M. Irwin and Ya-Ping Zhang, titled De Novo Origin of Human Protein-Coding Genes. Here is the authors’ summary of their paper (emphases mine – VJT):

The origin of genes can involve mechanisms such as gene duplication, exon shuffling, retroposition, mobile elements, lateral gene transfer, gene fusion/fission, and de novo origination. However, de novo origin, which means genes originate from a non-coding DNA region, is considered to be a very rare occurrence. Here we identify 60 new protein-coding genes that originated de novo on the human lineage since divergence from the chimpanzee, supported by both transcriptional and proteomic evidence. It is inconsistent with the traditional view that the de novo origin of new genes is rare. RNA–seq data indicate that these de novo originated genes have their highest expression in the cerebral cortex and testes, suggesting these genes may contribute to phenotypic traits that are unique to humans, such as development of cognitive ability. Therefore, the importance of de novo origination needs greater appreciation.

Commenting on the paper, Dr. Hunter remarked (bold emphases mine – VJT):

A 2011 paper out of China and Canada, for example, found 60 protein-coding genes in humans that are not in the chimp. And that was an extremely conservative estimate. They actually found evidence for far more such genes, but used conservative filters to arrive at 60 unique genes. Not surprisingly, the research also found evidence of function, for these genes, that may be unique to humans.

If the proteins encoded by these genes are anything like most proteins, then this finding would be another major problem for evolutionary theory. Aside from rebuking the evolutionist’s view that the human-chimp genome differences must be minor, 6 million years simply would not be enough time to evolve these genes.

In fact, 6 billion years would not be enough time. The evolution of a single new protein, even by evolutionists’ incredibly optimistic assumptions, is astronomically unlikely, even given the entire age of the universe to work on the problem.

Note the claim that Dr. Hunter is making here: “60 protein-coding genes in humans that are not in the chimp.” But as we’ll see, these genes do have virtually identical counterparts in chimps, even if they are noncoding.

So, how many ORFan genes do humans really have?

In his comment, Glenn Williamson responded to Dr. Hunter’s claim that humans have 60 protein-coding genes that are “not in the chimp” by pointing out that the first of these 60-odd genes actually has a counterpart in chimpanzee DNA which is 98% identical to the human gene (emphasis mine – VJT):

“So how many ORFan genes are actually in humans???”

Depends what you call an ORFan gene. I looked at the paper that Cornelius cites as having 60 de novo protein coding genes.

Now, granted that I only looked at the very first one (“ZNF843”), it was quite easy to find the corresponding DNA on the chimpanzee chromosome, with approximately 98.5% identity.

So whether it is protein-coding in humans and non-coding in everything else doesn’t really concern me. What concerns me is whether it has an evolutionary history: clearly this one does.

Like I said, I’ve only done one. I’d happily take bets on the majority of these de novo genes having an evolutionary history (chimpanzee > 95% and/or gorilla > 90%).

Any takers?

I had only come across this exchange in the last couple of days, while surfing the Net, and my curiosity was piqued. So I wrote back to Williamson:

By the way, I was intrigued with your work on orphan genes, and I thought I’d have a look at the 60 genes mentioned by Cornelius Hunter in a post he wrote last year. However, I don’t have any experience in this area. Can you tell me how to go about running these comparisons?

Orphan genes – did Dr. Hunter get his facts wrong?

Glenn Williamson’s reply was very helpful – and it pulled no punches. He accused Dr. Hunter of getting his facts wrong about ORFan genes (emphasis mine – VJT):

As for Orphan genes, I assume you mean this comment? http://darwins-god.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/chinese-researchers-demolish.html?showComment=1421299517820#c1105680265537141676

There are a couple of points to be made here. First is that Cornelius fundamentally misunderstands what an orphan gene is and what an ORF(an) is – they are not equivalent terms. A true orphan gene should be called a “taxonomically restricted gene” (TRG), and no trace of its evolutionary history can be found outside a particular taxonomic group. These would be examples of de novo evolution. With respect to humans and chimpanzees, I don’t know of any TRGs that exist in either genome (with respect to the other), and if there were, I would then check the other great apes to see if it was likely that this gene was deleted in one of the genomes (rather than evolved out of nothing in 6mn years!).

Good point. Williamson continued:

An ORFan gene usually refers to a putative protein coding gene. “Putative” because these are generally the result of a computer program trying to find long open reading frames, and if it finds something over a certain length (300bp? 400bp?) then, since a long open reading frame is quite unlikely, the program thinks that this open reading frame is evolutionarily conserved, and it might be conserved because it codes for an important protein. Have a read of Eric Lander’s paper – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18040051 – where he says we should be removing these ORFs from the gene database unless and until we can actually find their corresponding proteins.

Glad we got that point cleared up. So, what about those 60 protein-coding genes in humans which Dr. Hunter claimed are not found in the chimp? Here’s what Williamson wrote back to me:

So, these 60-odd genes that Cornelius brings up, he is claiming that they must have evolved de novo:

“In fact, 6 billion years would not be enough time. The evolution of a single new protein, even by evolutionists’ incredibly optimistic assumptions, is astronomically unlikely, even given the entire age of the universe to work on the problem.”

And that’s why I checked the first one on the list, just to demonstrate that it was in the chimpanzee genome (at 98.5% identity). So if this gene codes for a protein in humans, maybe we just haven’t found the protein in chimps. Maybe it codes for a protein in humans, and there was a single mutation that caused it not to be translated in chimps. Maybe it doesn’t actually code for a protein in humans at all? (Although I think we can check that). In any case, it’s not an example of de novo evolution – it’s not an orphan gene in the sense of being taxonomically restricted.

As to how to do the work yourself .. let me send this one off first and I’ll start another email 🙂

For my part, I am somewhat skeptical about Williamson’s speculation that these genes got switched off in the lin leading to chimpanzees – especially in view of the discovery of three undoubted cases of de novo genes in human beings where the ancestral sequence in apes was noncoding. But given the striking 98% similarities between these genes and their non-coding counterparts in apes, I would also urge caution about Dr. Hunter’s claim that even billions of years would not have been long enough for these protein-coding genes to have evolved. If they were evolving from scratch, yes; but if they were evolving from 98% identical counterparts, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

I learn how to do a BLAST comparison

In his next email, Glenn Williamson kindly informed me how to do a BLAST comparison, and how he obtained his results for ZNF843, which was the first of the 60 de novo protein coding genes cited by Dr. Hunter in his 2014 post. In his response to Dr. Hunter, Williamson had reported that “it was quite easy to find the corresponding DNA on the chimpanzee chromosome, with approximately 98.5% identity.” Here’s what he wrote to me:

Alright, I’ll run you through a simple BLAST search on the Ensembl website. Although, if you want to do some serious BLASTing, then you probably should install the software on your own machine, and download the genomes onto your hard drive.

