For two reasons, it is a mistake to argue for self-evident propositions. First, it is impossible to argue for a self-evident proposition because the definition of a self-evident proposition is a proposition that is known to be true merely by understanding its meaning. Consider the challenge “I deny 1+1=2. Prove it.” Don’t fall for it. If a person denies the glaring truth of such an analytic statement (i.e., 1+1 actually means 2), they are a hopeless fool. Nothing you can say to them will reduce the proposition to more basic terms.
Secondly, arguing for self-evident truths is rhetorically self-defeating, because the very act of trying to argue for them concedes the proposition that they are “arguable.” And they are, again by definition, not arguable.
This is not an academic matter. We live in a time when self-evident truths are being denied by foolish and/or evil people. The following Facebook exchange that I had last weekend brought this home to me. Note especially my “king has no clothes” response at the end.
Barry opens the debate:
A date that will live in infamy. NCAA gives women’s swimming championship to man posing as a woman. One thing makes this Texan’s heart nearly burst with pride though. The girl in burnt orange giving him the stink eye on the podium. BTW, for the nearly braindead and progressives (categories that overlap considerably), I have added handy notes to identify the man and the women.
“Jessica” responds:
Here’s an idea: you could make your point respectfully. If you really care about changing hearts and minds (indeed, this a powerful photo) maybe you could avoid insulting those who disagree or remain undecided on this controversial issue. Our public discourse deserves better.
Barry replies:
Jessica chides me for not being respectful to the people who argue that men pretending to be women should be allowed to crush real women in athletic competitions. To this I say there is certainly a time for respectful dialogue among people acting in good faith concerning matters about which people of good will can differ. This is not one of them.
Anyone who says a man is a woman is a liar. Anyone who says they are “undecided” about whether a man can be a woman is a liar. Anyone who says there is a “controversy” about whether a man can be a woman is a liar. Liars are murderers of the truth and worthy of nothing but contempt.
You err when you suggest that my purpose is to change hearts and minds. It is not. Everyone’s hearts and minds are already of one accord in that everyone already knows a man can never be a woman and men should not be allowed to crush women in athletic competitions.
When the king walked down the street with no clothes on, no one needed to be convinced that he was naked. No one needed a thoughtful augment designed to change their hearts and minds about the obvious facts that they already knew. They needed to be reminded that they were cowards and liars for denying the obvious truth.
No, I am not trying to change anyone’s mind. I am holding evil people up for the contempt they richly deserve.