Anyway, go to:


and stick the name of the gene: ZNF843 into the search box. That should get you to here:


On the left hand side, there should be an “Export Data” tab. Click it. Deselect all the checkboxes (we just want the raw DNA) and hit “Next”. Hit the “Text” button, and then just Copy the whole output, starting with the “>blah blah blah”. Now, at the top left of the page is the “BLAST/BLAT” tool. Click it.

Paste the copied DNA into the box, make sure you search against the chimpanzee genome (i.e. uncheck the human genome) and then run the search – using the default parameters should be fine for now.

The results can be found here:


Unfortunately the results are given in chunks, and if you want to get an exact number, stick them in Excel and work it out. But if you just want to look at it on the website, click on the “Genomic Location” header to sort them in that order, scroll down to chromosome 16, and you’ll see that it covers the vast majority of the 10.5kb of query DNA, and the matches are around 98.5%-99.5%. Rough guess for the overall identity (including some small indels) is about 98.5%.

If you need help just email me back and I’ll see what I can do. I gotta run now tho 🙂

And here’s what Williamson got when he ran the BLAST comparison on his computer:

I ran it on my local machine:



blastn -query ${QRY} -subject ${SBJ} -max_hsps 1 -outfmt ’10 qseqid qstart qend sstart send nident pident qlen length’



So, only 97.62% identity for that one … 0.57% of the alignment is indels. Boooooooooooooo.

So, for the first of the alleged 60 “de novo” protein coding genes cited by Dr. Hunter (“ZNF843″), Glenn Williamson managed to locate some corresponding DNA on the chimpanzee chromosome, which was approximately 98% identical. Are these genes without an evolutionary history? I hardly think so!

More good news – the results for all the other genes are already in!

In his most recent email, Glenn Williamson shared further good tidings: comparisons for the other 59 genes have already been done!

Just looking into that 2011 paper a little further – they’ve already done all the work for us!


These are the 60 “de novo” genes, and their alignments with chimpanzee and orang-utan 🙂

I’ve had a look at the output, and even to my untutored eye, it’s obvious that any claims that these “de novo” genes are not found in the DNA of chimps and other apes are flat-out wrong. They have virtually identical counterparts on the chimpanzee and orang-utan genomes, even if these are non-protein coding.

Some cautionary remarks about the 2011 paper cited by Dr. Hunter

The 2011 paper by Wu et al. which was cited by Dr. Hunter was critiqued in another article in PLOS Genetics (7(11): e1002381. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002381, published 10 November 2011), titled,
De Novo Origins of Human Genes by Daniele Guerzoni and Aoife McLysaght. The authors felt that the estimate of 60 de novo human-specific genes in the paper by Wu et al. was based on rather lax criteria. What’s more, they seemed confident that the genes could have evolved:

In this issue of PLoS Genetics, Wu et al. [15] report 60 putative de novo human-specific genes. This is a lot higher than a previous, admittedly conservative, estimate of 18 such genes [13], [16]. The genes identified share broad characteristics with other reported de novo genes [13]: they are short, and all but one consist of a single exon. In other words, the genes are simple, and their evolution de novo seems plausible. The potential evolution of complex features such as intron splicing and protein domains within de novo genes remains somewhat puzzling. However, features such as proto-splice sites may pre-date novel genes [9], [17], and the appearance of protein domains by convergent evolution may be more likely than previously thought [2].

The operational definition of a de novo gene used by Wu et al. [15] means that there may be an ORF (and thus potentially a protein-coding gene) in the chimpanzee genome that is up to 80% of the length of the human gene (for about a third of the genes the chimpanzee ORF is at least 50% of the length of the human gene). This is a more lenient criterion than employed by other studies, and this may partly explain the comparatively high number of de novo genes identified. Some of these cases may be human-specific extensions of pre-existing genes, rather than entirely de novo genes — an interesting, but distinct, phenomenon.

In a 2009 paper titled Recent de novo origin of human protein-coding genes (Genome Research 2009, 19: 1752-1759), David Knowles and Aoife McLysaght presented evidence for the de novo origin of at least three human protein-coding genes since the divergence with chimp, and estimated that there may be 18 such genes in the human genome, altogether. Here’s what they said about the three genes they identified:

Each of these genes has no protein-coding homologs in any other genome, but is supported by evidence from expression and, importantly, proteomics data. The absence of these genes in chimp and macaque cannot be explained by sequencing gaps or annotation error. High-quality sequence data indicate that these loci are noncoding DNA in other primates. Furthermore, chimp, gorilla, gibbon, and macaque share the same disabling sequence difference, supporting the inference that the ancestral sequence was noncoding over the alternative possibility of parallel gene inactivation in multiple primate lineages.

Note the wording: “Each of these genes has no protein-coding homologs in any other genome.” Nevertheless, the genes have non-coding counterparts in the DNA of apes: “High-quality sequence data indicate that these loci are noncoding DNA in other primates.”

Whether these genes could have evolved naturally from their ape counterparts is a question I’ll leave for the experts to sort out. One thing I do know, however: they are not “new” in the sense that layfolk would construe that term – that is, functioning genes which have no counterparts in the DNA of apes. Clearly, they do have very similar counterparts in apes, even if those counterparts are non-coding.


Well, I think that’s about enough new revelations for one day, so I shall stop there. It seems to me that any claims that humans have a large number of “de novo” genes with no counterparts in the DNA of chimpanzees and other apes should be treated with extreme caution. In fact, I wouldn’t bet on our having any de novo protein-coding genes having no counterparts in apes, after that takedown.

We already have very good arguments demonstrating the impossibility of proteins having evolved via an undirected process, thanks to the excellent work of Dr. Douglas Axe – see, for instance, his excellent article, The Case Against a Darwinian Origin of Protein Folds. It seems to me that arguments based on de novo genes alleged to exist in human beings, with no counterparts in apes, have much weaker evidential support, and that Intelligent Design proponents would be better off not using them.

But perhaps those who are feeling adventurous might like to take up Glenn Williamson on his 2014 wager:

I’d happily take bets on the majority of these de novo genes having an evolutionary history (chimpanzee > 95% and/or gorilla > 90%).

Any takers?

Well? Is anyone feeling lucky?

POSTSCRIPT: Readers may be interested to know that Dr. Ann Gauger has written a very balanced post titled, Orphan Genes—A Guide for the Perplexed. In her post, Dr. Gauger defines orphan genes as ” those open reading frames that lack identifiable sequence similarity to other protein-coding genes.” Note the word “protein-coding.” She raises the possibility that “they are uniquely designed for species- and clade-specific functions” but draws no firm conclusions.

@BornAgain, #564:
Python, I cited evidence that the amino acids in the genetic code are optimal, and indeed that the code itself is optimal, and that the code is also non-evolvable, primarily to counter to Matzke’s claim for a reduced set of amino acids.
Good for you, and I hope Nick responds. I'm not going to respond, because I haven't studied the evolution of the genetic code, I have not looked into the arguments on either side, so I don't really have much of a position on it. I'm sure that if you keep goading people and questioning their intellectual integrity, someone will take you up on it. That someone isn't me.
Then after such a ignorance laden defense of your atheistic position, you thump your chest and proclaim, I’m open to be challenged on my 98% claim.
You've called me an atheist about a dozen times, but I don't recall making a statement about whether I hold theistic or atheistic beliefs. All I'm really here for is to defend my 98% human-chimp DNA similarity, and secondary to that, I'll happily explain why I believe common descent is a fact. All this other stuff is interesting - and I'll throw a comment in here or there when I see fit - but if you're looking for a hardcore [ Darwinist | atheist | naturalist ], I'm not him. I would even go as far to say that I would sign the Dissent from Darwin (if I was assured that my signing would not be misconstrued!).ThickPython
November 2, 2015
11:59 PM
Python, I cited evidence that the amino acids in the genetic code are optimal, and indeed that the code itself is optimal, and that the code is also non-evolvable, primarily to counter to Matzke's claim for a reduced set of amino acids. You say that you are not talking about the genetic code and that you are talking about 'randomly finding a functional sequence for a particular protein' And exactly, since proteins do not form naturally, how do you propose getting a protein without a ribosome and a genetic code to do it in the first place? Can you say feet firmly planted in mid-air?
LIFE: WHAT A CONCEPT! Excerpt: The ribosome,,,, it's the most complicated thing that is present in all organisms.,,, you find that almost the only thing that's in common across all organisms is the ribosome.,,, So the question is, how did that thing come to be? And if I were to be an intelligent design defender, that's what I would focus on; how did the ribosome come to be? George Church http://www.edge.org/documents/life/church_index.html Of note, although the ribosome is present in all life, and is necessary for life, it is not uniform (i.e. conserved) across all life: Ribosome Excerpt: Ribosomes from bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes (the three domains of life on Earth) differ in their size, sequence, structure, and the ratio of protein to RNA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribosome Imagine How It Happened! "Evolution Presents" the Ribosome, "Nature's Masterpiece" - July 9, 2014 Excerpt: There are even more reasons to reject the evolutionary hypothesis in the PNAS paper on which the film was based. The authors provide no evidence that the "common core" (Phase 1 in the film) of the large ribosomal subunit (LSU) was able to do anything on its own. There is a small ribosomal subunit (SSU) that has to match it. Even more important, a ribosome is useless without a genome! How do they handle that? "In our model, the LSU has evolved in distinct phases," the paper speculates. "This process started with the formation of the P site, possibly in an RNA world, and continues today in eukaryotes." So they lean on the RNA world scenario, which we have shown many times is untenable. This is recognized even by evolutionists, such as Niles Lehman, whom Casey Luskin quoted as saying, "The odds of suddenly having a self-replicating RNA pop out of a prebiotic soup are vanishingly low." This stops the tale before it even starts. The authors try to make the "common core" look small and simple, but the LSU of the simplest bacterium contains on the order of 3,000 nucleotides. The small rRNA subunit (SSU) contains another 1,500 more. These are much larger (and more complex) than anything that origin-of-life researchers could ever hope for in an RNA world. Even more problematic for evolution, both ribosomal subunits for the simplest bacterium contain dozens of protein parts integrated with the RNA parts. But the proteins had to be translated by the very ribosome the evolutionists are trying to explain! It's a profound chicken-and-egg problem that Williams and his co-authors gloss over,,, http://www.evolutionnews.org/2014/07/imagine_how_it2087611.html
Moreover, your supposed reduction in search space is already taken into account in the papers Dr. Hunter cited and certainly does not help your case. (i.e. you are certainly NOT the first person to think of that objection) You then use an ad hominem to dodge the fact that unguided material processes have ZERO ability to evolve a genetic code, much less the optimal code found in life. That just highlights how dishonest you actually are to the evidence that refutes your position! Even if you were not completely misguided in your belief that protein space is a lot friendlier to Darwinists than it actually is, do you actually believe that the genetic code is just something that will take care of itself if you ignore it long enough? Call it willful blindness, willful ignorance, or whatever, but what you are doing is certainly not science nor is it honest! Contrary to what you seem to believe, the genetic code goes hand in hand with protein production! In fact, William Dembski has termed the DNA, RNA, Protein interlock problem “Irreducible Complexity on steroids” If you disagree with him, you are more than welcome to join the cadre of scientists who have wasted their entire lives trying to get life from non-life. (save for the fact that they have further highlighted the fact that life from non-life is impossible) Then after such a ignorance laden defense of your atheistic position, you thump your chest and proclaim, I'm open to be challenged on my 98% claim. Actually, since your refused to even address the fact that the 'argument from form' refutes your reductive materialistic position, I seriously don't think you are open to refutation. Shoot, I even doubt you are even smart enough to realize when your Darwinian position has been refuted (since it has, in fact, been refuted on this very thread several times over). You ignore glaring problems that completely sink your theory to focus on trivialities that you think you can win debating points on. That is, contrary to how you think science works, NOT how science works. As Feynman said:
The Scientific Method - Richard Feynman - video Quote: 'If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn’t make any difference how beautiful your guess is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are who made the guess, or what his name is… If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. That’s all there is to it.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL6-x0modwY
November 2, 2015
09:44 PM
Hi everyone, I should point out that I wrote a post some time ago, titled, The dirty dozen: Twelve fallacies evolutionists make when arguing about the origin of life, in which I discussed the paper by Dryden, Thomson & White cited by Nick Matzke in #536 above (see my points #1 and #12). I should also mention that I quoted from some rebuttals made by Dr. Hunter himself. Some of the more telling points Dr. Hunter made (I'm collating material from several of his posts here) were as follows:
The paper [by Dryden, Thomson and White] attempts to make two general points. First that evolution can succeed with a much smaller protein sequence space and second, that evolution can easily search the entire protein sequence space. Both conclusions are scientifically ridiculous and are inconsistent with what we do understand about proteins… For the first claim, the evolutionists argue for a smaller protein sequence space because:
A. “the actual identity of most of the amino acids in a protein is irrelevant” and so we can assume there were only a few amino acids in the evolution of proteins, rather than today’s 20. B. Only the surface residues of a protein are important. C. Proteins need not be very long. Instead of hundreds of residues, evolution could have used about 50 for most proteins.
For Point A, the evolutionists use as support a series of simplistic studies that replaced the actual protein three-dimensional structure and amino acid chemistries with cartoon, two-dimensional lattice versions.… Likewise Point B is at odds with science, and again is an unwarranted extrapolation on a simplistic lattice study. For Point C, the evolutionists note that many proteins are modular and consist of self-contained domains “of as few as approximately 50 amino acids.” But the vast majority of protein domains are far longer than 50 residues. Single domain proteins, and domains in multiple-domain proteins are typically in the hundreds of residues… To defend their second claim, that evolution can easily search the entire protein sequence space, the evolutionists present upper and lower bound estimates of the number of different sequences evolution can explore. Their upper bound estimate of 10^43 (a one followed by 43 zeros) is ridiculous. It assumes a four billion year time frame with 10^30 bacteria constantly testing out new proteins. First, even for an upper bound estimate their time frame is about two to three orders of magnitude too large. And furthermore, from where did these bacteria come? Bacteria need thousands of, yes, proteins. You can’t use bacteria to explain how proteins first evolved when the bacteria themselves require an army of proteins. The lower bound of 10^21 is hardly any more realistic. The evolutionists continue to use the four billion year time frame. And they also continue to rely on the pre existence of an earth filled with a billion species of bacteria (with their many thousands of pre existing proteins)...
Would Nick Matzke care to comment?vjtorley
November 2, 2015
09:04 PM
Stephen Meyer Critiques Richard Dawkins's "Mount Improbable" Illustration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rgainpMXa8bornagain
November 2, 2015
08:39 PM
@BornAgain, #547:
So you theorize about evolving the genetic code with a 19 year old, (1996), amino acid substitution study.
No, completely different topic. We're talking about the search space for randomly finding a functional sequence for a particular protein, not how the codon table evolved. And that paper is actually TWENTY-nine years old, not nineteen. Can you tell me what exactly about the age of this paper is relevant?
And that is supposedly an empirical demonstration for you that codes can evolve?
No, I never claimed it to be. It's an empirical demonstration that a large percentage of amino acids in particular proteins can be substituted out, thus reducing the search space. I can't help you from jumping into a conversation that you couldn't follow.
Your intellectual dishonesty towards the evidence in hand is simply disgusting and is one of the reasons, among other reasons, that I find something very fishy with your 98% similarity result.
You're going to have to do better than a "funny feeling". I'm completely open to being challenged on the 98%. You know who isn't open to being challenged? Jeff Tomkins. Again, I ask that anyone here is free to contact him and ask him to come and defend his results.ThickPython
November 2, 2015
08:39 PM
@Mung, #549:
(Length of sequence)^20 is what defines the size of the amino acid sequence space. There’s nothing bogus about it.
You can't say that the probability of randomly finding "PROTEIN X" (which is 100aa long) is 1 chance in 20 ^ 100, because the sequence space includes an enormous number of functionally equivalent sequences for "PROTEIN X". The very paper we're discussing says so in the introduction:
A typical estimate of the size of sequence space is 20 ^ 100 (approx. 10 ^ 130) for a protein of 100 amino acids in which any of the normally occurring 20 amino acids can be found. This number is indeed gigantic but it is likely to be a significant overestimate of the size of protein sequence space. [...] experimental or computational variation of protein sequence provides ample evidence [...] that the actual identity of most of the amino acids in a protein is irrelevant
I'm embarrassed for you. Again.ThickPython
November 2, 2015
08:27 PM
@Cornelius, #552:
A beautiful pair of own goals in quick succession.
What on earth are you talking about? The paper you linked to says:
... it is instead quite plausible for all of functional protein sequence space to have been explored ...
Yet in post #530, you preface it with "even absurdly optimistic studies show that evolution has nowhere near such astronomical resources". Isn't that the polar opposite of what the abstract says? And then, as both Nick and I have pointed out, the search space is vastly reduced when you consider that not all amino acids must take particular values to specify the function of the protein. If you think it's an "own goal" you're going to have to do a better job of explaining yourself.ThickPython
November 2, 2015
08:15 PM
Well Dr. Hunter please let me know what you find after you think this puzzle through a bit. My initial hunch is that your 'infinity-squared rather than merely infinity' is in the right direction. I trust you can at least get it in the right ballpark of either being a little or a lot. ,,, Definitely you can nail it down much better than I can through my 'hunches' of what it should be. It would certainly be a nice additional resource to the work that has already been done in this area if it does indeed turn out to be a lot, or even if it is merely 'infinity-squared rather than merely infinity' as you put it. :)bornagain
November 2, 2015
07:32 PM
BA: Great stuff. Yes, I think features (requirements?) such as these certainly add to the problem for evolution. A lot or a little? I would think a lot, but I'm afraid I would have to look at these features in more detail before elaborating. In any case, it is like infinity-squared rather than merely infinity. The bottom line is nature is far more nuanced, complex, intricate, etc., than we understand.Cornelius Hunter
November 2, 2015
07:08 PM
Dr. Hunter I have a question for you. In learning about the fact that proteins 'sing' to each other using biophotonic communication,,,
Symphony of Life, Revealed: New Imaging Technique Captures Vibrations of Proteins, Tiny Motions Critical to Human Life - Jan. 16, 2014 Excerpt: To observe the protein vibrations, Markelz' team relied on an interesting characteristic of proteins: The fact that they vibrate at the same frequency as the light they absorb. This is analogous to the way wine glasses tremble and shatter when a singer hits exactly the right note. Markelz explained: Wine glasses vibrate because they are absorbing the energy of sound waves, and the shape of a glass determines what pitches of sound it can absorb. Similarly, proteins with different structures will absorb and vibrate in response to light of different frequencies. So, to study vibrations in lysozyme, Markelz and her colleagues exposed a sample to light of different frequencies and polarizations, and measured the types of light the protein absorbed. This technique, , allowed the team to identify which sections of the protein vibrated under normal biological conditions. The researchers were also able to see that the vibrations endured over time, challenging existing assumptions. "If you tap on a bell, it rings for some time, and with a sound that is specific to the bell. This is how the proteins behave," Markelz said. "Many scientists have previously thought a protein is more like a wet sponge than a bell: If you tap on a wet sponge, you don't get any sustained sound." http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140116084838.htm Proteins ‘ring like bells’ - June 2014 As far back as 1948, Erwin Schrödinger—the inventor of modern quantum mechanics—published the book “What is life?” In it, he suggested that quantum mechanics and coherent ringing might be at the basis of all biochemical reactions. At the time, this idea never found wide acceptance because it was generally assumed that vibrations in protein molecules would be too rapidly damped. Now, scientists at the University of Glasgow have proven he was on the right track after all. Using modern laser spectroscopy, the scientists have been able to measure the vibrational spectrum of the enzyme lysozyme, a protein that fights off bacteria. They discovered that this enzyme rings like a bell with a frequency of a few terahertz or a million-million hertz. Most remarkably, the ringing involves the entire protein, meaning the ringing motion could be responsible for the transfer of energy across proteins. The experiments show that the ringing motion lasts for only a picosecond or one millionth of a millionth of a second. Biochemical reactions take place on a picosecond timescale and,,, (are) optimised enzymes to ring for just the right amount of time. Any shorter, and biochemical reactions would become inefficient as energy is drained from the system too quickly. Any longer and the enzyme would simple oscillate forever: react, unreact, react, unreact, etc. The picosecond ringing time is just perfect for the most efficient reaction. These tiny motions enable proteins to morph quickly so they can readily bind with other molecules, a process that is necessary for life to perform critical biological functions like absorbing oxygen and repairing cells. The findings have been published in Nature Communications. Klaas Wynne, Chair in Chemical Physics at the University of Glasgow said: “This research shows us that proteins have mechanical properties that are highly unexpected and geared towards maximising efficiency. Future work will show whether these mechanical properties can be used to understand the function of complex living systems.” http://www.gla.ac.uk/news/headline_334344_en.html
In learning about that Dr. Hunter, I stumbled across this interesting tidbit:
Quantum criticality in a wide range of important biomolecules Excerpt: “Most of the molecules taking part actively in biochemical processes are tuned exactly to the transition point and are critical conductors,” they say. That’s a discovery that is as important as it is unexpected. “These findings suggest an entirely new and universal mechanism of conductance in biology very different from the one used in electrical circuits.” The permutations of possible energy levels of biomolecules is huge so the possibility of finding even one that is in the quantum critical state by accident is mind-bogglingly small and, to all intents and purposes, impossible.,, of the order of 10^-50 of possible small biomolecules and even less for proteins,”,,, “what exactly is the advantage that criticality confers?” https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/the-origin-of-life-and-the-hidden-role-of-quantum-criticality-ca4707924552
My question Dr. Hunter has to do with this sentence from the preceding article:
"The permutations of possible energy levels of biomolecules is huge so the possibility of finding even one that is in the quantum critical state by accident is mind-bogglingly small and, to all intents and purposes, impossible.,, of the order of 10^-50 of possible small biomolecules and even less for proteins,”,,,
My question is this Dr. Hunter, does not this finding greatly exasperate the 'finding a functional protein' probability problem for Darwinists which you elucidated here?
Yockey and a Calculator Versus Evolutionists - Sept. 2015 Zero Probability is Not a Problem http://darwins-god.blogspot.com/2015/09/yockey-and-calculator-versus.html
I know that the 10^-50 probability for finding quantum criticality in small molecules is certainly not helpful for Darwinists. So my question is, does this not add to the already insurmountable probability problem for them? And if so, by how much does it add to the probability problem? A little? A lot? Not at all? A little explanation as to why or why not would be nice too if you don't mind Sir.bornagain
November 2, 2015
06:54 PM
I never really thought about it much before, but protein folding is only one part of the challenge. Not only does the linear chain need to fold, if there are active sites, they have to be in just the right place. Double the magic, double the fun. I really do not care for arguments of the it's complicated, therefore ID variety, but whats' a serious alternative? Repeated "naturalistic" miracles? Serendipity Theory? Do I look that gullible?Mung
November 2, 2015
06:29 PM
VJ/540: ============= I think you make a very good point here, and I would agree that the problem is not merely the evolution of the first proteins, but also that of any subsequent proteins consisting of 100 or more amino acids. ============= I’m not sure why you limit the problem to proteins longer than 100 aa’s. Not that such a limitation helps evolution, but I think shorter proteins pose problems as well.Cornelius Hunter
November 2, 2015
05:06 PM
Of related note, atheists have no empirical evidence of prebiotic chemistry:
Dr. Hugh Ross - Origin Of Life Paradox (No prebiotic chemical signatures)- video (40:10 minute mark) https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UPvO2EkiLls#t=2410 "We get that evidence from looking at carbon 12 to carbon 13 analysis. And it tells us that in Earth's oldest (sedimentary) rock, which dates at 3.80 billion years ago, we find an abundance for the carbon signature of living systems. Namely, that life prefers carbon 12. And so if you see a higher ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 13 that means that carbon has been processed by life. And it is that kind of evidence that tells us that life has been abundant on earth as far back as 3.80 billion years ago (when water was first present on earth).,,, And that same carbon 12 to carbon 13 analysis tells us that planet earth, over it entire 4.5662 billion year history has never had prebiotics. Prebiotics would have a higher ratio of carbon 13 to carbon 12. All the carbonaceous material, we see in the entire geological record of the earth, has the signature of being post-biotic not pre-biotic. Which means planet earth never had a primordial soup. And the origin of life on earth took place in a geological instant" (as soon as it was possible for life to exist on earth). - Hugh Ross - quote as stated in preceding video at 40:10 mark Isotopic Evidence For Life Immediately Following Late Bombardment - Graph http://cdn.physorg.com/newman/gfx/news/hires/2014/oldestbitofc.jpg
November 2, 2015
04:54 PM
=============== NickMatzke_UD/536: http://rsif.royalsocietypublis.....5/953.long That article shows just how bogus it is to take the (length of sequence)^20 as a measure of sequence space. =============== ThickPython/539: many of the amino acids in a protein are non-specific. That is, they can be replaced by any one of a handful of amino acids. This vastly reduces the search space. Please see the link I posted in #110 for an empirical demonstration of this. =============== A beautiful pair of own goals in quick succession.Cornelius Hunter
November 2, 2015
04:12 PM
NickMatzke_UD, You write:
So the real question isn’t “Can a 300 amino acid protein form all at once at random from a random chain of 20 amino acids drawn at equal frequency?” The real question is, “Can a short peptide that has some minimally selectable function form all at once from a random chain of several to 50 amino acids, with glycine and a few other simple amino acids being the dominant source?” The evidence indicates yes. The evolution of more complex proteins is something that happens long after this simpler starting material, through a long series of duplications, fusions, selected mutations etc. This is all pretty obvious to everyone except creationists and other people who haven’t actually thought critically about the question very much.
Sorry, but you're overlooking something here. The real question is whether an organism containing no other proteins apart from 50-amino-acid peptides that have some minimally selectable function would be a viable organism in the first place. All the evidence we have to date says: "No, it wouldn't." Until you can build such a hypothetical organism in the lab, all of your hypotheses remain speculative fairytales.vjtorley
November 2, 2015
04:11 PM
p.p.s. I'm assuming they didn't shorten the length of the sequence.Mung
November 2, 2015
03:21 PM
That article shows just how bogus it is to take the (length of sequence)^20 as a measure of sequence space.
(Length of sequence)^20 is what defines the size of the amino acid sequence space. There's nothing bogus about it.Mung
November 2, 2015
03:20 PM
Nick, it seems to me that they are confusing the amino acid sequence space, which is the space of all possible amino acid sequences, with sequences which are functional, or which can make a protein, or how much of that space has been searched. Why am I wrong?
Two assumptions are generally made when considering the molecular evolution of functional proteins during the history of life on Earth. Firstly, the size of protein sequence space, i.e. the number of possible amino acid sequences, is astronomically large and, secondly, that only an infinitesimally small portion has been explored during the course of life on Earth.
1. The number of possible amino acid sequences is astronomical. 2. The number of possible amino acid sequences constitutes the sequence space. Do you deny these? Please explain how they manage to reduce the size of the amino acid sequence space. Which amino acids did they get rid of?Mung
November 2, 2015
03:16 PM
So you theorize about evolving the genetic code with a 19 year old, (1996), amino acid substitution study. And that is supposedly an empirical demonstration for you that codes can evolve? I guess if I jump up off the floor for a couple of inches then that proves I can jump to the moon for you? Excuse me, you are not even on first base as to empirically demonstrating that a code can evolve. Moreover, there is far more empirical work undergirding my so called 'theoretical' papers on the non-evolvability and optimality of the genetic code than there is in your paper that conjectures code evolution is no big deal. Your intellectual dishonesty towards the evidence in hand is simply disgusting and is one of the reasons, among other reasons, that I find something very fishy with your 98% similarity result. I simply can't trust someone as intellectually dishonest as you, (or Matzke for that matter), when it comes to evidence, especially when the evidence has to do with supposedly supporting unguided evolution.bornagain
November 2, 2015
03:00 PM
@BornAgain, #544:
Did someone say empirical demonstration??
Yes. Yes, I did. So why are you posting a bunch of theoretical papers?ThickPython
November 2, 2015
02:39 PM
The Finely Tuned Genetic Code - Jonathan M. - November 2011 Excerpt: Summarizing the state of the art in the study of the code evolution, we cannot escape considerable skepticism. It seems that the two-pronged fundamental question: "why is the genetic code the way it is and how did it come to be?," that was asked over 50 years ago, at the dawn of molecular biology, might remain pertinent even in another 50 years. Our consolation is that we cannot think of a more fundamental problem in biology. – Eugene Koonin and Artem Novozhilov http://www.evolutionnews.org/2011/11/the_finely_tuned_genetic_code052611.html The genetic code is nearly optimal for allowing additional information within protein-coding sequences - Shalev Itzkovitz and Uri Alon - 2006 Excerpt: Here, we show that the universal genetic code can efficiently carry arbitrary parallel codes much better than the vast majority of other possible genetic codes.... the present findings support the view that protein-coding regions can carry abundant parallel codes. http://genome.cshlp.org/content/17/4/405.full “Biophysicist Hubert Yockey determined that natural selection would have to explore 1.40 x 10^70 different genetic codes to discover the optimal universal genetic code that is found in nature. The maximum amount of time available for it to originate is 6.3 x 10^15 seconds. Natural selection would have to evaluate roughly 10^55 codes per second to find the one that is optimal. Put simply, natural selection lacks the time necessary to find the optimal universal genetic code we find in nature.” (Fazale Rana, -The Cell's Design - 2008 - page 177) “The genetic code’s error-minimization properties are far more dramatic than these (one in a million) results indicate. When the researchers calculated the error-minimization capacity of the one million randomly generated genetic codes, they discovered that the error-minimization values formed a distribution. Researchers estimate the existence of 10^18 possible genetic codes possessing the same type and degree of redundancy as the universal genetic code. All of these codes fall within the error-minimization distribution. This means of 10^18 codes few, if any have an error-minimization capacity that approaches the code found universally throughout nature.” Fazale Rana - From page 175; 'The Cell’s Design' http://www.reasons.org/biology/biochemical-design/fyi-id-dna-deciphering-design-genetic-code Synonymous Codons: Another Gene Expression Regulation Mechanism - September 2010 Excerpt: There are 64 possible triplet codons in the DNA code, but only 20 amino acids they produce. As one can see, some amino acids can be coded by up to six “synonyms” of triplet codons: e.g., the codes AGA, AGG, CGA, CGC, CGG, and CGU will all yield arginine when translated by the ribosome. If the same amino acid results, what difference could the synonymous codons make? The researchers found that alternate spellings might affect the timing of translation in the ribosome tunnel, and slight delays could influence how the polypeptide begins its folding. This, in turn, might affect what chemical tags get put onto the polypeptide in the post-translational process. In the case of actin, the protein that forms transport highways for muscle and other things, the researchers found that synonymous codons produced very different functional roles for the “isoform” proteins that resulted in non-muscle cells,,, In their conclusion, they repeated, “Whatever the exact mechanism, the discovery of Zhang et al. that synonymous codon changes can so profoundly change the role of a protein adds a new level of complexity to how we interpret the genetic code.”,,, http://www.creationsafaris.com/crev201009.htm#20100919a 'Snooze Button' On Biological Clocks Improves Cell Adaptability - Feb. 17, 2013 Excerpt: Like many written languages, the genetic code is filled with synonyms: differently spelled "words" that have the same or very similar meanings. For a long time, biologists thought that these synonyms, called synonymous codons, were in fact interchangeable. Recently, they have realized that this is not the case and that differences in synonymous codon usage have a significant impact on cellular processes,, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/02/130217134246.htm An Ode to the Code: Evidence for Fine-Tuning in the Standard Codon Table - 2013 Jed C. Macosko* and Amanda M. Smelser http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/9789814508728_0018 Biological Information - The Fine-Tuned Genetic Code 2-14-2015 by Paul Giem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZB6heP10tw&index=16&list=PLHDSWJBW3DNUUhiC9VwPnhl-ymuObyTWJ "Our experience-based knowledge of information-flow confirms that systems with large amounts of specified complexity (especially codes and languages) invariably originate from an intelligent source -- from a mind or personal agent." (Stephen C. Meyer, "The origin of biological information and the higher taxonomic categories," Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 117(2):213-239 (2004).)
Of note: There is a 3 million dollar prize for anyone who can empirically demonstrate how a code can possibly be created by unguided material processes:
The Origin of Information: How to Solve It - Perry Marshall Technology Prize for Origin of Information $100,000 For Initial Discovery $3 million USD if Patentable Non-Disclosure Agreements Required Natural Code LLC is a Private Equity Investment group formed to identify a naturally occurring code. Our mission is to discover, develop and commercialize core principles of nature which give rise to information, consciousness and intelligence. Natural Code LLC will pay the researcher $100,000 for the initial discovery of such a code. If the newly discovered process is defensibly patentable, we will secure the patent(s). Once patents are granted, we will pay the full prize amount to the discoverer in exchange for the rights. Our investment group will locate or develop commercial applications for the technology. The discoverer will retain a small percentage of ongoing ownership of the technology. http://cosmicfingerprints.com/solve/
November 2, 2015
02:29 PM
Did someone say empirical demonstration??
Does Life Use a Non-Random Set of Amino Acids? - Jonathan M. - April 2011 Excerpt: The authors compared the coverage of the standard alphabet of 20 amino acids for size, charge, and hydrophobicity with equivalent values calculated for a sample of 1 million alternative sets (each also comprising 20 members) drawn randomly from the pool of 50 plausible prebiotic candidates. The results? The authors noted that: "…the standard alphabet exhibits better coverage (i.e., greater breadth and greater evenness) than any random set for each of size, charge, and hydrophobicity, and for all combinations thereof." http://www.evolutionnews.org/2011/04/does_life_use_a_non-random_set045661.html Paper Reports that Amino Acids Used by Life Are Finely Tuned to Explore "Chemistry Space" - Casey Luskin - June 5, 2015 Excerpt: We drew 108 random sets of 20 amino acids from our library of 1913 structures and compared their coverage of three chemical properties: size, charge, and hydrophobicity, to the standard amino acid alphabet. We measured how often the random sets demonstrated better coverage of chemistry space in one or more, two or more, or all three properties. In doing so, we found that better sets were extremely rare. In fact, when examining all three properties simultaneously, we detected only six sets with better coverage out of the 108 possibilities tested. That's quite striking: out of 100 million different sets of twenty amino acids that they measured, only six are better able to explore "chemistry space" than the twenty amino acids that life uses. That suggests that life's set of amino acids is finely tuned to one part in 16 million. Of course they only looked at three factors -- size, charge, and hydrophobicity. When we consider other properties of amino acids, perhaps our set will turn out to be the best: (read more here) http://www.evolutionnews.org/2015/06/paper_reports_t096581.html Extreme genetic code optimality from a molecular dynamics calculation of amino acid polar requirement – 2009 Excerpt: A molecular dynamics calculation of the amino acid polar requirement is used to score the canonical genetic code. Monte Carlo simulation shows that this computational polar requirement has been optimized by the canonical genetic code, an order of magnitude more than any previously known measure, effectively ruling out a vertical evolution dynamics. http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v79/i6/e060901
Moreover the first DNA code of life on earth had to be at least as complex as the current DNA code found in life:
“Because of Shannon channel capacity that previous (first) codon alphabet had to be at least as complex as the current codon alphabet (DNA code), otherwise transferring the information from the simpler alphabet into the current alphabet would have been mathematically impossible” Donald E. Johnson – Bioinformatics: The Information in Life Venter vs. Dawkins on the Tree of Life - and Another Dawkins Whopper - March 2011 Excerpt:,,, But first, let's look at the reason Dawkins gives for why the code must be universal: "The reason is interesting. Any mutation in the genetic code itself (as opposed to mutations in the genes that it encodes) would have an instantly catastrophic effect, not just in one place but throughout the whole organism. If any word in the 64-word dictionary changed its meaning, so that it came to specify a different amino acid, just about every protein in the body would instantaneously change, probably in many places along its length. Unlike an ordinary mutation...this would spell disaster." (2009, p. 409-10) http://www.evolutionnews.org/2011/03/venter_vs_dawkins_on_the_tree_044681.html Get Out of Jail Free: Playing Games in an RNA World - September 23, 2013 Excerpt: "The genetic code, the mapping of nucleic acid codons to amino acids via a set of tRNA and aminoacylation machinery, is near-universal and near-immutable. In addition, the code is also near-optimal in terms of error minimization," http://www.evolutionnews.org/2013/09/you_cant_get_th077021.html Collective evolution and the genetic code - 2006: Excerpt: The genetic code could well be optimized to a greater extent than anything else in biology and yet is generally regarded as the biological element least capable of evolving. http://www.pnas.org/content/103/28/10696.full Ode to the Code - Brian Hayes - 2004 Excerpt: The few variant codes known in protozoa and organelles are thought to be offshoots of the standard code, but there is no evidence that the changes to the codon table offer any adaptive advantage. In fact, Freeland, Knight, Landweber and Hurst found that the variants are inferior or at best equal to the standard code. It seems hard to account for these facts without retreating at least part of the way back to the frozen-accident theory, conceding that the code was subject to change only in a former age of miracles, which we'll never see again in the modern world. https://www.americanscientist.org/issues/pub/ode-to-the-code/4
November 2, 2015
02:29 PM
No, not by pretending there aren’t 20 amino acids. It’s by accepting that many of the amino acids in a protein are non-specific. That is, they can be replaced by any one of a handful of amino acids. This vastly reduces the search space. In addition, if we are talking about the origin of some protein "from scratch" (either early in the evolution of life, or later on from an accidentally created Open Read Frame), any vaguely realistic calculation would remember: 1. Protein structures can form with just a few types of amino acids 2. The probability calculations are greatly affected by the non-uniform frequency of amino acids. In reality, some amino acids are common, and many are rare, both in sequence space, and in chemical syntheses. 3. Typically, glycine (the simplest amino acid) is the most common, and also it is non-chiral. 4. Even having a tight protein fold is optional. Not all functional peptides have well-defined folds. So the real question isn't "Can a 300 amino acid protein form all at once at random from a random chain of 20 amino acids drawn at equal frequency?" The real question is, "Can a short peptide that has some minimally selectable function form all at once from a random chain of several to 50 amino acids, with glycine and a few other simple amino acids being the dominant source?" The evidence indicates yes. The evolution of more complex proteins is something that happens long after this simpler starting material, through a long series of duplications, fusions, selected mutations etc. This is all pretty obvious to everyone except creationists and other people who haven't actually thought critically about the question very much.NickMatzke_UD
November 2, 2015
02:14 PM
I should point out, however, that what I found objectionable in your post was not the imputation of design as such, but your statement that researchers had found “60 protein-coding genes in humans that are not in the chimp,” which would definitely lead lay readers (like myself) to think that chimps had nothing even remotely corresponding to these genes in their DNA. That statement of yours was the subject of my OP.
SECONDED! I notice Cornelius is still to address post #458. EDIT: Cornelius did qualify his statement with "if the proteins encoded by these genes are anything like most proteins" then of course he can say that they aren't like most proteins, which is fine, but it kinda makes his original Darwin's God post kind of pointless.ThickPython
November 2, 2015
02:05 PM
@BornAgain, #531:
Excerpt: ~98 per cent of sites cannot accept an amino-acid substitution at any given moment ...
How about you scroll down to the Comments section of that very link: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v465/n7300/full/nature09105.html#/comments
The authors value of 2% for sites able to accept an amino-acid substitution at any given moment is therefore likely to be a severe underestimate.
And I agree, for the reasons given in the comment.ThickPython
November 2, 2015
02:03 PM
Dr. Hunter, Thank you for your post. With reference to de novo genes in human beings, you write:
I never said they were “designed.”
I am very grateful for that clarification. In your post, you had written:
If the proteins encoded by these genes are anything like most proteins, then this finding would be another major problem for evolutionary theory. Aside from rebuking the evolutionist’s view that the human-chimp genome differences must be minor, 6 million years simply would not be enough time to evolve these genes. In fact, 6 billion years would not be enough time.
which might give readers the impression you thought these genes were designed. However, as you have explained above that your statements were purely provisional and based on the assumption that these genes were like most proteins, it now appears that there is little that divides us. I should point out, however, that what I found objectionable in your post was not the imputation of design as such, but your statement that researchers had found "60 protein-coding genes in humans that are not in the chimp," which would definitely lead lay readers (like myself) to think that chimps had nothing even remotely corresponding to these genes in their DNA. That statement of yours was the subject of my OP. You also write:
The problem here is not merely that protein evolution is unlikely due to, for example, the rugged and flat fitness landscapes. In addition to this, the various protein evolution mechanisms that evolutionists envision (horizontal gene transfer followed by mutations, duplication followed by mutations, de novo gene birth such as described by the Vidal paper, etc.) all require elaborate, intricate, complex mechanisms to have evolved which, in the end, could create new proteins. Creating those new proteins would turn out to be really great for the evolutionary progress, fitness of the organisms, etc. But how would evolution and natural selection know this in advance? Selection only knows about the immediate, current, mutation. It doesn’t know that this, plus a million more mutations, will give me a whole new way of making proteins. So evolutionists must say there were some other benefits to creating each little piece of molecular machinery, and then just luckily, serendipitously, it all came together in the end to yield HGT, duplication, de novo, etc., mechanisms for creating proteins. That is an enormous quantity of serendipity and theory complexity, far beyond what can fairly be ascribed to evolutionary theory. So, no, the problem is not merely the evolution of the first proteins.
I think you make a very good point here, and I would agree that the problem is not merely the evolution of the first proteins, but also that of any subsequent proteins consisting of 100 or more amino acids.vjtorley
November 2, 2015
01:53 PM
@Mung, #538:
Sure. By pretending that there aren’t really 20 amino acids. So how many letters are in the amino acid alphabet, Nick, and what are they?
No, not by pretending there aren't 20 amino acids. It's by accepting that many of the amino acids in a protein are non-specific. That is, they can be replaced by any one of a handful of amino acids. This vastly reduces the search space. Please see the link I posted in #110 for an empirical demonstration of this.ThickPython
November 2, 2015
01:49 PM
Nick M:
That article shows just how bogus it is to take the (length of sequence)^20 as a measure of sequence space.
Sure. By pretending that there aren't really 20 amino acids. So how many letters are in the amino acid alphabet, Nick, and what are they?Mung
November 2, 2015
09:22 AM
Thanks Roy for that Darwinian lesson in scruples. Now, if only scruples could be grounded in materialism in the first place, and if only Darwinists were not notorious for being unscrupulous in their tactics, then your scorn might actually mean something. *You were correct, it was carelessness on my part to quote only 65%. But I could care less since Darwinists have been all over the place with that % junk figure. Many Darwinists use to claim +90% junk! i.e. Whatever the percentage claimed by Darwinists above a small minority, if that, they are ALL wrong in their guesstimates! **The careless misquote doesn't really matter to the issue at hand save for someone intent on playing ad hominem politics instead of being honest to the evidence.bornagain
November 2, 2015
09:08 AM
Yet even absurdly optimistic studies show that evolution has nowhere near such astronomical resources: http://rsif.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/5/25/953.long That article shows just how bogus it is to take the (length of sequence)^20 as a measure of sequence space.NickMatzke_UD
November 2, 2015
08:08 AM
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